
Chapter 1: Hark Waterpetal

In the humble but lively town of Logtown, a town built mostly on stilts in a swampy and thick lake. There lived a man called Hark Waterpetal. A nice man who helped the citizen to maintain their daily lives. Everyone was a friend to Hark, even the very strict Mayor who wasn't the biggest fan of Elves. One day, Hark was called by the Mayor to talk to him about a "mysteriously infuriating happening".

Hark entered the Mayor's office, and saw that the Mayor was on the verge of exploding.

- Have you heard the news, Hark? - The Mayor asked.

- What news, Mr. Mayor? -

- A beam of rainbow-coloured flames exploded on the top of Mount Eikdals, and the rubble that came with it destroyed our agriculture! -

- And our livestock. - A person said from behind Hark.

- Don't remind me, Xarn, goddamn it! - The Mayor said and slammed his fist on his table. He sighed, and looked Hark in the eye. - I'm sorry, Hark, but this situation really has me on the edge. -

- It's alright, Mr. Mayor. And, why did you call me here exactly? - Hark asked.

- You are an Elf. A nimble-footed someone, who can climb Mount Eikdals easier than a Human. I am asking you to find out what the hell happened on that gosh darned mountain. Please. - The Mayor explained, to which Hark nodded. He thought for a bit, contemplated leaving behind his home and friends, but also contemplated the challenge that he was given.

- Alright, Mr. Mayor. I accept the noble quest. -