
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · Fantasi
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64 Chs

Elaine Lust

Elaine spoke slowly.

After drinking that sip of wine, my soul seemed to separate from my body and enter a state of misty chaos. At that time, Elaine couldn't see or hear anything, as if she was locked in a special space. It was only when a special force broke in that Elaine was brought back to reality.

At that time, she only felt that the force was somewhat familiar, but did not know where it came from or who it was from. It was not until now that Elaine understood that this was the spiritual power that Drogo risked his life to connect with her, saving her. But at that time, Elaine did not know.

Although Drogo's spiritual power pulled her back from that eerie space, she still could not control her body. All Elaine could feel was the heat, an unbearable terror of heat. The heat burned her body and soul, as if everything was burned to ashes.

To Elaine at that time, it was like standing alone in a fire, surrounded by a sea of flames, unable to find a way out. Just when Elaine felt that she couldn't go on any longer and was about to be burned to death, she suddenly found a path in the sea of flames, a silver path.

Like a desperate move, Elaine instinctively ran along this path. The more she ran outward, the more familiar the surroundings became to Elaine. The more she ran outward, the more she felt the control of her body gradually returning.

When the sea of flames disappeared completely, Elaine had regained full control of her body. She then realized that she was naked and hugging Drogo, who was also naked and holding her tightly.

Surprisingly, at that time, Elaine did not scream, nor was she surprised. All she felt was an increasingly strong desire. Although the heat in her body had decreased, it was still far beyond normal.

What was even more peculiar was that Drogo, who was embracing her, was in the same state as her, with not only his skin but also his eyes glowing with a strange red color. His strong arms held Elaine firmly and then lifted her towards the bed.

All Elaine could hear was Drogo's heavy breathing, the surging power and male breath rushing into her body in a moment of pain.

Throughout the entire process, Elaine seemed to be controlled by some sort of force. She didn't scream or panic, and completely cooperated with Drogo. The blood-red heat between the two formed a loop in the moment their bodies connected, and it grew stronger and stronger, reaching its climax...

As Elaine spoke, her face blushed with shyness and Drogo was completely stunned.


Drogo became tongue-tied and his mind was in chaos. What kind of situation was this? Despite Elaine's tactful narration, how could he not understand what had happened?

To put it simply, he had slept with a little girl in a drunken state that could not even be called drunkenness. But unfortunately, the whole process was completed in his unconsciousness. In other words, he, as the person involved, had no idea what the experience was like...


Elaine's face was filled with sorrow, and it seemed that just a twist could make a large amount of tears flow.

Drogo's trance didn't last too long. The little girl didn't need to lie about this kind of thing. And the two dry petals of red on the little girl's body were enough to prove that what she had said was true.

He, Drogo, was a man and as a man, he should understand the meaning of taking responsibility. Whether it was an accident or not, the reality was that he and Elaine had become husband and wife, and he was prepared to bear the responsibility. Moreover, between him and Elaine, it was more than just taking responsibility.


Drogo's voice was much calmer than his mentality, and he knew that in this kind of situation, a man should always reassure a woman.

Elaine lifted her head and nervously looked at Drogo. When she first woke up, Drogo's appearance made her think that he was deliberately avoiding her, which made her extremely sad. But then she realized that Drogo really didn't know what had happened. At this point, Elaine felt a sense of loss.

But when she decided to tell everything, she wanted to see how Drogo would decide. This was a gamble, and she was betting on Drogo's heart. At this moment, Elaine was full of contradictions, anxiety, and hope.

Now that Drogo had called out her name, Elaine knew that he had made up his mind.

"Elaine, I'm sorry."

Just one apology and Elaine's tears started flowing. When do men ever say sorry? Only when they're about to leave. Was Drogo, the man she admired, the man who had saved her life multiple times, the man she thought would never leave her, really going to leave her after this?

Elaine's face and heart were both crying, even to the point that she didn't notice when Drogo held her tightly. It wasn't until Drogo's voice continued to ring in her ears that she realized.

"I'm really sorry. I'm not good with words, and I don't know how to comfort you. But no matter what kind of comfort I can offer, it won't change anything."

The more Drogo apologized, the more Elaine was hurt. She was about to push him away and run away when Drogo held her even tighter.

"I like you."

Elaine's grip instantly disappeared. She had heard what Drogo said, but she still couldn't help but ask, "What did you say?"

"I said, I like you."

