
The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2

So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but , Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] This is the second version of the story I once wrote as a pantser, now I wrote it with plot, although I don't know if it is better or not, hope you find it enjoyable read despite my lackings Cover is mine

sm_yesa · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Chapter 4: First Kiss

"Matsuki?" Toka's eyebrows shot up, her eyes widened, and her lips slightly parted, a look of surprise and perplexity etched on her face as she gazed at me.

I couldn't bring myself to say something, as Kira's behavior was something I wasn't expecting.

Then suddenly while looking at Toka, trying to find to say something, Kira's grip on my shoulder tightened, her body pressing against mine, a soft warmth grazing my skin.

Sigh, why did Kira suddenly say something that would create a misunderstanding like that? And the way she's holding me... it's starting to hurt my shoulder.

Okay, let's analyze first. I mentioned earlier that I know her and she's my class representative in school. She intensely looked at my hand, where Toka is holding it, and interlocked her fingers with mine as if she was angry or something. Then she pulled me closer and said, "Don't steal Matsuki from me!" without a second thought. Could it be that she.. Huh? No way! Don't get your hopes up! Don't think that's the case! She's just like her!

Hmmm?.. Ah.. I know! She doesn't want anyone to get in her way, so she must have thought that Toka would be a hindrance, right? If she's really just going out with me because she lost a bet or is simply messing with me, perhaps she doesn't want any other girls to get ahead of her. Could this be why she's behaving this way? Is she trying to make me fall in love with her only to hurt me, just like that bitch? Huh?

I smirked a bit and said to myself, 'Too bad, that's actually my plan.' gritted my teeth, preparing myself for what I'm about to do.

I clenched my fist, feeling a surge of frustration and cringe. "Fine," I muttered through gritted teeth "Kira...?" I let out an exaggerated gasp, covering my mouth with my other hand, pretending to be shocked. "Could it be... Y-you're jealous."

She looked at me and flushed, seemingly realizing the impact of her actions. It appeared that she had just caused a commotion in front of the convenience store.

"Why don't you calm down first?" I said with a dazzling smile. "No one is going to steal your beloved B.O.Y.F.R.I.E.N.D. Mat-suki. I'm only for you, after all." I hugged her, concealing a secret smirk.

Well, is this what you want, huh? You want me to be head over heels for you? Then I'll play the part for a little while.

"Matsuki-kun?..." Toka said, a mix of confusion and shock evident in her voice. "You two are dating?..." She must be surprised that someone like me has a girlfriend, huh? Well, if I were in her shoes, I would be surprised too because I don't possess any traits that typically attract girls.

"Ah, yeah. For now, I think getting out of here is the best we must do" , I looked onto the gathering crowd and said loudly: "We're not television for you to watch, you know!" And made our way out of there

I grabbed Kira's hand, and Toka tagged along as we made our way to a nearby public bench.


"So, Matsuki-kun has a girlfriend?" Toka mumbled to herself.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied indifferently.

Kira wore a glum expression as she sat next to me on the bench, while Toka stood before us.

"Hehehe." Toka chuckled, getting closer to me and whispering in my ear, "Must be nice to have a beautiful girl as your girlfriend."

Sigh, she's at it again, her usual self came back.

"So that's why you've been grinning earlier, huh."

"Stop it." I reprimanded, as I looked towards Kira.


"Kira?..." I called out.

"....Hey?" I continued, but she remained silent.

The hell? she's been quiet since we came to this park and staring at the sky.

Is there something interesting up there?

I wondered as I looked onto the direction she was looking.

Bzztt!!!..Bzzztt! Bzzztt!.. Toka's phone rang and vibrated in her pocket. She noticed and answered, "Hello?...um. Who.. Eh! Miko?..I told you to not..."

"What? My mother..." When suddenly her mother got mentioned her eyes become different, and she suddenly kept her distance from us and continued talking on her phone.


""Matsuki, you're not getting swept up by that girl, are you?" Kira said in a low, ominous tone. The intensity of her question was palpable, and as the night enveloped us in darkness, her piercing gaze and charged emotions gave her an unsettling, almost eerie appearance. She held both of her hands and looked at me. The moonlight cast a haunting glow on her face, revealing her worried expression, which dissolved my initial fear.

