
The story of a secret agent and a Ceo

Anna was a secret agent of country I since childhood she was trained to be one but with that she was the second princess of the Royal family. After retiring from the special forces she started a journey to find a new purpose in life . Her purpose becomes Mo Jinzhi the second young master of Mo family , Ceo of Mo corps and the richest man in country C. After their first encounter on the plane they drew close to each other and fell in love . The two indifferent and cold people became each other's soft corner . So let's start read their journey from meeting each other to forming a family . This is a warm story with lots of sweet love and their journey together . Also the cover doesn't belong to me.

Babyanna2 · perkotaan
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66 Chs

18 . Second Sister in law

"Ohh who is she I have never seen you with her ?" Mo Jingzhi was sure this was the first time seeing her around Lu Jinnian.

"She is an old friend but she doesn't come to country C often only when she has work she comes and goes like wind . " Lu Jinnian was very curious as to how his second brother was suddenly interested in Anna .

"ohh "Mo Jingzhi was elated to atleast get her information but the road to chase his wife was still far because he didn't even know he had fallen in a pit called love he was slowly sinking deeper and deeper into it.

"Fourth brother who is Anna , is she beautiful why don't you introduce me to her ? " Although others were enlightenment about mo Jingzhi and Anna there was still a little fool who was ignorant.

Qin Feng was thinking about flirting with this beauty who was close to Lu Jinnian of course his wishful thinking will always be his wishful thinking. As soon as the words came out of his mouth everyone felt the temperature in the room cool down it was quite suffocating everyone could not help but shudder.

Mo Yichen was quite tactful he immediately covered Qin Feng's mouth to prevent him from spouting nonsense don't be kidding the thousands years old tree has just started booming will he let someone pry his corner.

Qin Feng made him release his hand "Third brother what are you doing I just wanted to Admire a little beauty ."

"Don't you look at second brothers reaction she may be our sister in law in future" Mo Yichen immediately whispered to him so as not to let him spout more nonsense.

Qin Feng was suddenly enlightenment he glanced at Mo Jingzhi noticed his face was a lot colder than when he came.

He immediately tried to lessen his existence he didn't want to die early .

At this time Lu Jinnian's phone rang he saw it was Anna thinking about Mo Jingzhi's reaction he didn't avoid everyone answered the call .

"Hello " a cold and calm feminine voice penetrated through the phone after Lu Jinnian answered the call everyone became silent so everyone head the voice except Mo Jingzhi everyone was shocked,other than Mu Ying there was no other girls beside Lu Jinnian calling so late at night.

It was wierd for them they didn't think this voice belonged to anyone from home as they had know them from childhood naturally can recognise their voice.

"Ann" Everyone was enlightenment when they heard this name .

" You, the food I ordered from restaurant is awful they are cooking anything in the name of country I's food I told you to import all the ingredients from country I the in the morning make it fast I will really strave to death eating such food it has no taste ." She kept rambling Lu Jinnian everyone could hear her frustration.