
The Stigma (Continued)

“Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil.” —Marcus Aurelius “Poverty is the mother of crime.” —Marcus Aurelius “The path to paradise begins in hell.” —Dante Alighieri And many more quotes from philosophers and other cool dudes to set the mood. (Yeah, I know that rhymed!) ————————— When given the choice between a greater evil and a lesser one, do you simply just not choose? Or is that a choice in of itself to let the evils rule you? To let the evils put you into proverbial chains? Screw that. How about rising up and owning the chains? Asserting one’s own will as the more desirable evil? Would that then… be good? ————————— The world is in chaos. The common man can’t make ends meet in a Second World Depression. Behind the blacked out lines of lies and secrecy the world’s governments are in crime lord’s pockets. All the while villains fight a de facto royale against the world and amongst themselves. With the glass world already cracked, now only a pebble is needed to make it absolutely shatter. ————————— The Black Baron is a MyDarkSide influencer—kidding—he’s actually an unhinged supervillain and acts like some sort of bad-boy playboy. Sometimes comical, petty, childish; he isn’t afraid of death or having Waya, his enforcer, completely annihilate his foes. His neutral “only me and mine; screw the rest” philosophies are shattered when Dan—his father of a friend—is slain by the most powerful syndicate in the world. Why? Because they were targeting the Baron. Now shaken and brooding, war has only just begun. The only certainty is uncertainty itself. Oh yeah, and casualties. That’s not the dominant thing on the Baron’s mind however. Instead it’s the last promise he made to Dan; to make his life count. ————————— Elizabeth is Dan’s daughter. Her father’s involvement with the Baron led the last family she had left to the grave. The perfect example of zeal and passion in the ranks of the Angels, a police force she was conscripted into, she doesn’t hesitate to take the undercover assignment of infiltrating the Baron’s inner circle to destroy every fiber of their being from within. “So you’re giving me a small undercover task?” “Well,” the ArchAngel said, bobbing his head side to side, “undercover missions tend to unfold from sounding like that into things much more… delicate.” Yeah like betrayals, blackmail, cloak and dagger, tights, cool quotes, forbidden love and more. What could go wrong? During her stay with her father’s indirect killer however she sees that people are people. Be they a Castro or a Lincoln, be they benevolent or malevolent, these “degenerates” begin to infiltrate a part of her heart she thought was dead when stripped from her biological family when she was forced into the Angels as a little girl. The deeper she gets, the harder it is to betray them. With bonds forging in battle it becomes harder and harder to lie. Over time, she struggles to continue the little party game of Mafia she needs to keep up in order to merely survive the coming days and even darker nights. The only thing certain, is uncertainty itself… and lots of casualties. ————————— Koltin_0562 is my old account. It’s been so long I think it was a new phone that made me unable to access the old account. I don’t know. Regardless, I’m picking up from where I left off. After the comical intro things steadily get more and more serious. The sometimes cringe worthy hilarity is just part of the ramblings of a mad man. Also, there is blood, gore, and intense violence up to and including torture. (C’mon, they’re villains.) In my draft, I’m probably about to dive head first into some philosophical clamor. Hopefully this will make memorable and unique characters. Or maybe make you think… & No, this isn’t satirical wish fulfillment fueled by the recent economic downturns. On Koltin_0562’s version I mentioned I wrote some of this years ago. Enjoy~ ;)

xWandererx · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter IX (9): Mafia Party Game

"In the game of Mafia, it's the villagers against the mob. Both sides are trying to kill the other, but you can't know who is a good guy or bad guy. It brings suspense and fun together because everyone is a suspect. The villagers must make accusations during the day to find the mafia, but can wrongly kill their own as well. The mafia can kill villagers during the night and it ends when either the mafia is killed during the day or the villagers during the night..."

–A few Basic Rules for Mafia (every game is different)



I have been deep undercover for a few weeks now and most of the days was pretty uniform. We all would go to the galleria, the park, and Él Doug had somehow convinced me to a ride in a Maserati Birdcage that ended in a very unprepared and unpleasant police chase at speeds exceeding a hundred. Sunday's everyone went their separate ways. It was all normal until one Sunday evening.

The group was laughing uncontrollably, (except those who never laugh uncontrollably, namely: Waya, Alien, and AoDD) accusing each other and trading wisecracks. Those who weren't laughing were smiling or smirking as they spoke; which was a rarity. I couldn't help my curiosity,

"What are y'all playing?"

Sarah bounced up with her oversized Aggies shirt and said, "Mafia!"

Alien said with suspenders over a casual white tee under shirt, "It's very entertaining and satisfyingly stimulating."