"I mean... y-you were holding her hands earlier, even though you didn't hold mine when I asked you," she continued.

'She's worrying about the fact that I'm holding her hands rather than being with Toka in the middle of the night. Is she an idiot?' I thought to myself. 'But really, , huh... Why does she thought I would be swept up by an annoying person like Toka? Sigh, whatever. I have to say something to reassure her and make sure she doesn't suspect that I don't like her.'

"You know that I only have eyes on you , so there's no way!" I reassured Kira, gripping both of her hands tightly. "I only have feelings for you, so don't worry!"

Trying to play the role of a cool protagonist from a manga, I locked eyes with her and pulled her into an embrace, a small smirk hidden on my face. As I held her, I continued, "Toka is just a coworker whom I intended to help get home safely. I would never do anything like what you're thinking!."

Hehehe, do you like that? That's what you want to hear, right? thought to myself, a mischievous smirk forming on my lips.

Hoping to see her probably grinning face right now, I slowly released my hold on her and shifted my gaze towards her. However, what I saw took me by surprise. Her face was flushed red, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Kira?" I exclaimed, taken aback by her sudden display of tears. I instinctively moved back, caught off guard by her emotional reaction.

"Eh? I-I'm crying?" Kira's voice trembled as she noticed her tears, hastily using her hands to wipe them away. "I'm happy. I'm happy to hear that you still feels the same way about me. I'm... happy. I'm glad," she managed to say between sniffs and sobs.

She continued wiping her tears, her voice shaky with relief. "I thought you've forgotten and didn't like me anymore, so... um, no, uh... I'm really happy that you said you still like me too."

Kira's voice quivers as she says, "Despite everything that has changed, Matsuki-kun... some promises are meant to be kept forever." Kira wipes away her tears, her eyes briefly dart to a small red ring hanging from her necklace. It glimmers under the moonlight, catching my attention for a moment. I notices the intricate design and a faint sense of familiarity washes over me, I feel like I've saw that design.

And what the hell is she talking about? Promises? I furrowed my brows, trying to recall any memories of such a commitment between us. I'm pretty sure I didn't promise anything from her since we just started dating. And the hell, She's crying? bursting in tears as if she was some kind of actress.

All I can say is what a good play.


Sigh, Really, What's with her?...' I muttered to myself, a hint of suspicion creeping into my thoughts. 'Matsuki, don't be fooled by that. She's just acting. I've seen this before, this kind of behavior. That girl did the same—crying on my shoulders, pretending to be vulnerable. she's just like her. Don't let your guard down on her.

My mind raced, trying to draw comparisons and find similarities between Kira and that bitch. But I quickly admonished myself, realizing that I couldn't let fear and past experiences cloud my judgment. 'No, don't panic!' I whispered to myself, attempting to regain composure. "Don't be fooled by that! If you believe her, you're only going to hurt yourself.'

"I-is that so?" I averted my eyes from her and turned sideways.

"This place... Reminds me of something" She looked straight ahead, and kick off her feet.

She stared at me and smiled "Though, There's no swing. Hehehe.."

She...her scarlet eyes glimmers in the dark, mesmerizing me as she jump off the bench, her hair swayed back and forth and stood in front of me.

She....Damn it! She really reminds me of her. What am I supposed to do in this situation?..

My heart... it's racing again and I can't keep seem calm myself..

Having a blank mind as my heart continued to throb, an unexpected memory flashed through my mind, and the words that that girl said to me echoed in my ears: "We should only hold hands because we're still young." That's right, she never even let me kiss her...That girl...

I gritted my teeth as I remembered the vivid memory we first did...

Wait, what if I try something different with Kira? What if I attempt to kiss her? I'm certain she will reject it immediately if I ask...then how about forcing it my way?

A smirk formed on my face as I thought of something. "Matsuki-kun," Toka's voice interrupted my thoughts, bringing me back to the present. I turned my attention to her as she hastily ran towards us, saying, "Sorry, my mom is asking me to go home now because it's getting late." She rubbed her head as if she's awkward about it.

