
The story of shrouded nomad

Nomad who is sometimes imprisoned in the talismans of beauty, sometimes lost in the whispers of deserts, sometimes the draw of love feeds flowers and flowers in his heart, sometimes in the fire of hatred, he regrets even being consumed. It doesn't happen. Where the uncrowned kings of crime are happy to trample the helpless underfoot. Where there are beggars and players in this world of appearances. The story of kafna doosh born in the midst of these feelings and accidents.

NASEER_Khan · Fantasi
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20 Chs


What is the system that nature has put in the human heart and mind, when the immune system leaves with it, the senses and senses leave with it and all the sufferings of the body are related only to the senses and senses. If you think about it, this is also a fable lesson, a lot to think about, had become unconscious and when he came to unconscious, he was lying on the soft bed of the nation, but the severity of the skin burning was tormenting the whole being. A desire arose in my heart that I wish this fainting would happen. At least I got relief from this agony but the period I was going through. It was a period of unfulfilled aspiration. I was deep in thought when the same four elders entered; I began to think of them as angels of hell. As soon as he saw the figure, he became terrified, his face still showed no signs of tenderness. I looking at them with terrified eyes, all four came closer to me. Then the voice of one of them emerged.

"Get up."

"Where should I go now?" I asked the question.

"There are still many steps left."

"Look listen to me at least tell me my crime."

"Let's pick him up. He is saying things that will robs us of our faith."

Picked me up and then they dragged me out of there. I was selling from the curb, murshid, murshid and was going through the torment. Once again they took me to a room like that. Came, as if they my body had been turned into a boil in the room. Yes, no doubt my skin had been separated from my flesh and I could see it hanging from places and the flesh coming out from under it. And if even air was touched on that skinned flesh, it would be such a torture that god's refuge. Once again they brought me to the same room and I was thinking that now a new period of agony and torture would begin. I would scream again. It felt like my voice was fading away, they left the room and I waited for the water to appear and my body to boil in the water but my god oh my god something else this time. It was wind, suddenly, cold winds appeared from the thin holes, these winds were so cold that it was indescribable. It was a matter of surprise that even death was not coming, when these winds touched my body, I felt such an immortal feeling of anguish that a person would lose consciousness if he thought about it. Ah, the shed skin of the body was being disturbed by these icy winds and noiseless sneezes were coming out of my throat. I was screaming, I was sneezing and said why? I have not harmed anyone, I myself am tormented.

"The shroud is white who gave you this black shroud?"


"Whatever you have done apart from him giving self, you are aware of this sin."

"I didn't think it was a sin."

"If it was a sin, I was ignorant of it."

"This is the time of examination." How the evil forces work, if avoided, only works, then knows who is making you travel from place to place. "Who was that?"

"I do not know."

"There was that Teja who kept deceiving you from place to place." He gave you such powers support has been given from which one may go astray. "What is the black shroud." The manifestation of the black power and you got caught in its trap. You thought that all the powers are now in your possession and you are the complete problem of humans. If he finds out, then he knows who is doing this work?

"But, but I, I."

"See the thing is that the devil has the power to deceive people and take various forms for it, so he was gradually getting caught in the trap of the devil and now you have started such actions in which if he succeeded, the forces of devil would have taken a new direction."

"It was a great trick of the devil, who came to you by calling himself a mentor."

Do you think that the devil is still behind you and instead of being the center of the evil forces; you are trying to defeat the devil? Give strength, arrest you in agony it has become necessary.

"Forgive me; forgive me, caught in the trap of what I didn't know."

"You did not think that reality is also something, how is it possible a man should find things that take him beyond the limits of humanity "oy dev said" the truth is that you are a small being, wrapped in fifth, how can you have the power to heal someone? This destination is far away, you have tried to become a heart and abdal by adopting the evil path, mocking all these things. Countless people are making fun; these are sitting on the streets to deceive people. What is their position after all? It is a pity, it is a pity that you have been declared separate from them, we do not why."

"I am dying of agony. If this is the case, then give me the death penalty. If not, then the doors are open, then his committing more sins by thinking that he has committed a sin. Sin is such a delightful thing, but when it is grasped, then one truly realizes what is sin is."

"I was dying of agony. I had given voice to my physical powers for all these conversations I had had. Maybe plea will soften them and I will be saved. But it was not happening, anguished sounds were coming out of my throat and my last sheikh was also included in those sounds. Mother, my mother, save me, save me and suddenly I saw many faces disappearing. All of a sudden I felt that there was something wrong with these cold winds, they were gradually disappearing. Chairs were constantly coming out of my throat. "Mother, mother save me, mother save me." I was going to drink. I had become a drinking machine, I felt faintness and in that faintness I saw a white sheet flying in the air. I am not in a room where I am exposed to cold winds, but an open space in which a scented shadow is moving and a white sheet is lying on the body of a shadow. A large part of it is flying into the atmosphere. I cling to it and slowly that cloak covers my being. Gradually I drifted into a state of calm, a deep sleep came over me and indeed I fell into a deep sleep. Physical ailments after them, this sleep was such a blessing that the heart of a person should not wake up from sleep for the rest of his life. Revelation was being made which are of great importance for human life. I don't know when I opened my eyes from this sleep, but I didn't want to open my eyes. The sweet server that was coming into my being was forcing me to stay asleep. Lest it happen that as soon as the closed eyes open, once again the same agony will enter my existence. Lying down, the mind was also thinking. Many things from the past were being remembered. Awa indeed some mistakes were my own, I had deviated from the rules that are made for human life and then the evil Teja who became my misfortune and rode on my existence.
