
Reincarnation Full of Trials

Looking back, the life of Melfina von Crawford had been a series of trials from the very beginning.

It all started with her birth.

Her mother, Letina von Crawford, known for her unusually free-spirited nature among the nobility, went against the advice of her maids and attended a play despite being due to give birth. Consequently, she went into labor during the outing and ended up giving birth on the spot, committing a major blunder.

In this world, where DNA testing and even blood types are not recognized, newlywed brides entering noble families must be pure to ensure the legitimacy of blood ties. It is customary and a rule that multiple attendants, including wet nurses and maids, stay close to a child from birth until they reach a certain age to avoid any possibility of substitution.

Melfina's birth, however, happened in a situation where only her mother and one maid were present. Unfortunately, due to the combination of her hair and eye colors not inherited from either parent, doubts arose in the mind of Duke Crawford about whether the child delivered to him was truly his.

This was not due to any lack of affection on Duke Crawford's part, but rather a natural caution inherent in the nobility, especially for those prioritizing direct succession of titles. In a society where nobles wield overwhelming economic power and influence, cases of family takeovers were not uncommon.

However, for Melfina, such matters were irrelevant.

While riding in a carriage and gazing at the clear sky, she reflected on her life.

Even though there were only her mother and a maid nearby during the sudden childbirth incident on the carriage, with guards on standby outside, there was no opportunity for a substitution. Yet, despite the layered precautions, mistakes could still happen.

Having a stain on her position, with her daughter's pedigree being doubted, Letina, the mother, naturally distanced herself from Melfina. The birth of a younger brother a few years later, unmistakably inheriting the Duke's blood, further fueled the parents' loss of interest in Melfina.

Desiring love and recognition from her parents, Melfina had strived diligently from a young age.

She excelled in the education expected of a high-ranking noble daughter, including manners, etiquette, dance, embroidery, and musical instruments, putting in much more effort than her noble peers.

Yet, in the end, her efforts never reached her parents.

On the day of her sixteenth birthday, she was called to the family dinner after a long time, informed that her marriage partner had been decided, and rapidly made preparations suitable for the marriage of a high-ranking noble daughter. Soon, she found herself boarding a carriage bound for her marriage partner's territory, leaving the capital.

At this point, it was evident that the chosen partner was not someone who genuinely wished for her happiness.

Melfina understood the inevitability of political marriages for noble daughters, but arranging a marriage to strip her of the "Crawford" name was a bit much. She was no longer a child who didn't understand such things.

During the journey to the Orland territory, where her marriage partner awaited, she did not shed a tear. Even if her parents didn't love her, she believed in the things she had learned and cultivated – her upbringing would not betray her.

Moreover, she wasn't sent off to a trashy merchant or a well-off baron's or viscount's second wife. Her marriage partner, Duke Alexis of Orland, was twenty-five years old, not too far in age from the sixteen-year-old Melfina. Although he rarely left his territory, his well-defined features and tales of valor in protecting the country from monsters made him famous among the daughters of the capital.

As the head of the ducal house with blood ties to the royal family and a prominent figure governing the borderlands at a young age, he was a fitting match for the daughter of a duke. Even though she didn't expect to be loved by her political marriage partner, there was a possibility of creating a loving family with children.

Even if her husband in the political marriage did not love her, she believed that her future children would surely love her. Despite the lack of parental love, Melfina loved her parents and had witnessed the good relationship between her parents and her younger brother while growing up.

Additionally, her brother Rudolf adored her, providing one of the few sources of solace for Melfina, who often felt out of place within the family. If she were to have children, having many siblings would be preferable.

Living surrounded by children while fulfilling the role of a noblewoman would surely be enjoyable.

"I also had a time when I thought like that."

The journey from the capital to the Orland territory capital, Soarasonne, took two weeks by carriage. Although she had thought she wouldn't want to ride in a carriage for a while, the day after spending a night without her husband's visit, she found herself gazing out of the carriage window once again, watching the retreating figures of the Orland ducal household's retainers who had attended the wedding.

Unexpectedly, Marie, her attendant, glanced at her. She must have overheard the murmured monologue, but the reserved Marie didn't inquire.

While it is common for nobles to bring their servants, including caregivers and cooks, from their home to take care of their needs, Melfina had persuaded her family members to return to Crawford before fleeing the ducal residence to avoid her father, Duke Crawford, being informed of her actions.

Marie, originally a woman in the service of the Orland family, was one of the attendants responsible for Melfina's care during her stay at the Orland ducal residence. When Melfina decided to leave, Marie chose to follow without saying a word.

At a glance, she appeared to be in her mid-teens, probably not much older than Melfina. With cool eyes and a refined demeanor, she was a beautiful girl.

Despite her silence, her subtle gestures were sophisticated. Being selected as the lady-in-waiting to the duchess implied that she was likely an offspring of a titled family among the retainers.

Although she introduced herself as Marie, there might be a more aristocratic name like Marianne or Mariabel.

Anyway, Marie served as an overt observer of Alexis. Melfina had no intention of doing anything that would warrant observation or of increasing her favorability toward Alexis. However, living in this rural area, even within the country, would be considered backward for an unmarried noble of her age.

"Do you have an engagement, Marie?"

"No, I don't, and there are no plans."

"I see. Well, you can return to the capital frequently, especially during the social season."

Melfina, as an example, understood that the marriageable age in this world was quite early. It was normal for a mid-teen to already have a fiancé, and getting married before reaching the twenties was commonplace.

"Marie's duties are to take care of Lady Melfina. Please don't worry about it," Marie replied, although she seemed a bit bewildered.

"You know, I can handle basic things myself, so don't worry too much. I understand it might be heavy responsibility for someone in your position," Melfina assured her.

Despite nobles usually not feeling responsible for the lives of their servants, Melfina found it too burdensome. While she had no intention of spreading happiness to everyone indiscriminately, she preferred not to witness someone becoming unhappy because of her actions.

"Is madam accustomed to interacting with commoners?" Marie asked.

Melfina, born as the daughter of high-ranking nobles, naturally belonged to the class where servants took care of everything, from dressing to bathing. Dresses were designed to be put on by someone else's hands.

Although it wasn't entirely the case for Melfina, who was neither from a fallen noble family nor neglected by her family, she felt the need to take care of some things herself, especially since this was not a castle, and the destination was even more rural.

"Not particularly, but this isn't a castle, and where we're going is even more rural. I thought I might need to handle some things on my own," Melfina explained.

"I understand."

The conversation ceased, and Melfina returned her gaze to the scenery outside the carriage window.

Spring had arrived, and some time had passed since the snow had melted. It was a sunny day, but the beginning-of-spring breeze still held a slight chill.

Franchesca Kingdom, unlike the Japan of her previous life, generally had a cooler climate. Summers were not excessively hot, and winters were snowy. Orland territory, being situated in the northern part of the kingdom, meant that she needed to brace herself for the winters in the remote Enkaer region.

Fields of wheat stretched along the roadside.

While still enjoying the view of the lush fields, Melfina couldn't help but think about how far she had come, even though she had lived an ordinary life.