
Strange Feelings

I woke up one early morning just about rushing down to my duty as one of the palace guard, I felt dizzy and very weak..

'hmm I guess you could be thinking what could have caused this'

A day before my night I was on a mission to deliver a message to the chief commandant who was in the camp preparing against a battle to be held soon. When I suddenly saw an old woman asking me to help her..The woman looked really aged and injured so I helped her and got her water to drink because i observed she exhausted.

After she had drank the water she reached out to me and said she wanted me to drink from the same bowl of water I served her..At first I thought the woman was afraid I had poisoned her,In order for her not to feel bad ,I hurriedly drank up the water.

After I had drank the water she then spoke that a truth would be revealed to me later and she gave up the ghost..'gosh I felt anxious and bad' that was because I wanted to k is what truth was to be revealed to me and bad because she died without telling me..

Then I dug a place for her in the forest and buried her wishing her well In the other life. Immediately after that has been done I began my journey on my way down to our camp I was feeling dizzy and very weak but managed to get to the camp where I delivered the message from the king.

Suddenly I began to feel strange,like some kinds of mysterious power were rushing into me...

And before I could know I had fallen and light faded to my darkness unconsciously...

Guess what happened to me afterwards??