
The story of a secret agent and a Ceo

Anna was a secret agent of country I since childhood she was trained to be one but with that she was the second princess of the Royal family. After retiring from the special forces she started a journey to find a new purpose in life . Her purpose becomes Mo Jinzhi the second young master of Mo family , Ceo of Mo corps and the richest man in country C. After their first encounter on the plane they drew close to each other and fell in love . The two indifferent and cold people became each other's soft corner . So let's start read their journey from meeting each other to forming a family . This is a warm story with lots of sweet love and their journey together . Also the cover doesn't belong to me.

Babyanna2 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

Since I have chosen you , you can't get rid of me

After taking a shower Mo Jingzhi walked towards Anna's room rubbing his wet hair with a towel , he knocked on the door but didn't recieve any response so he pushed the door open .

What came into his view was Anna sitting on the bed in a daze with a bath towel on with her hair dripping water it was the month of October the weather was getting colder he became worried about her getting sick.

He walked towards her squatted down infront of her lifted her chin ," Scared ?"

Looking at his gentle eyes full of love she wanted to hide subconsciously dodged her eyes ," "Jingzhi " she looked at him hesitating.

" You will always be in danger of you stay with me why don't you.." before she could finish speaking he covered her mouth with his palm

" Don't talk nonsense since I have chosen you , you can't get rid of me ", He announcement in a domineering way .

He didn't care what danger she would bring he only knew that he loved her , they will be tied together for the rest of their lives .

He stood up walked towards the cabinet took out hair dryer plugged it started drying her hair gently .

Anna looked at Mo Jingzhi through the mirror she could see his meticulous action was moved by him . Since he said he was not afraid then she won't let him go no matter what .

After Mo Jingzhi finished drying her hair she turned around wrapped her arms around his waist buried her face into his stomach .

Mo Jingzhi caressed her gently sighed ," You don't come to a conclusion right away we don't know if he was here for you or me ."

Anna nodded she knew not only she had enemies even he had many , what he said was true . She decided to put this thought at the back of her mind for the time being .

She lay down on her bed instead looked out of the window.Instead of going back to his room Mo Jingzhi laid down beside Anna took her into his arms against his chest .

Anna leaned against his arms closed her eyes peacefully. Mo Jingzhi looked at her sleeping face kissed her cheek and closed his eyes .

Early in the morning the both cleaned up quickly as they had a lot of because of not going to office yesterday . They rushed to Mo cooperation got busy in their own work .

While in the suburbs in a diplated building a man went in through the old courtyard he knocked on the door . Two men came out checked him thoroughly only then he was allowed inside .

In the room a man with atleast 6 feet height was standing upright he had a muscular built his back showed a terrifying aura the man who came in shuddered with fright took a deep breath opened his mouth.

" Boss the plan failed he was caught off gaurd but there was woman by his sighed she sensed me immediately . " The man infront turned around his handsome face filled with a evil aura

the man thought boss was about to explode but then he smiled evilly .

With the evil smile he muttered under his breath ," Woman ".

" Call Rong Jie let him check the women ", with that he strode out go into the car , the car rushed out with the speed of wind.

The sniper in the building heavied a sigh of relief .

Here Mo Jingzhi got the investigation report looking at content his eyes grew darker .

"Send someone to protect Anna ", he informed Su Cheng who was in cold sweat .

Mo Jingzhi knew Anna could protect herself but didn't want her to get close to those people .

When the next morning when they were leaving home Anna saw a man standing outside seeing her he immediately greeted her ," Mam ".

Anna raised her eyebrow at him looked at Mo Jingzhi," Anna this Ah Chen he will protect you from now on ".

Anna looked back at him sullenly Mo Jingzhi sighed held her hand ," Just bear with it for a few days. "

Anna walked out silently this was considered agreement by her so Ah Chen followed from behind .

Anna kept silent all the way Mo Jingzhi parked the car in the parking lot untied his seat belt turned to look at her .

" I know you can protect yourself let him just be for the peace of my mind you can treat him as an assistant ". Looking at his pleading face she nodded indifferently.

She understood his concern so didn't bother with Ah Chen following her.

The AI launch was scheduled for the end of the month she was too busy she could really take him as an assistant .

At noon the day Anna took leave went to the hospital to visit Mu Ying, when she entered the ward she saw Lu Jinnian carefully wiping Mu Ying's face witha wet towel .

Lu Jinnian looked up smiled at her Anna looked at My Ying's face which had regained some colour asked him ," Did Mia come to check on her , what did she say ?"

" She came an hour earlier checked her , said the progress was good . " Hearing the news Anna was relieved , she chatted with Lu Jinnian for some time went back to the company .

Instead of going to her department she took the elevator to the top floor to Mo Jingzhi's office , she knocked on the door a familiar cold voice sounded , " Come in ".

Mo Jingzhi looked up from his laptop only to find Anna he spread his hands towards her Anna walked towards him hugged him Mo Jingzhi pulled her onto his lap .

" How is My Ying ?" he wanted to visit her but he had an important meeting today couldn't leave work so he let Anna go by herself .

" Ava said that her progress was good , let me tell you something when Mia once treatment a patient was considered dead but now he can live happily ". Hearing about Ava from Anna Mo Jingzhi clearly understood why she invited Mia for Mu Ying's recovery .

" How do you know Ava ?" hearing this question Anna's body stiffened but relaxed slowly she was not ready to tell him about her identity, she didn't know before going to the army although they were all from the royal family Anna's family lived outside the had little to do with the royal family in childhood .

"I knew when I was small," seeing Anna not comfortable with talking about it he stopped asking her he knew someday he would become a part of her life he just had to be patient.

" Ok " he didn't let her get out of his lap worked with her in his arms Anna struggled to go down finally gave up leaned against his chest .

Time to time they discussed small topics about work she saw in his laptop gave him various suggestions.

I really wanna thank this fan Dmae_018 for always giving me power stones . Although I don't have a lot of people following me this little girls heart is warmed up by you . You give me the motivation to write because I know through you someone likes my work . Thank you @ Dmae_018

Babyanna2creators' thoughts