
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · Fantasi
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64 Chs


Can a second-grade defeat a fifth-grade? Can a beginner beat an intermediate?

If someone had told the members of the Watson Magic Guild this before today, they would have scoffed. But now, it was happening right before their eyes. Fennimore, a fifth-grade intermediate mage, was losing quite badly. He was almost immediately suppressed by Drogo, and then knocked out of the ring with just a few attacks.

A group of people from the Watson Magic Guild looked at Drogo on the field, their faces full of shock. They couldn't understand how Drogo was able to continuously cast spells in such a short amount of time, and release enough power to seriously injure Fennimore.

Apart from them, there were three people who behaved differently. One was the little girl Elaine. In her eyes, it was natural for Drogo to win. The other was the guy in the red robe, who seemed to have two sharp, cold eyes shooting out from behind his big hood, looking at Drogo. The last one was Gleson, Drogo's newly recognized older brother.

Gleson was also surprised by the strength that Drogo showed, but the confidence and promises that Drogo had shown before had already settled in his heart, and he was not shocked to the point of losing his composure.

What really surprised Gleson was Drogo's words. He actually called the mysterious person in the red clothes a beauty. Although there was a hint of teasing in his tone, Gleson was sure he had not misheard.

Is that guy a woman?

Gleson couldn't believe it, and quickly asked, "Are you sure, little brother?"

Drogo turned his head and said, "Of course."


Gleson was speechless. He could hear the certainty in Drogo's voice, but he still couldn't believe it.

Drogo smiled at the Watson Magic Guild and said, "Hey, do you want to confirm it with her?"

Confirm? How to confirm it? Are they supposed to strip her naked and check?

Drogo's words were frivolous, which was not his style. But now the two sides were already hostile, and Drogo didn't think it was too much to use any means to make the other side lose their composure.

However, despite hearing words that should have made anyone, male or female, extremely angry, the mysterious figure in red showed no signs of anger. His calmness was like the aura he exuded, cold and lifeless. Without showing any anger, he made a move.

The two strongest members of the Watson Magic Guild were already lying down, and even if the rest of them joined forces, they still wouldn't be able to defeat the half-dead Gleson, not to mention the bizarrely powerful Drogo standing in the field. The only one who could potentially turn the situation around for the Watson Magic Guild was the mysterious figure himself.

The figure in red stepped into the arena, and almost at the same time as he moved, that piercingly cold aura appeared in the field once again. What Drogo had felt before from below the stage was not as accurate as the feeling he had now, face to face with the figure. Even Drogo couldn't help but shudder.

The opponent's strength was too strong, what Drogo saw was as if he was facing a purest piece of ice, besides the coldness, there was nothing else.

"Who are you?" The figure in red faced Drogo and spoke in a cold voice.

Drogo didn't rush to attack and replied, "I'm Drogo. The person, Gleson, whom I just fought with and who recommended me to the Mage Guild is still my brother."

Drogo paused for a moment but didn't see any reaction from the other side, so he smiled slightly and said, "But I'm curious, who exactly are you that has piqued my interest?"

This time, the figure in red spoke, but his tone was as cold as ever, "There's no need to tell a dead person my name."

"Heh, that's a good point. If it were me, I wouldn't tell a dead person my name either. But, let me tell you, beautiful lady--" Drogo smiled and his gaze swept over to the figure's hat, attempting to pierce through and reveal the face beneath, "--you should know that I have a long lifespan and I'm not so easily killed."

The figure in red let out a cold laugh and replied, "Hmph, many people think their lives are long, but they don't realize it's not up to them to decide."

Drogo chuckled a few times before his smile disappeared, replaced by a burning desire. "Oh, I'm really curious now. Who decides my fate? Could it be you?" From the beginning until now, Drogo seemed to have identified the mysterious figure in the red robes as a woman, but he had not explained the reason, and even more strangely, the red-robed figure had neither admitted nor refuted it.

But now, the seemingly calm but secretly tense conversation was coming to an end. The red-robed figure remained silent, and a cold hand suddenly emerged from the robe, pointing at Drogo. "Freeze!" A piercing arrow of ice-blue light, accompanied by an icy chill, suddenly shot towards Drogo. The red-robed figure was answering Drogo's question with action, telling him that she was the one who controlled his fate.

