
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · Fantasi
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64 Chs

Conflict (2)

Elaine saw Drogo's expression, which was very peculiar - a mixture of surprise and nervousness - and became nervous herself.

It wasn't until Drogo opened his eyes that Elaine asked hurriedly, "What's wrong, Drogo? Is there another monster?"

Drogo's expression remained odd, and he seemed to hesitate before saying, "It's not a monster, it's a person."

"A person?" Elaine's expression also became grim, showing her nervousness.

This was the Forest of Kings, a place full of danger. If someone appeared here, there were only four possibilities: either they were a powerful person who was not afraid of the danger, an adventurer who was not strong enough but wanted to try their luck, a trial-seeker who wanted to become a hero and explore dangerous places, or finally, like Drogo and Elaine, they were passive participants who were drawn into the situation.

"Should we go over there?" Drogo muttered, as if talking to himself and also asking Elaine. Everything on this road was unknown to him, despite having the memories of over three hundred years, they were from Matthew, a selfish and arrogant super-strong guy.

Someone like that would have no such concerns, but Drogo did, because he wasn't as strong as Matthew. Elaine also hesitated, furrowing her brows and looking conflicted about her identity. Although the existence of fox people was not a secret, she also knew that several kingdoms had the same law: "Anyone who harms a fox resident shall be put to death."

But she knew that in this world, many people would completely disregard such laws when faced with sufficient temptation. Undoubtedly, a beautiful fox girl like Elaine herself was a sufficient temptation.

Elaine didn't say anything, and Drogo also had the same concern. He already knew that the two people walking far but relatively close ahead were two warriors. However, the power of his spiritual strength was limited, and Drogo could only roughly sense that the two were warriors and not magicians.

As for whether they were strong or weak, good or evil, Drogo had no way of knowing. Avoid them? Given the current situation, Drogo didn't know how long it would take to get out of the Forest of Kings. Meet them? But they would face unknown dangers - humans were not monsters, but when they were fierce, they were more terrifying than any monster.

If it were just Drogo alone, he would not hesitate to go directly to those two people. He would at least ask if they had any spare clothes to replace his cool but stiff armor. But with Elaine there, Drogo also thought about the impact a fox girl would have on a human man.

Therefore, it was better to avoid unnecessary risks. He would never allow such an adventure.

"Let's avoid them," he said.

"Okay..." Elaine's voice was grateful, and her arms hugged Drogo's tightly.

"Hey." Drogo felt a little happy. The young girl hadn't been so close to him since he put on the Poison Arrow Iron Armor Beast's armor.

But just as Drogo was planning to quietly sneak away with Elaine, his brow suddenly furrowed, and he muttered, "Not good, we've been discovered."

Drogo's mental power had been constantly probing, especially paying attention to the position of those two warriors. But he suddenly realized that he had missed one.

Without Drogo explaining, Elaine had already seen a creature that looked like a mouse suddenly appear dozens of meters away from them. As soon as it saw them, it turned around and ran away quickly.

Even if Drogo immediately launched an attack with magic, it was too late to catch up with its speed.

"A ghost ferret?"

"Yes." Drogo nodded. "I didn't expect the other side to have such a thing. It seems that they're not ordinary adventurers!"

Ghost ferrets were weak magical beasts, so weak that even ordinary wild beasts like lions, wolves, tigers, and leopards could easily kill them. Of course, that was only if the ghost ferret was willing to confront them head-on.

But even though it was weak, a ghost ferret was still a first-tier magical beast. In addition to its fast speed, it had a natural ability to shield itself from mental probing. It was precisely because of this ability that ghost ferrets seemed to have few natural enemies and were born fearless.

For the same reason, people often captured young ghost ferrets and trained them. When they grew up, they were used to explore new areas. Especially in places like forests where flying creatures could not be used, ghost ferrets' abilities were particularly outstanding.

Due to the fact that only young ghost ferrets can be captured and tamed by humans, this effective exploration tool cannot be widely popularized, and only powerful families or groups can possess some of them.

Seeing the ghost ferret, Drogo was sure that he and Elaine had been discovered by the other party. With the speed of the samurai plus the tracking ability of the ghost ferret, it was difficult for him and Elaine to leave smoothly. Fortunately, they were no longer planning to hide. In his opinion, people with status in this world are not simply because they have identification cards...

Drogo ordered the skeleton warrior to be on guard and to take action immediately if necessary. Drogo and Elaine sat down and waited for the arrival of the two people.

"They're here!"

It didn't take long for Drogo to sense the movement and then look ahead.

These two people, one thin and one fat, one tall and one short, one old and one young, rushed over like flying, but stopped at a distance, obviously keeping their guard up. However, the ghost ferret was not with them, it should have been put away.

Drogo was not familiar with human nature, and Elaine was not knowledgeable about the world, both waiting for the two on the opposite side to speak first. However, they did not expect these two people to stop and look at them for a while, and then whisper to each other.

Drogo frowned. He couldn't hear what the two were saying from such a distance. But from their appearance and expression, Drogo felt that they were not friendly. Especially the young chubby guy, since he arrived here, his little eyes haven't moved away from Elaine.