
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
77 Chs

Don't You Fear Plot Twists ?

A glimpse at the Spirits mountain .

" I don't understand , how can you be so calm when your one and only disciple is in grave danger . " , the Wind Spirit said .

" He is your disciple too . Why don't you do something yourself ? " , replied the Fire Spirit without much emotion .

" Look , if I could do something I wouldn't have come to you ..... Aren't you concerned about him even a bit ? "

" I've taught him enough that he can handle difficult situations himself . I don't see anything to be concerned about , here . "

" Our job is not only teaching them but also protecting them . "

" Protecting them from what ? " , the Fire Spirit asked .

" From danger , what else ? "

The Fire Spirit stared at the Wind Spirit for some time before saying , " You are the biggest fool I've ever seen . "

" What ? You can't ..." , the Wind Spirit was going to say more but he stopped as they heard a commotion outside the room .

" What's happening outside ? " , the Wind spirit asked .

Before the Fire spirit could answer , the gorgeous Water spirit entered the room .

She charged at the Fire Spirit , " I heard , you've ordered your guards not to let me in anymore ? "

" You heard right . " , Fire Spirit answered in a matter of fact way .

" How dare you ?.... "

" Why are you here ? " , he cut her off .

" Of course to convince you to accept me ....please make me your queen . " , the Water Spirit said sweetly .

" No . " , the Fire Spirit straightforwardly said .

" Why ? " , she asked stubbornly .

The Wind Spirit was silent so far , but he couldn't take it anymore . He said to the Water Spirit , " Hey , what kind of guardian spirit are you ? Your disciple is also in danger and you are concerned about being his queen ? "

She frowned and said , " And how is that your business ? "

" It's not my business but I feel bad for your and his disciples . "

" Why ? "

" How can you guys not even care about your own disciples ? And here I am getting more and more tensed about them ."

The Fire Spirit was so done by now . The Water Spirit looked at the Wind Spirit and said , " You know what , you are the stupidest spirit in the universe . "

The Wind Spirit was so angry , he retorted , " Then what are you ? Everyone knows that he has been in love with the Nature Spirit all the while and you keep on pestering him to choose you instead of Nature Spirit . "

" And everyone also knows that Fire Spirit and Nature Spirit can't be together . Only I can be with him . So ..."

" You know that he can't love you . " , Wind Spirit said again .

" Who wants his love ? I just want to be the queen of the spirits and only he can make me that . And only if he accepts me he can be able to be with Nature Spirit without any problem . " , the Water Spirit arrogantly said .

" What kind of nonsense is this ? " , Fire Spirit asked .

She replied , " I'm not talking nonsense . I really don't mind about the number of partners you make or who else you select , just make me the queen . "

" I won't . "

" You have to . "

" I'm leaving . " , with that the Wind Spirit left , being so done with everything .

" Get out . " , Fire Spirit said .

" Look , you have to accept me . You have no other choice . "

" I'll never choose you . "

" Why don't you understand ? You would be profitable too . As I said , I won't interfere in any of your decision . You can get any partner you like . Just make me the queen of spirits . "

As Fire Spirit didn't reply Water Spirit said again , " If you don't select a queen soon , the court will select one on your behalf . And if that happens you won't be able to make decisions for your personal life anymore . Think about my offer . Only by accepting my offer you can give a fulfilment to your long suppressed love . "

The Fire spirit stared at her without saying anything so Water Spirit said , " What are you staring at ? "

Finally the Fire Spirit spoke up , " And what about the fulfilment of your life ? "


Back to Ryan .

" Answer me Ryan , don't you fear death ? Just say yes and your soul is mine ..... Just say yes .... Don't you fear death ? " , the man asked putting a little pressure on the dagger , placed at Ryan's neck .

" I don't . " , Ryan replied staring straight into the man's eyes .

" Say yes . " the man hissed menacingly putting more pressure on the dagger . This time a thin red line appeared on Ryan's neck .

" I don't fear death . " , Ryan said .

" Forget it , I don't need your soul . I've enough of them . You just die . "

The man put all his strength on the dagger.... but nothing happened to Ryan . The man frowned and look at his hand with which he was holding the dagger only to see that the dagger which he was holding even a second ago was not in his hand anymore . The man was utterly shocked .

He hold Ryan's collar and spoke up , " What kind of trick are you playing ? Where did the dagger go ? "

Ryan let out a smirk and spoke up , " Don't you fear plot twists ? "

" Don't try to be over smart . Tell me , where is the damm dagger ? " , he asked menacingly .

" Here . " , a cold voice spoke up from the door .

The man turned around instantly only to see a tall and slender man , completely dressed in black , leaning at the door and holding the dagger in a teasing manner .

His menacing green eyes sent chills to the man's spine . He stepped forward and asked roughly , " Who are you ? And how did you get in ? "

The green-eyed man said , " You don't know me ? How stupid ! You set out to finish the Dark Souls and you don't even know their faces . "

Shawn did a hand gesture and instantly a ring of fire appeared encircling the man completely .

