
The story of a secret agent and a Ceo

Anna was a secret agent of country I since childhood she was trained to be one but with that she was the second princess of the Royal family. After retiring from the special forces she started a journey to find a new purpose in life . Her purpose becomes Mo Jinzhi the second young master of Mo family , Ceo of Mo corps and the richest man in country C. After their first encounter on the plane they drew close to each other and fell in love . The two indifferent and cold people became each other's soft corner . So let's start read their journey from meeting each other to forming a family . This is a warm story with lots of sweet love and their journey together . Also the cover doesn't belong to me.

Babyanna2 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

Protecting the people he loves

Mo Jingzhi looked at Mo Xia lightly rasing an eyebrow, "Do I need your permission now?" Looking at her elder brother's oppressive eyes, Mo Xia was instantly defeated. She puffed up her cheeks, sat down again, ignoring him.

Anna was amused at her antics, then she thought about something, her mood instantly drooped. She didn't intervene in their conversation, made her way towards the kitchen.

While in the living room, Mo Jingzhi looked at his sister sitting arrogantly on the couch, pouting; his heart instantly melted. He just can't do anything about her. He walked up to her, rubbed her hair lightly, and seeing that she was still ignoring him, he sighed, crouching down he looked at his sister dotingly.

"She is your future sister-in-law." Hearing his statement, Mo Xia's head instantly snapped towards his direction.

"What, brother? Look at her. Although I admit she's a beauty, but does she even have emotions? Even if I think you're cold, she is more like a robot. I don't think you are suitable for each other," Mo Xia tries to convince him.

If there was anyone other than his sister in front of him, Mo Jingzhi would have snapped at that person, but since it was his sister, he coaxed her patiently, "Okay, I know she is cold, but trust me, she's an angel for people who are not close to her. You can spend some time together; there's no chance you won't like her."

Mo Xia listened to him seriously; although she was pampered, she was also reasonable. Hearing her brother, she nodded; after all, it's hard for her brother to really find a girl he likes.

Anna, who saw the scene through the open kitchen, stood there in a trance for a long time; unknowingly, a mist formed in her eyes. She felt very envious about their bond; although her brother loved her a lot, responsibilities and circumstances never allowed them to be like this after the incident.

Mo Jingzhi was quite satisfied with hissister's behavior; he knew although she was pampered and arrogantly, she wasn't an unreasonable person.

"Ok, go on the trip, but you must remember all the rules and safety comes first," hearing Mo Jingzhi, Mo Xia was elated; she immediately hugged him, squealing. She forgot everything, ran out of the house, drove her car away; after all, she still had to pack her stuff.

Mo Jingzhi looked at her back, shook his head amusedly; she was like a monkey always jumping here and there. He wished to preserve her innocence. He would surely protect all the people he loves. He turned around only to find Anna looking out of the window in the kitchen with her back to him. He walked towards her, put a hand on her shoulder, turning her around; he saw the tears that refused to fall.

He instantly panicked; he was afraid of nothing but her tears, her being hurt was the last thing he wanted.

He knew she won't cry over the misunderstanding; something was off. But instead of asking her any questions, all he did was took her into his arms. He then lifted her, both legs let them tightly hold his waist, walking out he sat on the couch with her straddling him. He kept rubbing her back, soothing her, giving her assurance.

Instead of calming down, Anna vented all her grievances through her tears. She didn't whine or cry loudly; the only sign was Mo Jingzhi's t-shirt that was slowly soaked.

As the night unfolded at the lakeside villa, Mo Jingzhi continued to hold Anna in the quiet sanctuary of their shared space. His comforting touch on her back spoke volumes, offering solace without the need for words. The villa's bedroom, bathed in the soft glow of bedside lamps, became a haven for their unspoken connection.

Mo Jingzhi, sensing that Anna needed a change of atmosphere, guided her back inside the villa. The plush surroundings of their lakeside retreat awaited them, offering a more intimate setting to continue their night.

Mo Jingzhi, sensing that Anna needed a change of atmosphere, guided her back inside the villa. The plush surroundings of their lakeside retreat awaited them, offering a more intimate setting to continue their night.

In the bedroom, the air was filled with the scent of vanilla-scented candles that Mo Jingzhi had strategically placed. The gentle flicker of the flames created a serene ambiance, casting dancing shadows on the walls.

Dinner, an array of carefully curated dishes, awaited them in the elegantly set dining area within the villa. The clinking of cutlery and shared laughter echoed through the spacious room asthey enjoyed the meal, the tension from earlier dissipating with every moment of shared joy.

After dinner, as they found themselves back in the bedroom, Mo Jingzhi's eyes sparkled with a hint of playfulness. "How about we add a little excitement to our night?" he suggested, his fingers tracing a teasing pattern on Anna's arm.

Anna arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Excitement? Do tell."

Mo Jingzhi led her into an impromptu dance in the spacious bedroom, the gentle melody of a song playing softly in the background. Their laughter filled the room as they moved to an unspoken rhythm, the chemistry between them evident in every step.

The dance gradually transformed into a series of stolen kisses, each one deepening the connection between them. In the intimate space of the bedroom, their passion ignited, leaving a trail of shared moments that would linger in the air.

As the night continued, they found themselves on the villa's terrace, overlooking the moonlit lake. Wrapped in blankets, the cool night air added a refreshing touch to their shared intimacy. Mo Jingzhi's fingers traced delicate patterns on Anna's back, creating a tingling sensation that heightened the allure of the moment.

Later, as they settled into the plush comforts of the villa's bedroom, theirconnection deepened with every whispered promise. The night was a tapestry of shared laughter, stolen kisses, and unspoken vows, painting their love story with hues of passion and tenderness.

As the clock ticked towards midnight, Anna's phone buzzed with a message. Lu Jinnian's name flashed on the screen, and curiosity filled her eyes as she read the message.

"I need to meet Lu Jinnian tomorrow," she said, looking up at Mo Jingzhi.

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