
The story of the fourth hokage

[This is a story of an average man reincarnated as a dryad in the naruto world.] Jack was an average man. he had a nice family. A nice job. He had a nice education. he had finished college for 3 years. The only thing that didn't satisfy him was that he had no girlfriend/wife. he had been actively going on dates but he didn't find any connection with them. So after 1 year of trying, he decided to stop and listing to his family for an arranged marriage. His soon-to-be wife was a beautiful woman with long black hair and deep brown eyes. She was 163 cm (5'4). while he stood at 176 I'm ( 5'7). On the day of his, he was talking with some family members. After talking he was about to go and talk to his soon-to-be wife, at that moment he heard a scream from the outside. After going out to see what happened he suddenly saw a truck coming his way. The truck was straight coming into the wedding, venue. The people inside were panicking and moving left and right trying to get away from the truck's path. He looked left and right to find anyone to help. He suddenly saw his mother falling unconscious. He didn't know what happened to his mother but he was sure that if he didn't go and help his mother she will be killed by the truck. So he ran to his mother and picked her up. After picking her up he ran to avoid the truck but the wedding venue was a mess the tables were everywhere so he found it hard to move while carrying someone. So he threw her in a soft spot that was made of clothes. after he threw her he began to run but luck and time were not on his side so he suddenly found himself flying And he died. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So hello guys a new writer here, please help with my grammar if there is a mistake. And I am going to make it fast-faced so don't hope for this to go on like 200 and more chapters. and thank you again for reading my unprofessional work. and note I don't own the naruto franchise and I don't own the cover pi ( credits go to Wattpad in pinsert)

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8 Chs

Chapter:4. Tsunade

( mc's pov)

It has been quite a while since I reincarnated. 5 months to be exact. During this time I found out I was part of the senju clan. Same clan as Tsunade, the first hokage and the second hokage.

Even tho I'm part of the senju clan I got a weak body. Which doesn't make sense. God must have done this to not make me overpowered.

Sometimes, the first hokage comes to visit us. I guess it must be because of my wood affinity. I haven't seen Tsunade. That means she has yet to be born.

I don't know what Tsunade's parents looked like. It was a mystery of its own. But according to what I have heard, only three women were pregnant in the whole senju compound.

(time skip)

' hmm, it's been 8 months since I came here. I even know Tsunade's parents now. They sometimes come here with hashirama. At first, I didn't notice but after a while, I got to know the woman was pregnant.'

' I have noticed some things strange things in the senju compound. First, there were not many kids. From what I know I was the only child of my generation. Second, Hashirama's words were like gods. everything he said was all true for the senju clansman. they were like a cult following hashirama. Thirdly, Everyone seems to live in wooden houses, Now that I think about it. Hashirama's wood release made it easier to build houses that's why they must have lived in wooden houses.'

'Lastly, The senju normally doesn't engage in conversation with others outside their clansman.

I could ask my father about it but I have acted like I only know simple words like food, dad etc. so that's why I haven't got my answer'

It has been 1 year and some manor things happens. firstly, I acted as if I could speak a normal sentence. Which made my parents extremely happy. And I still can't walk properly without the help of external forces.

I maintained a good relationship with the hashirama family. I sometimes go to their house to play. Grandma Mito is extremely friendly. She often plays with me. And lastly, Tsunade was born.

When Tsunade was born the clan held a huge party where various important people of the village came.

Tsunade was the princess of know Konoha. So it was important to attend.

Tsunade was extremely cute unlike when she was an adult. She had blond hair. white skin And brown eyes.

After Tsunade was born my visit to hashirama became frequent. Since both my parents and Tsunade's parent were shinobi. They were usually not home and grandma mito and I was left to take care of Tsunade.

With that my relationship with them was becoming great. I treated Tsunade like a little sister.

( Time skip)

It had been 2 years since Tsunade was born. At that time a lot of things happened. Tsunade could now walk, And it was hell for me. She had a monstrous vitality. She would never get tired, and due to that, she would often wander everywhere. She would always drag me

with her wherever she went. This was putting quite a strain on my body.

But that didn't matter to me. Seeing her smile was all worth it. Tsunade had completely accepted me as her big brother. She called me "big brother". Which in itself was cute.

Today I was going to train my chakra. So to do that I would have to go to grandma Mito's house. I was training under the surveillance of grandma Mito so that I would not waste my chakra waste fully.

As soon as I approach the house. I would hear somebody screaming." big brother" Tsunade was frantically running towards me while shouting.

As soon as she got close she began to bombard

me with questions.

" Big Brother, why are you here today? Shouldn't you be on the training ground practising? Did you come to play with me?" Seeing Tsunade excited he didn't know what to do. " Now now, Tsunade doesn't trouble shizen. He came here because I have taken responsibility for teaching him chakra control. So will you keep quiet"

Said Mito who was coming from the house. Mito had Red hair and black eyes. She was an extremely beautiful woman who didn't appear her real age.

"Thank you for teaching me. Grandma Mito" said shizen while bowing." Ohh, Shizen you don't have to be so formal, you are like a big brother to Tsunade and like my grandson. So treat me as your family." said Mito

while laughing.

"So big brother is training in our home," said Tsunade excitedly.

" Yes," Said mito. " Oh, can I watch big brother train?". said Tsunade." you can watch, Tsunade but don't trouble shizen all right. He needs to be extra careful when practising." Said Mito.

" Ok, Grandma. I will quietly watch from the side." Said Tsunade with a happy expression. " Ok, shizen now follow me. We will go to the back of our house. It has a wide space so I think it will not be a problem." said Mito while walking to the back.

" Ok, Grandma Mito," I said while following her. In a while, we reached the back. The back of the house was empty ground. The ground was huge. ' The ground is huge. I guess being the first hokage gave him some privilege'

"shizen, Cone here," said mito." "Ok," I responded. " I will put a seal on your body to that you don't unnecessarily waste chakra," Said mito while doing some hand seals.

After the hand seals were complete I could feel something blocking my chakra. " This is enough," said Mito

After Training for a while, I was sweating heavily. chakra training was, especially hard for me because I had to carefully control them. Even if I use it, carelessly grandma Mito's seal would block it but that was not what I wanted.

At first, I just wanted to be shinobi because it was cool.

Now, that entire thing has changed. I got to know how dangerous being a shinobi was. They did a portrait of how a shinobi's life was dangerous Bit not too extreme details.

After coming to this world I now know how dangerous it was. A Shinobi can die at any time during a mission

They wouldn't know care.

The world was at constant war. The first great war was just happening. Tobirama senju is the current hokage. I have met topiramate. He was a nice guy to everyone. Not everyone I guess.

(time skip)

It's been 3-4 Months since I went to grandma Mito's house to train chakra. I still go there twice a week. Sometimes even hashirama is present. He also gives me pointers on how to control my wood style better.

During this time Grandma Mito has taught me lots of new Jutsu. She also taught me sealing Jutsu. Tsunade was playing with me rarely. She also wasn't Present when I was going to their home to train.

which got me curious So one time I followed her. There I found Hashirama, Teaching Tsunade how to gamble. She looked like she was enjoying it. That's how I found out where she got her gambling addiction from.

I didn't mind her gambling. As long as she keeps it under control. So I would have to teach her to control it.

During these months I met hiruzen sarutobi, he was a nice man.