
The story of a secret agent and a Ceo

Anna was a secret agent of country I since childhood she was trained to be one but with that she was the second princess of the Royal family. After retiring from the special forces she started a journey to find a new purpose in life . Her purpose becomes Mo Jinzhi the second young master of Mo family , Ceo of Mo corps and the richest man in country C. After their first encounter on the plane they drew close to each other and fell in love . The two indifferent and cold people became each other's soft corner . So let's start read their journey from meeting each other to forming a family . This is a warm story with lots of sweet love and their journey together . Also the cover doesn't belong to me.

Babyanna2 · perkotaan
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66 Chs

He cheated on her

Mo Jingzhi and Anna drove back early in morning as Mo Jingzhi had at meeting at noon . He turned to look at her sleeping on the passanger seat tilting her head towards the window , a curve formed on his lips unknowingly.

He concentrated on driving instead of going home he directly drove back to his office as he knew she would be bored alone at home and she has to buy some stationary before her college starts.

Mo Jingzhi was unaware that for the next period of time after she starts going to the college he would crave these times .

He drove in to the parking lot came out gently closing the door and then he walked to her side opened the door picked her up in bridal style.

He then took his exclusive elevator that reaches straight to the top floor, when they were at the elevators entrance Mo Jingzhi realised he couldn't press the buttons.

He had no choice but to wake her up gently,"Ann".

"Ummm", she said in a groagy voice .

Mo Jingzhi stoped walking her up with great difficulty of a few minutes he managed to hold her like a baby ,Anna who was aware of his struggle still didn't want to move as soon as he adjusted her on his body she tightened her legs around his waist and her hands around his neck and fell asleep again.

Mo Jingzhi looked at her little antics shook his head but the smile in his eyes couldn't stop overflowing, he loved the way she was so dependent on him, he would make sure to spoil her rotten so no matter what happens she won't leave him .

He was afraid that her secrets might lead her away from him .He kissed her hair and pressed the switch for the top floor .

Walking into his office he took her to the lunge tucked her into the bed kissing her forehead he came out and started working

It was not until 3 that he was free , he then walked in the lounge to wake her up they still had to buy her stationary.

That could have been bought online buy he just wanted to go together with her .But then he walked into the room and he was stunned he saw his girl's cheeks bulging , then she gritted her teeth and then she looked up at him turning her face away .

He thought back to everything but couldn't figure out where he offended her . He walked up to her cautiously while walking he felt something beneath his feet he looked down only to find her crushed phone .

" Anna what's wrong?", she was really looking funny and cute right now but he didn't dare to laugh his babe looked like a time bomb could explode any minute.

" He cheated on her ", He was shocked to hear her words but puzzled as who was she speaking about he really couldn't find anyone around him who could cheat .

" who cheated on whom ?" Instead of answering him she extended her hand infront of him .

Mo Jingzhi was again puzzled then he saw her eyeing her phone on the ground and his in his pocket he gave it to her without hesitation.

After receiving his phone he saw her searching something seriously then he saw a movie of country I since she wanted him to he removed his shoes and sat down beside her when he was about to remind her about their plan he just let it be they could go later .

But then he saw the length of movie he stood up again kept the phone on the side table , it would already be evening till this movie was over so he thought they might as well live here today anyway Su Cheng was already off work so no one would come disturb them.

He opened the wardrobe took out a pair of matching pajamas after changing into comfortable clothes they both laid on the bed and started the movie by evening Anna was long bored looking at his face .

At the end of the movie he finally understood who cheated on whom, it turned out the male protoganist was a perfect president he had money he could fight well , he loved his family, and the female lead was his first love everything was going smoothly but someone wanted to kill the male leads father so when a mole was planted at his house he had sex with her to get the information.

Although male lead only did this only to save his father he disdained men using women to get something. He could really understand her mood but what he couldn't understand was that why a calm and rational person like her was so impulsive few hours before.

He looked at her only to see her sleeping on his chest he laughed softly his little slacker. He then ordered one of his subordinate to buy a new phone also ordered food but the food has to wait for his princess to wake up .

Mo Jingzhi keep looking at her what came into his views was a swan like neck streched his breathing was becoming heavier he laid her on the bed hovering over her he licked her neck biting it from time to time suddenly Anna moaned Mo Jingzhi stopped only to see her still sleeping he then looked down at his little brother her got down from the bed went to the bathroom to take a cold shower .

When he went to the shower his phone buzzed but it didn't ring because it was on silent mode.

When Mo Jingzhi came out of the shower her simply wore sweat pants took Anna into his arms sleeping with her.

Anna woke up only to find the room filled with darkness she reached the table lamp switching it on then she realised what was the hot thing pressing on her of course it was none other than her boyfriend.

Looking at his abs she started tracing them while she was doing so her hands were held by Mo Jingzhi she heard his hoarse voice," Babe I can't take a cold shower again " listening to him her face turned red .

boom guys was the chapter name a shock .

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