Elaine sat up straight. This time, Drogo didn't stop her. But before Elaine could say anything, Drogo was staring at her eyes, and he said firmly, "Marry me and be my wife!"

Elaine was hesitating, thinking and even doubting whether Drogo's liking for her was just out of helplessness, just a comfort. But suddenly, she heard Drogo's firm request that brooked no denial.

Like all girls, when they hear their crush express their love for them after experiencing emotional ups and downs, Elaine was at a loss. She sat in front of Drogo, completely unaware of what to do or say.

Drogo didn't speak anymore. He knew Elaine needed time to calm down, so he just waited quietly.

After a while, Elaine's tears, which had already stopped, started flowing again.

"Drogo, tell me you're not just teasing me, not just trying to make me happy."

Elaine cried and asked, staring at Drogo as if to make sure he wasn't joking. But Drogo wasn't joking, he had a genuine smile on his face as he said, "Marry me, be my wife."

"I promise!" Elaine replied without hesitation, throwing herself into Drogo's arms. Her tears flowed uncontrollably, a mix of excitement and happiness.

Unlike before, the long silence that followed was exceptionally warm, and the room was filled with a sweet atmosphere. As their bodies and souls intertwined, it seemed like they would never separate again.

"Drogo, I've actually liked you for a long time," Elaine said.

"When was that?" Drogo asked.

"It was when I was about to be killed, and you saved me from the sky. It was at that moment..."

As their bodies, souls, and hearts became fully intertwined, all barriers and distances disappeared.

Drogo and Elaine hugged tightly and whispered sweet nothings to each other. Then, an untimely knock on the door interrupted them.

"Guests, it's noon. Would you like to have lunch delivered?" a voice outside asked loudly.

The soundproofing in the hotel was poor, and the server's voice was particularly loud. Drogo's beautiful story was interrupted, but the two of them didn't have time to get angry because they both heard what the server said.

"Uh... it's already noon?" Elaine's face turned red again, she thought it was still morning.

"No, we'll go down and eat," Drogo shouted, pulling his collar.

"Okay, guests, I won't disturb you any longer," the server said, his voice hinting at something deeper. After hearing Drogo's response and remembering that Elaine had come with him yesterday, the server naturally thought of something and said he wouldn't disturb them anymore.

"Hey, it seems like someone found out about us being together." Drogo chuckled while the little girl pouted and ignored him, but she was secretly happy. So what if others knew? She wanted everyone to know that she was with Drogo.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I still have to settle the score with them." Drogo's sudden change of topic caught Elaine off guard, and she asked, "Settle the score with who?"

Drogo then told Elaine about how he had asked the boss to find a doctor after she got drunk and had an accident yesterday.

"I still haven't seen any sign of the doctor until now. Luckily, you're okay, or I wouldn't let them off the hook. But even though you're fine, I can't just let them go." Drogo sneered and was already calculating how to get revenge on those people who took the money but didn't do their job.

Upon hearing Drogo's words, the little girl couldn't help but giggle.

"What's so funny?" Drogo didn't understand why Elaine was laughing.

Elaine remembered what happened afterwards, and began to explain to Drogo. When she and Drogo hugged each other, the power that they had between them not only deepened their relationship, but also created a fiery red shield around them.

This shield, with its powerful psychic energy, not only made the hotel owner and staff unable to see their situation or get close to them, but also stunned them as soon as the shield was formed. What's more, the shield also had another ability, which was to completely erase these people's memories of what happened. This was why the hotel owner had no memory of why they were lying in front of Drogo's door when he woke up.

After Elaine explained, Drogo realized that he had been wrong to blame them. As he looked at Elaine's alluring and charming smile, Drogo couldn't help but feel a surge of desire. With a firm grip on her waist, he pressed down on Elaine.

"Hmph, dare to laugh at me."

With Drogo pressing down on her, feeling his strong male presence, Elaine's breathing became rapid: "Ah, Drogo, I dare not, spare me."

"If you want me to spare you, what do you call me?"


"No, you're already my wife, say it again."

Elaine forgot to struggle, her pretty face hidden under Drogo's body, her voice small like a mosquito: "Husband."

Now that they were already entangled, and the husband was called out, how could it be so easy to end it?

For Elaine, everything from last night was hazy, but for Drogo, he was completely unaware. Now with the door locked and the curtains drawn, amidst the sound of their heavy breathing, something that had been missed began anew...