
The Stories Come From Dream's

This collection of stories consists of various short stories that emerged from the dreams experienced by the writer. Each story has a unique and different plot, but they all share the commonality of originating from dreams

Nara_Godly · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Eternal Love

Reza and Adelia were a couple who loved each other deeply. They had a strong relationship and supported each other in everything. They complemented each other with their different personalities and traits, making them a perfect match.

"Today is such a beautiful day, Adelia," said Reza with a big smile.

"Yes, Reza. I'm so happy to be with you today," replied Adelia with a sweet smile.

However, their lives changed drastically when Adelia was involved in a fatal car accident and her body was never found. Reza was devastated after losing Adelia, and he felt that he would never be able to forget his beloved partner.

"How long has it been since you last smiled, Reza?" asked Reza's friend, Dani.

"It's been a long time. I don't even know how to smile again after losing Adelia," replied Reza, bowing his head.

Every day, Reza spent his time reminiscing about sweet memories with Adelia and thinking about what might have happened if the accident had not occurred. He pondered on how his life would be without Adelia and what he should do to forget his deep love.

But, even though he felt sad and lost, Reza still hoped that one day he would be reunited with Adelia. He always prayed that they could be together again and live forever.

"Don't give up, Reza. I'm sure one day you will be reunited with Adelia," said Reza's mother, patting his shoulder.

"Thank you, Mom. I just hope that a miracle can happen and I can see Adelia again," replied Reza with a hoarse voice.

Although he tried to keep hoping, Reza felt more and more hopeless when trying to find information about Adelia's whereabouts after the accident. No one could give him clear information about Adelia, and he felt more and more depressed.

However, one day he received news about a place that could help him find Adelia. Reza felt happy and excited to go and find Adelia, even though he did not know where to look.

"I will find you, Adelia. I will do anything to be with you again," Reza said with a determined voice.

Reza walked quickly towards the place indicated by the mysterious man. He was eager to meet Adelia again after being separated for so long. However, when he was almost there, a car suddenly drove at high speed and hit him. Reza felt his body thrown far away, and everything turned dark.

When Reza opened his eyes, he felt like he was in a very strange place. It was like being in a different world from his original place. He stood on the surface of the water, and all around him, he could only see a vast sea covered in foam.

"No way, this is not the world I know," muttered Reza to himself.

Suddenly, a letter appeared in front of his eyes. Reza read it carefully and was surprised to learn that he was appointed as a god and had to bring change to the world.

"How could I become a god? What should I do?" Reza asked, confused.

"Welcome to our world, Lord Reza," a voice startled Reza.

He turned around and saw an old man in a white robe floating above the water.

"Who are you?" Reza asked.

"I am the guardian of this world. I have been waiting for your arrival, Lord Reza. You are the chosen god to help us restore order to this world," said the old man.

"Why should I help you? I want to go back to my own world and find Adelia," Reza replied firmly.

"Of course, Lord Reza. You will find Adelia in this world. However, for that, you must complete your task as a god first," said the old man, handing Reza a golden ring.

Reza put on the ring and suddenly he felt a power flowing within him.

"With this ring, you can control elemental power, Lord Reza. Use it wisely," said the old man.

Reza felt confused by everything that was happening. However, he felt compelled to follow the instructions from the letter and help this world.

"I will do it, for Adelia," murmured Reza to himself.

Then, a portal opened in front of him. Reza knew that it was the entrance to another world where Adelia was.

"Lord Reza, your journey will begin here. I will always watch over you and help you if you need assistance," said the old man.

After entering the portal, Reza felt thrown into a city that was destroyed and full of chaos. Tall buildings had collapsed and ash was visible everywhere. The survivors ran around looking for shelter.

Reza observed the situation with a pounding heart. He felt burdened by the great responsibility of restoring order to this world. He pondered for a moment, trying to remember the instructions given by the old man.

"Elemental power, huh?" muttered Reza. "What is it?"

Reza felt the power in his golden ring, but he did not know how to use it. He recalled the letter given to him and found a clue that said he must search for artifacts scattered throughout the world.

Reza decided to start looking for the artifacts. He went to all corners of the city, looking for clues and artifacts. In empty places, he tried to test his ring's power. However, he could only unleash a little bit of elemental power that did not mean much.

Reza felt frustrated, but he did not give up. He continued to struggle and visit places he had never explored before. In every place he visited, he met people who needed his help.

He met a family who lost their home due to a natural disaster, he met a group of children trapped in a fire, and he met many people who lost their loved ones. Every time Reza managed to help them, he felt his power grow.

After searching the entire city, Reza managed to collect all the artifacts needed. Now, he had greater elemental power than before.

Reza returned to the old man who found him at the beginning and proudly showed all the artifacts he had collected. The old man smiled and praised Reza.

"With the wind power you have now, you can control strong wind elements and easily find other artifacts," said the old man.

"Thank you, I will make sure this power is used for good," replied Reza.

"Okay, we'll go to the next city. Please follow me, Lord." Said the old man as he opened another portal