Almost no one doubted that such a sudden attack, such powerful magic, would freeze Drogo into a block of ice and leave him at the mercy of his attacker. But reality always differed from imagination. Although the red-robed figure's attack seemed sudden, Drogo's reaction was even better. In fact, it was only after he had taken action that the others were surprised to see it.

Every type of magic has its own methods of utilizing mental power, and the magic associated with it is collectively known as psychic magic. Among all the systems, the psychic magic of the dark system is the most powerful, and the necromancy magic that belongs to the same system is the strongest of the powerful. As a necromancer, Drogo's mastery of the psychic realm was unmatched by other types of magic users. Although he had seemed to be conversing with the red-robed figure without any defenses, he had actually been carefully investigating any abnormalities in her aura.

The moment the mysterious red-clothed person's killing intent emerged, Drogo had already sensed that the other party was about to attack him. With this foresight, how could Drogo let himself fall into a passive state? One must always control the initiative, not be controlled by others. Therefore, Drogo's timing for attacking was earlier and better than his opponent's!

Drogo cast Wind Blade, which was the only magic besides the extremely rare Light magic that could surpass Ice magic in terms of speed. Two Wind Blades were already launched before the opponent had a chance to attack, one after the other, straight at the red-clothed person.

It was like a replay of Drogo's previous battle with Fennimore, where one side's magic had just begun, but the other side's attack had already arrived. However, would the result of this confrontation be completely the same as that previous battle?

The frozen magic used by the mysterious red-clothed person was initially no different from Ice Arrow, but when it hit the enemy, it would erupt with true power, freezing the opponent briefly. This terrifying change was the advantage of frozen magic, but it was also its disadvantage. As long as the opponent could dodge the incoming ice arrow, or intercept it midway, the magic's power could not be fully exerted.

Drogo couldn't guess what magic his opponent would use beforehand, but from the battle between the red-clothed person and Gleson, it could be seen that this was a character with a hot temper and fierce attacks. Such people often don't make any unnecessary defenses, but prefer to attack directly. So Drogo's two Wind Blades both went straight for his opponent's chest, which was also the only way he had to attack Drogo.

The frozen magic of the red-clothed person had just been launched from his hand, and in the form of an ice arrow, collided with Drogo's first Wind Blade. The red-clothed person's robes trembled slightly, seemingly surprised by Drogo's judgment. The spectators from the Watson Magic Guild watching below also held their breaths at this moment, because this scene had just happened not long ago.

The current scene seems to be completely identical to the previous battle. The next step is probably for Wind Blade to break through the Frozen Magic, and then another Wind Blade will follow closely, forcing the big shot on the other side to reveal their weakness...

If it were another Fennimore, their fears would probably become reality. But Drogo is facing the mysterious red-clothed person, the ruthless person who easily defeated Gleson. He dare not be even slightly careless.

Therefore, when his Wind Blade successfully intercepted the Frozen Magic, there was no hint of excitement in Drogo's eyes. Instead, he stared firmly at the other side, fully unleashing his mental power.


Finally, they collided, and the first thing that came was the sound of shattering ice. It was as if history was repeating itself, and the members of the Watson Magic Guild all held their breath.

But soon, one of the most sensitive ones suddenly exclaimed. Before he could even say what he had discovered, everyone else also shouted excitedly.

On the field, the cracking sound did indeed come from the Frozen Magic of the red-clothed mysterious person, but it did not shatter. On the contrary, the powerful Frozen Magic even in the form of ice arrows, still swallowed up Drogo's first Wind Blade.

The collision of magic was like a clash of martial arts strength. If the powers were equal, they canceled each other out, otherwise, the stronger one would defeat the weaker one.

In this collision, it was the Frozen Magic of the red-clothed mysterious person that emerged victorious.

One Wind Blade was swallowed up, but Drogo had launched two. Just as the members of the Watson Magic Guild were cheering, the second Wind Blade also struck.


The first collision made the sound of shattering ice, but the second collision only produced a dull tremor. And what actually appeared before everyone's eyes was even quieter than the first collision. It was as if Drogo's second Wind Blade had no power at all, and it dissipated in an instant.

The two Wind Blades that were consecutively defeated in the frontal collision did not repeat what Fennimore had encountered. The members of the Watson Magic Guild saw the Frozen Magic still quickly and accurately shooting towards Drogo, and their excited cheers were even louder than before.

But in this seemingly unfavorable situation, Drogo, who had been serious-faced the whole time, quietly raised the corners of his mouth, and an expected expression flashed across his face.

Creation is hard,please cheer me up~

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