" Can you guess now ? " , Shawn asked teasingly .

Fright was easily visible in the man's face . He somehow uttered , " Sh...Sh...Shawn ?? "

" Absolutely right . "

" But how it can be ? You were ...."

" Burnt ?? Hah !... Did you really think that fire can harm me when Fire spirit is my guardian spirit . That's ridiculous ! "

" But my informer said that you can only be killed by fire ?? " , the man desperately asked .

" Of course , he gave you wrong information . " , Shawn nonchalantly remarked .

" WHAT ?? Why would he do that ?? " , the man was losing his patience . Moreover the heat from the fiery ring was too much for him to bear .

" Because , I told him to . " , Ryan was enjoying the drama so far , now he spoke up .

" You ?? " , the man said , viciously looking at Ryan .

" Weren't you so proud of your trap a few minutes ago ? Well let me tell you then , the actual trap was set by me and it was you who fell in it . And you know what , my traps only contain dead ends . " , Ryan said in his famous lazy voice .


" Miss Enilese , your stop is here . "

Enilese came out of her thoughts . She nodded at the man in front of her and said , " Thank you .....Mr. ..."

The man let out a small smile and said , " It's Adrian . I introduced myself some time ago . You must've forgotten . "

" Sorry about that . Actually ....."

" No no , don't say sorry . I didn't mind . " , he said .

Adrian could notice that Enilese was still in shock , so he spoke up , " Miss Enilese , don't torture yourself thinking about all these anymore . Everything is okay , your boyfriend is fine too . You saw it yourself right ? "

She nodded .

" Now go home and rest well . You can see him tomorrow . Okay ? " , she nodded again .

" I'll be leaving then . Bye . "

" Thanks again . " , she said , he smiled a little and started walking in the opposite direction .

Enilese also started going towards their base , her mind still full with the events from a few hours back .

..... Flashback.....

Enilese was crying so hard . Her heart wrenching laments was shattering the silence of the park , " Shawn , please come back ...it can't be real .....you are fine right ? ...it can't happen to you ...."

" What can't happen to me ? " , a very familiar voice cut her off . She turned around instantly .

For a moment she couldn't believe her eyes . Because of constant crying her eyes were sore , her vision was blurry . But neither her sore eyes nor her blurry vision could prevent her from recognising the person , she wanted to see the most at that moment .

She muttered , " Shawn ? "

" Enilese , what are you doing here ? And why are you in this state ? " , Shawn squatted down to her level and hold her shaking body .

Enilese grabbed his jacket and spoke up in hoarse voice , " You are okay ?? Nothing happened to you ?? You are alright ?? "

" What will happen to me , Enilese ?? " , he asked , looking at her worriedly .

Enilese bursts into tears , she hugged him tightly , placing her head on his chest .

" What happened Enilese ? What's wrong ? I'm right here . Stop crying . " Shawn said while gently caressing her hair .

Some times after Enilese finally calmed down a bit . Shawn cupped her face and said , " Are you feeling better ? "

She nodded .

" Would you like to tell me now , what's going on ? "

She looked at him for some moments , then started , " I saw , someone pushed you into the fire . "

He frowned and asked , " Saw ? How ? "

" Do you remember , I was talking about having same nightmare over and over . That was my nightmare . I saw you , being pushed into fire , in my nightmare . I was very restless today . So I just followed the images from my nightmare and came to this place . " , when she was talking tears were still falling from her eyes .

" Then ? " , he asked , gently wiping her tears .

" The park is burning which was a part of my nightmare . So I thought .... "

" So you thought that someone had already pushed me into the fire ? "

" Please don't say this kind of things , I was so scared . "

" You could've just called me . If you did you didn't have to suffer this much . "

" When I left my home I was in a trance . I didn't bring anything with me . " , she said looking down .

" It's okay . Everything is okay now . Don't think about those things anymore . Your nightmare and this park catching fire are probably a very very farfetched coincidence . "

" Coincidence ? "

" What else ? Who would want to push me into fire and what would he gain from that ? And as you yourself can see , I'm right in front of you , safe and sound . Now , please don't cry because of that nightmare anymore . "

" Believe me Shawn , I didn't jump to the conclusion for nothing . First , the repetition of same nightmare for days , then the sight of the burning park already made me unsettled . Still I was hoping everything to be just coincidence but then I found a piece of your bracelet near the fire . After that I couldn't think straight anymore . "

" My bracelet ?? You mean this one ? " , Shawn revealed his wrist which had a chain bracelet around it . Enilese stared at his wrist blankly then she looked at the piece of bracelet in her palm , which looked exactly like the one at Shawn's wrist .

" I have my bracelet , Enilese . A lot of people wear this kind of bracelet . You must've found someone else's . See , how much you cried and that too because of some misunderstandings . "

" I thought , I lost you . " , she said looking at him pitifully .

" You didn't . I am with you . " , he said holding her hands .