MasterLock said with sport short-shorts and a sleeveless, "Your vocabulary is absolutely ridiculous." I noticed that she's been saying that sort of stuff more and more as time went by.

The Angel of Death and Doom (AoDD) was watching everyone in his normal attire. I commented,

"Why isn't AoDD playing?"

"Because," Él Doug said with a tight wife-beater and black sweat pants, "he can totally see when we're lying-"

Sarah nearly screamed at me, "It's so FUN!"

She reminded me there of the girl on Despicable Me who said 'It's so FLUFFY!'


"Good," the Baron said with a long sleeve over his pajamas and insulation, he always had worn long sleeves and the insulation. It somehow made him mysterious... in an attractive way, "we were just about to start another game."

Waya would always return to, as everyone joked, his "cave" at the end of the day; so I've never seen him in lounge around clothing. Just his biker pants under the hooded Eisenhower jacket with wolf-head patches everywhere a patch should be.

Thread Walker was in short-shorts with a Cavender shirt tied in such a fashion as to expose her middle. Obsidian Owl was more of an opposite to her tacky friend. She had a suit shirt, unbuttoned, but with a perfectly "fine" tee under it over slacks. (I said "fine" because I don't know if she knew that her unders were showing... anyway.)

The Baron explained to me the game,

"This is an elimination game. Every turn there's night and day. There's two teams: the mafia and the villagers. The main advantage of the villagers is numbers but the mafia's been 'snuck in' per se. In the hat is what team you are on and let the battle of the words begin."

They passed the hat around and Thread Walker had glanced at the card and smiled.

"Ey," Él Doug piped up, "she saw the card, we gotta redraw."

The Baron barely glanced at him, tacitly saying to let it slide. Alien glanced off to my direction with a raised brow. I shrugged like,

"Yeah, favoritism, so what?"

Once everyone had got their slips AoDD acted as a referee and told us all to look at the cards; Mafia. Then AoDD told everyone to close their eyes, and after that he told the Mafia to open their eyes to see their team. Opening my eyes, Alien, Sarah, Thread Walker, and me were Mafia. The game kicked off to a fast pace once we closed our eyes again and began,

Sarah nearly screamed, "Thread Walker is Mafia!"

"Pfft," she replied, "you're too hasty."

"I," Él Doug said, arms crossed, "think you're Mafia. You are always more hyped up than usual when your Mafia Sarah."

"I agree," Alien said, "but Thread Walker is equally exuberant about being a Mafia as well."

"I think you're Mafia Alien." The Baron said.

Alien smirked and replied with his hand up as if holding a wine glass,

"Takes one to know one."

"You're Mafia Alien," MasterLock said, "I just feel it."

"Oh my," he said mimicking a flattered woman, "is it my eyes?"

Her gaze went off to space after that,

"You must both be Mafia," Obsidian said, "trying to get the smartest villagers first."

"Are you trying to cover for yourself?" I said and everyone seemed to be surprised.

Thread Walker, (who has been looking the Baron up and down the whole time), "I think Godfather is one of them."

"Not at all."

"Not at all?" She said.

Él Doug said, "Thread Walker is Mafia-"

"No!" Sarah said to be followed by silence. She had started the game saying that Walker was Mafia, and defending them would give me away. Él Doug had laid a trap. MasterLock said, breaking the silence,

"I say kill them."

Waya finally spoke, "Kill 'em."

The rest of the votes came and I struggled out a 'yes', and everyone took note. So in the first day Thread Walker was killed. Night comes when AoDD tells everyone to close their eyes and he tells the Mafia to open their eyes and pick who they are gonna kill.

Everyone was pointing at Él Doug except Alien, but he was making wolf heads with his fingers and wanted to remove Wehya. The first night Él Doug had died and the second day Sarah was killed and Wehya at the night.

'Day 3' everything kicked off again. The Baron said,

"MasterLock, are you Mafia?"

"Pfft," she said, "you asking only worked once on Sarah when she was four."

Obsidian said,

"So... your trying to laugh it off?"

All too hastily, "No I am not!"

"Why so hyped?" I said, pleasure dripping from my voice.

Her eyes widened with realization but everyone took it as panic,

"She's Mafia! Did you see that?"

"Well," the Baron said in her defense, "remember how shaky her voice was during the first two days?"

Everyone was looking at me,

"You saw her panic and I never played this game, I was hoping that my fellow villagers won't kill me."

"You heard her," Obsidian said, "kill Locky."

Everyone voted 'yea' and that night me and Alien argued pointing to who was next, and he finally gave in to my request. Once Obsidian was eliminated me and Alien looked smugly into the Baron's opening eyes,

"Who you gonna choose Baron?"

He sulked his head into the recliner,


Alien said with pleasure, "You lose..."