"I'm sure you can make it home on your own now," I replied.

"Y-yeah, it's just pass that building" She pointed towards a green-colored building a few meters away. "Thanks for walking me home. See ya!"

"Yeah," I responded, watching as she waved and quickly ran off. Her figure gradually shrank and faded until she was no longer in sight.

Alright! Toka is gone now, Let's do this now, Matsuki!

I looked at Kira, only to see a smile on her face. I gulp and get myself together. She's stunningly beautiful as always and have a dignified aura around her. Well, I guess that makes sense from someone who belongs to a wealthy family.

With a piercing gaze, I glared at her, my voice laced with irritation. "What's your deal?" I demanded, my words hanging in the air.

Kira met my gaze, her brow furrowed in confusion, her lips parting in bewilderment.

"Haaa..." I exhaled and stood up, feeling the exhaustion of the day. I no longer had the energy or desire to interrogate her further.

"It's pretty late now, let's go home," I suggested, hoping to bring an end to this situation.

"Ehh... O-okay," Kira responded, standing up and reaching out to hold my hand.

"Your hands?" I questioned, feeling a sense of discomfort.

"W-what about it?"

"Let go of my hand," I demanded, trying to shake off her grip, but she clung on tightly.

"Why?... Do you not like it?" Her gaze fell to the ground, and she became silent. "E-earlier you don't mind holding that girl's hand.."

Tsk, Don't sulk like that as if...

Sigh, "Fine."

Whatever, what should I do now? Should I really do that ridiculous thing I've thought of, right now? I mean, we're alone together, and maybe this is my chance..


.....I..I'll do it! Determined, I pulled Kira's hand and sprinted towards the unlit building without hesitation and as we reached the rear of what appeared to be a restaurant, I firmly pressed her against the wall.

"Ehh!" Kira's voice filled with surprise as she stumbled over her words, clearly taken aback by my actions.

I felt heat rise up to my cheeks. Nervously, I could hear my heart beating. Shit! It's my first time doing this, and I don't have any experience. But whatever, I don't care anymore!

I touched her face, cupping her cheek so gently. "M-Matsuki-kun?" Kira looked at me with wonder. I couldn't bring myself to care about how she felt. Moving closer, I could smell the sandalwood of her shampoo and the silky cream she must have used on her skin. Skin that burned my hand.

My heart began to pound. Even in the darkness of the quarter moon, her eyes were beautiful scarlet. I bent my neck to meet her lips. Shit! Don't be nervous! You can do this! This is how they do it in romantic movies, right? Sigh, whatever, I've come this far, there's no turning back!


My moved came to a halt as Kira's face came to my view so closely.

Kira's eyes half-closed as if she was waiting for something. She's not moving, so without hesitation, I smashed my lips against hers, as if trying to flatten and destroy her mouth.


Kira was shocked as I saw her eyes widened when I grabbed her head to keep her from escaping.


As aggressively as possible, I slip my tongue in her mouth, and I felt her hands trembling as she gasped.

I couldn't help but feel nervous as I was experiencing something I had never done before.. But I keep thinking that this is a way to hurt her and I'm willing to do this just to get what I want.

Surely girls don't like their kisses to be stolen from them, especially by a guy they don't like.


Kira tried to push me away but I kept pulling her close, My hand instinctively brushed against her breasts, the unexpected sensation made me feel their softness. Surprised by the contact, I unintentionally withdrew, letting go of her lips.

"He-he.."Having a smirk on my face, I looked at her, hoping to see her angry and miserable face, but what was shown in front of me was not the expression I was expecting.

Seeing her face, yeah, Kira was shocked, but that's not the expression I wanted. I expected her to slap me, like they do in those cliché scenes in the movies when someone steals a kiss. But to my surprise, she didn't.

"Wah!... eh... Uhmm... ano... ehh... eto... M-matsuki-kun...." She stuttered and touched her lips. Kira's face turned beet red, and she seemed flustered. "S-suddenly kissing me without saying anything is..." She covered her mouth with her hands. "Say it if you wanted to kiss... That's... that's my first kiss." She mumbled and turned sideways.

Huh?.. What the hell?..F-first kiss?..