
The Storytellar (Shadows Of A Massacre)

The Storytellar (Shadows Of A Massacre ) By Firelorn P. King DISCLAIMER All the characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. But the work reflects reality somewhat, which is one of the issues of our society. All Rights Reserved. INSCRIPTION A story may have different beginnings but all parts of the story always find their way to the end, eventually. —King Firelorn. SYNOPSIS In a world divided by science and magic, three children lost people precious to them all in one night. They all grew up to discover their potential in the world of sorcery and spells, conjuring parts of themselves that sought different things. One child sought Justice. Another sought Revenge. And the last one sought... Chaos. This is a story that shows the experience of three broken main characters and one manipulative psychopathic villain.

Firelorn_P_King · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Nightmare III

Once the police took over the crime scene, one couldn't tell if it was the fact that the neighbourhood was a rich area or that the incident was just that newsworthy but the gory incident took to the news rather quickly.

There was even a lady reporter in a suit on the scene covered with nothing but a flimsy raincoat in this crazy storm...

"Breaking News! Tonight, at Burlington Estate, in one of the apartments of the Goldman apartment complex, the homicide of four family members had occurred," the reporter reported.

Upon noticing the police coming out of the building, the reporter alerted the cameraman, "Hey! Get a good shot of the victim, alright?" The police covered the boy up with a raincoat to block off the pouring rain of the storm as they escorted him out of the building. However...

The strong wind pulled off his hooded raincoat revealing the face of the only survivor of a mass murder to the whole world on the news. There was a barrage of snaps and flashes from the numerous paparazzi that came onto the scene.

For a moment, the boy fell to his knees on the wet concrete, the constant flashes of lights from the cameras stunned him a bit and terrified him even more.

As the curious group that they were, his neighbours did nothing but watch cautiously as the police gently grabbed the frightened boy and took him away. With that momentum, the reporter continued, "Reports say that there was only one survivor from the homicide, and as you can see, the eight-year-old boy also speculated to be the last-born child of the murdered family has been saved by the authorities. We hope to bring you more information on the horrific incident as soon as possible. This was favourite on-field reporter, Grace Pathfinder, signing out."

"Hey...!" the cameraman leaned in and whispered to the reporter.

"What?" she replied in a whisper as well.

"How did you get that info so fast?"

"Oh, that? I've got a friend among one of the neighbours."

"Ah... I see."

"Yup, they called me the moment they heard the scary noises coming over from the deceased apartment."

"Ah... I see. Wait..."


"Was this after or before they called the cops?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, does it matter?" She began packing up, ready to leave.

"Haa..." the cameraman sighed. He felt a bit uncomfortable and uneasy about the whole situation. 'Poor kid...' he thought as he packed up and began to inspect the film on the camera.

The news got on TV and news networks...

[Witnesses say that they heard screams of some kind from the deceased family's apartment before they called the police who had arrived just a few minutes before the culprit escaped. Some even claimed to have heard a huge gust of wind coming from there though specialists had dubbed it as nothing but the wind on a stormy night.]

On that same night, with the boy's captured profile and the heading 'Only Survivor Of A Massacre" on screen in one of the most prominent news stations in Central City; Prime News, they all had their inputs on the hellish story.

There was a small debate between three reporters; two middle-aged men and a younger lady in suits sitting on the news table...

"Hmm... At the end of that long horrific night, it seems that there was a murder of three leaving behind the white-haired boy, the only survivor of his massacred family, what a world we live in." News Anchor A stated with a sympathetic expression.

News Anchor B added, "Ah yes, what a disaster to say the least! To think that the poor boy had to witness the death of his entire family, and came out as the only survivor of the massacre. It does make you wonder though; just what the killer was thinking?"

"You do have a point there, it's possible that the boy took cover and hid from the event, who knows, maybe a family member hid him just in time to save him. We cannot say until we get a bit more information about the situation, what is true though is that this murder was. truly a massacre..." News Anchor A deduced. He continued "But hey, I heard that the boy is yet to speak about the ordeal."

"Yes, that's about right, and would you be able to!? Just think... You lost everything and everyone in a single night and you could have died with them but you didn't! I would be speechless!!" Such banters occurred all over the city from other new stations as well. They didn't know this at the time but on the very next day, their news story got national the moment that it was realized that the massacre was the work of a mage.


I'd like to make it clear that I have earlier posts of this story on W.a.t.t.p.a.d

Firelorn_P_Kingcreators' thoughts