" Shawn we need to put out the fire . " , someone spoke up from a distance . Only then Enilese noticed two men were standing a bit far from them . One of them seemed familiar to Enilese . Enilese looked at Shawn . He said , " Don't worry , they're with me . We heard about the fire . We have to put out the fire . Enilese , don't stay here any longer . You need rest . Get up . " , he helped her getting up .

" Shawn can't I wait here until you're done . " , she softly said .

" No please go home for now . We will meet tomorrow as early as you want . It's so late and you are very exhausted , so please don't insist on staying here any longer . Okay ? " , she nodded .

" Alright . Enilese , I'm sorry I won't be able to accompany you . But don't worry , Adrian will take you back . " , he said pointing one of the two men .

Only then Enilese remembered the familiar looking man . It was the very man Shawn once asked her to stay away from . Shawn's words shocked not only Enilese but Adrian too .

" But Shawn , you said ...."

" It'll be fine . Go with him . There won't be any problem . I'll contact you very soon . "

She nodded and said , " You , be careful too . "

" I will . Rest well . " , Shawn gestured at Adrian .

" Miss Enilese , please come . " , Adrian said .

Enilese followed after Adrian after looking at Shawn one last time .


" It can't be true . You are just blabbering ....." , the man shouted .

Ryan laughed a little and started , " Don't you feel weird ? You suddenly got too many informations about us ....I decided to work with you ...you easily held me captive with these chains .....I couldn't inform anyone .... you tried to convince Shawn that I was plotting something against him by messaging him some nonsense from my phone .....and he also got convinced .....all of your plans started being executed in the perfect order ...you must've been thinking how foolish we were that we couldn't even realise anything but do you get it now who is the fool here ? "

" But ? "

" There are no buts , it's very simple . We already had some informations that someone is creating a group with dead people . I set some informers to get more informations about that certain someone . They weren't successful for so many days . But then you made their job easier . You were so ambitious that you decided to come at us and there ....you made the mistake . You did gather some informations about us and approached me with your so called deal . And almost at the same time you started getting more informations about us which were very useful to take us down . Isn't so ?

Actually , the person who gave you those useful informations ...was sent by me . " , Ryan said nonchalantly .

His nonchalant tone made the man so angry that he started cursing , " That informer !! I'll kill that bastard . How dare he betray me ?? ..."

" It wasn't betraying . " , a voice cut him off .

The man looked at the man who just entered the room , with fiery eyes .

The man continued , " Well , I work for Ryan . And the thing you're calling betraying was actually a part of my job . "

If it weren't for the ring of fire that was trapping the man in it , he would've bit off everyone's head , present there . He was shaking in anger , then he suddenly spoke up as if he remembered something important , " But , aren't you guys forgetting about someone ?? What about Aaron , he is dead for sure . I'm still satisfied that I could finish at least one of you . And my entire force would be here at any moment , I'll see , how you defend yourselves against them . "

Shawn spoke up , " Oh , the force , you are expecting so eagerly , won't come ever again . They have been taken care of . And about Aaron , he is also okay . Now it's just you ... I think everything is crystal clear to you . I don't want to waste any more time for someone like you . So , get ready to die . "

Shawn made a gesture to the ring of fire , encircling the man and the ring started moving towards the man's body .

The man spoke up , " B...but , but , if you kill me you won't be able to free Ryan from those chains ..."

" Oh hello , my friends are strong enough to free me from your stupid chains . You just die . " , Ryan cut him off .

And in the next few moments the man got burnt to nothing .


Silence filled the room . Shawn turned to leave without saying anything .

Ryan spoke up , " Hey , where are you going ? Aren't you forgetting something ? Free me from these , first , I want to go too ."

" You stay here to die . You deserve it . " ,

Shawn said through greeted teeth , without turning back .

Ryan was going to say something again but the other man spoke up , approaching Ryan , " Don't worry , Ryan . Your best friend would help you . "

" If it were that easy , I would've freed myself a long time ago . Do you think , you have a chance , Derek ? " , Ryan remarked .

Shawn suppressed his smile .

" Wow ! Ryan , you too ? You know , some time ago , this friend of yours told me the exact thing . " , Derek said in a complaining manner .

" Really , what did he say ? " , Ryan asked looking at Shawn .

" He said ...."

" Don't you dare . " , Shawn cut him off .

Derek didn't stop , " Me and Ryan are best friends since we were only seven years old , do you think you have a chance ? , he said it arrogantly . "

Shawn freed Ryan from the chains , using his power , without saying anything .

Ryan stood up saying , " Ah , my waist is sore from all the sitting . "

He noticed that Shawn was looking at a different direction .

He said , " Shawn , don't you think that it is me who should be sulking instead of you ? First , you arrived eight seconds late and because of that I got a cut on my delicate neck and then you're being like this . "

Shawn stared at Ryan intently , Ryan was already looking at him , he frowned a bit . Their staring continued for some time . Derek looked at Ryan and then to Shawn and spoke up , " How romantic ! "