
The Strands Of Love

The strands of love causes us many emotions and causes many choices to appear, which leads to the phrase, "Sometimes love isn't for everyone."

Shmilygtic · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Story 1: Chapter 8 (First Love Is The Worst)

1 hour later:

As MiMi followed Jianyu, he aimlessly arrived in front of a beautiful water foundation, right in front of an park. MiMi looked around and didn't see anyone around.

MiMi slowly looked up at Jianyu, "Jianyu... You're not trying to kidnap me, right?"

Jianyu shrugged and then grin, "Yes, this is a kidnapping. Start running."

MiMi wrinkled her eyebrows in confusion. Jianyu sighed, "Tough crowd, it's a joke. Of course not."

Seeing MiMi still stand in place he opened his mouth but before he could say anything, MiMi started laughing.

Her laugh was soft and refreshing to listen to, it wasn't high pitched and fake sounding. Jianyu blushed and sratched his head.

Jianyu coughed and MiMi looked at him still giggling a bit. Jianyu faced MiMi and reached out to grab MiMi's hand. "My lady, would you care to go one last place tonight?"

MiMi nodded her head and smiled gently, "Of course, I'm in your care." Jianyu smiled and kissed her hand, like a prince.

Jianyu walked hand in hand with MiMi to his car and got in, then he drove towards his place. As they reach their destination, Jianyu parked and helped Mimi out the car.

MiMi looked at the area and was surprised, the area looked clean and rich. While the apartment looked huge tall and even more luxurious. Jianyu galanced at MiMi while walking and chuckled a bit.

Busy in their happy moment, they didn't notice a few girls taking photos of them entering the apartment complex. The girls were quick to post the photos: "Adorable Couple"

Since the last outburst, ZuZu was waiting online. To her luck she saw the post, she looked for the address and got ready to go there. She didn't want to walk so she got some friends to pick her up.

As ZuZu was making her way, Jianyu and MiMi went into Jianyu's place. His room was super spacious, a pretty big kicten and living room. She didn't even want to think how nice his room wouild be.

But right after they got into the living room, Jianyu called the staff and ordered food and drinks, even though MiMi was against it.

Since Jianyu had money the staff didn't question his age nor ID(Remember this, they're still students). While staff went to go prepare the food, MiMi and Jianyu had nice conversations.

They both found themselves enjoying each other's company, then Jianyu pulled MiMi towards him and gently smiled at MiMi. MiMi touched her face, "Is there something on my face?"

Jianyu took a hold of her chin and brushed her cheek, "Yeah, beauty." MiMi's eyes widen and blushed. Hearing Jianyu chuckle at her, she pushed away from him and then threw a couch pillow at him.

"Such a smooth talker and tease, shut up." She then got up and went to the bathroom still blushing so hard her ears went red.

Before Jianyu could go after her, front door was knocked upon and he went to go look the security camera. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was ZuZu in the flesh but she was sobbing?


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