
The Strange Family(Process of rewriting)

There lived a peaceful neighborhood with kind neighbours, the community was very close to each other so much so that they always play and visited each others houses. But one family was not like the others this family was so different that the whole neighborhood avoid them, "The Colossins" just by saying that name sent shivers on people's spine. Why is this family different? What secrets are they hiding? Are they really what people say? Read to find out

Sleepy_Bun · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 2

The next day,

Third person POV

What a lovely morning,the birds are chirping, the squirrels are running, and the cats are hanging around until, it was all ruin by a shout from a certain household

"LILYYYYYY!!!" yup it was from the colossins and from a certain boy too i you could guess it, yup Matt(of course) "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!!" shouted Lily "ohhh you know i will my dear sister" whispered Matt and that's how it began, loud steps and screaming (more like squealing) can be heard around the rumoured household.

After what seemed like hours(but, it's actually minutes) they stopped running when Matt caught lily and they went downstairs and eat breakfast with their mother and father. When They finished their breakfast, their father took his suitcase and kisses his family goodbye in the forehead and in the lips for their mother(of course) and went to work. When they have finished their breakfast they washed their dishes and went to school(yes, they went to school I'm not gonna have my characters being an idiot you know ( ≧Д≦)) not after they kissed their mother goodbye( on the cheek).

When they went to school, the other students avoid them at all cost but the siblings paid no mind to it. Centuries years later, the last school bell rang and they packed their bags and went home.

At home they are dinner, brush their teeth and went to bed.

I Know it's boring but, I promise (maybe) you that there will be more exciting things in the future GO FUTURE ME ⊂((・▽・))⊃ please believe in me guys (。ŏ﹏ŏ)