
The Store of Fate

Welcome to the Store of Fate, I know, I know, it may not sound like much or may even sound like a scam shop, but this particular shop is the real deal and the owner? Let's just say he's...interesting, but don't let your curiosity cross the Owner's lines, for if you break one of the rules within the shop, there will be hell to pay...

Unholy_Angel · Lainnya
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3 Chs

1 - Opening the store

Greetings, my name is Sebastian Bird.

You may know before you even started reading this how I possibly got here, but you may also not.

So, I will illuminate what happened for me to get here.

First and foremost, I lived on modern earth in 2022 before getting killed by one of the most cliche fictional entities to exist, Truck-Kun.

Either it was purposeful, or by complete chance an accident, either way, after my death, I found myself sitting within a quaint office with an Angel, one that was formless, might I add.

Due to my Karmic Standing, I was allowed to reincarnate, yet another cliche thing, might I add.

So instead, I asked to be Transmigrated instead. Honestly, I did not want to experience the hell known as childhood.

From there, I was given a single wish instead of the cliche three, so I was somewhat happy.

And using my only wish, I wished for something truly worthy for the lazy, ahem, great man that I am, a System, more specifically, a Multiversal Shop System.

So once my wishes were granted, I was sent on my merry way to an unknown destination.

See, simple.

Once I was sent away by the Angel, I found myself in a small empty room with a black screen with golden letters floating before me.


Name: Sebastian Bird

Host Level: 0

Host Level Benefits: Use of one Store Item Per Day, 0% Earned from Sales, and Level 1 System Protection

Host Level Up Requirements: Make your first sell

Shop Items: Weak Healing Potion x10 (Starter), Weak Stamina Potion x10 (Starter), Weak Food Pill (Premium Steak Taste) x10 (Starter)

[System Shop]

SP (Shop Point): 0

Current Connected Worlds: Mass Effect (1 Gateway Deactive)


[Please begin Designing your shop]

[Note that all you have to do, is imagine]

Oh? That's great.

Without much hesitation, I began waving my hands around the room, and the once empty room began to change before my very eyes.

A lovely polished wooden counter appeared at the back of the room before some display shelves appeared on the wall behind it.

I also made sure to add some display cases on the right side of the counter before making an open space to the left of the counter for easy access behind the counter and through the shop.

Something I have noticed is that there is a sliding doorway on one side of the room directly opposite the counter and display shelves. Looking through the crystal clear glass sliding doors, one would only see never-ending, somewhat eerie darkness.

And after looking behind a door behind the counter, I found a simple bedroom and bathroom, which I, of course, changed to be as comfortable as possible.

I then changed the walls to an excellent dark wooden design, while I changed the floor to a nice smooth lighter wood to make a comfortable contrast for any customer.

[Is the host done with the creation of the shop?]

[Note that the shop can be edited and refitted at a later date]


[Please list the Shop Rules]

Hmm, this one is somewhat easy.

1rst and foremost, don't threaten the Shop, Owner, or Shop Merchandise

2nd, Shop hours are from noon to midnight (12:00 - 24:00). Any customers still within the store during the closing time are to be thrown out.

3rd Rule, No violence within the store unless allowed by the owner

4th and final rule, No stealing from the store or other customers

Four simple rules, which the system accepted.

[Placing Starter Items on Display]


[Please give the store a Name]

'The Store of Fate.'


[Activate Gate?]



Meanwhile, on the Citadel, the colossal deep-space station used as the Capital of the Citadel Council, in a business district(specifically on the Presidium, the pentagram structure at the base of the Citadel that has the Embassies, the Citadel Tower, and houses the Wealthy), in a remote section where few shops were located, that still had lots of traffic, the entrance of a store appeared.

No one happened to notice the sudden appearance of the new store, but within the hour, the other shopkeepers in the area noticed.

How wouldn't they when suddenly a new competitor appeared without warning, and from the sign hanging above the door, the shopkeepers couldn't help but scoff.

Sure, while none of them knew exactly what the store offered, just based on the sign, most of them thought of the store as nothing but a scam, one that they imminently reported to C-Sec, who would not tolerate such a business in the Presidium and would more than gladly close down this shop without hesitation.

Those that were more curious instead of angry at the new arrival decided to check out the store, but a few minutes later, they left the store in anger.


[Meanwhile, just as soon as the 'Gate' Activated]

[Gate has been activated]

[Shop Entrance Placed on the Citadel Presidium]

[Setting Exchange Rate...done]

[1 Shop Point = $1,000 Earth Dollars]

[1 Shop Point = 6,250 Credits]

Seeing the screens flash before my eyes, I read them then swiped them away before checking out the items on the counter's display containers.

One had the appearance of a simple glass bottle with red liquid.

Another was also a glass bottle but instead had green liquid.

In the last case was a simple white pill.

However, the strange thing is that upon looking at each of these three items, a screen appeared.


Item Name: Weak Healing Potion

Item Rank: Weak

System Purchase: 0.1 System Points

Sell Price: 0.5 System Points

Description: An Alchemical Potion created with cheap ingredients that, upon consumption, would quickly heal basic wounds and injuries but does not have the capability of healing fatal wounds by itself.



Item Name: Weak Stamina Potion

Item Rank: Weak

System Purchase: 0.1 System Points

Sell Price: 0.5 System Points

Description: An Alchemical Potion created with cheap ingredients that, upon consumption, would quickly rejuvenate a person's body, making the consumer energized for some time.



Item Name: Weak Food Pill (Premium Steak)

Item Rank: Weak

System Purchase: 0.1 System Points

Sell Price: 0.5 System Points

Description: A pill created by Alchemists designed to provide the necessary vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, and carbohydrates to the consumer and was explicitly designed for Cultivators, who have much higher nutritional requirements than normal humanoids.

The pill can last anywhere from 1 day to 7 days, depending on the consumer.

As a bonus, the pill also comes with the flavor of premium steak and will make the consumer feel like they have a full stomach until the effects of the pill dissipate.


Wait...so all of these items are essentially $5,000 in cost?!

And that's only for a single item?!

I already knew that my future would be filled with annoying people calling my shop a scam just from the cost alone.

I just hope I don't have to deal with any of those Young Master types, and I swear if I do, I will immediately kick and blacklist them from my shop!

I hope you enjoy and if you have any ideas, suggestions, and thought, feel free to comment!

I accept constructive positive criticism, so please, if you find something wrong with my novel(s) just let me know so I can fix and learn not to make the same mistake in the future and better myself and my work!

Feel free to join my discord: https://discord.gg/CMZm2uJ

Unholy_Angelcreators' thoughts