
Practical Skills Test

"Level 2, Commence," May's voice comes through the intercom. A new construct walk's out, a shield and mace in it's hand. The coloration of the armor, a slight silver hue. "These are fairly defensive, and their attack is similar to Kobold's.

Ignis concentrates his armor around his forearm. A plate of Crimson earth forms from his forearm, melding into the shape of a shield. His right hand fingers close together, shaping into a short blade. "So that's what the system means by base of imagery," He grin's, the sword elongating the edges of the blade a solid and deep red, with the core a simple flat section of earth.

He meet's the charging construct, blocking the mace's strike with his shield. Feeling the impact jar against his arm, he kick's at it's feet. The construct responds' by leaping backwards, Ignis chases after. A slash aimed at it's stomach area is meet by the construct's shield. Ignis slam's his shield forward's the tip aimed at the construct's head.

The construct spin's out of the way, the mace trailing an arc towards the floor and upwards towards Ignis's Exposed side. Ignis skip's to the side, the mace clipping his shoulder and sending him off balance. He kick's off the ground backwards as the construct presses towards him. An overhead strike with the mace heading towards his head, he strafes to the side. His the strike bouncing off of his shield, Ignis pierces his sword through the automaton's exposed side. Slicing the blade to the side, he practically cleaves it in half.

With a clatter the Automaton clatters to the floor, the blue light fading from its' eyes. A buzz flow's through the air yet again, a golden construct enters the room holding a spear. It's body slightly bulkier then the previous automaton's.

May's eyes widen, as the golden colored automaton enters the room. "That isn't supposed to be in there." She turns towards Amy, The door to the observation room opens. Valeria, Keith and Elaine walk into the room.

Valeria smile's, "Don't worry, I ordered them to send the B ranked Automaton's in."

Amy's eyes widen, "Ignis is only Rank D, Level 1. How do you expect him to fight that thing?"

Keith smile's lightly, "I knew as soon as I saw him tank a blow from that C Rank Mace fighter, his armor is fairly strong. That blow he took to his right shoulder should've at least dislocated his arm."

May sit's there stunned, "I thought that was a D-Rank automaton, I didn't expect you to send a Rank C that early." She turns back to the screen frowning as she watched.

May's voice echoes through the chamber, "Due to your armor's high defense, it's been decided to send a B rank Automaton into the chamber."

Ignis taking up a defensive stance, with his shield in front of him, his sword pointing towards the automaton in from of him. Keeping his breathing even, the automaton moves towards him. It's outline slightly blurring. Gritting his teeth, he presses towards it. Ignis turns his body slightly to the left, causing the spear glancing off his shield. Slashing at the automaton, a shallow cut appears on it's thigh.

The hilt of the spear slams sideways into Ignis, who manages to block most of the blow with his shield. Still, he staggers' back, as he struggles' to get his balance. The automaton slightly withdraw's. The spear in its' hands dance's in the light, piercing towards his chest.

May's breath catches in her throat, as she watches the spear move through the air. Their motions seem to be in slow motion. Ignis allows himself fall to one knee, the spear now headed for his helmet.

Throwing his left hand upwards, ignis's shield collides with the tip of the spear. Now redirected upwards, the Construct's chest turns into a wide open weakness.

Ignis slams his right arm upwards piercing through the center of the construct. Standing he slashes upwards through its head. Ignis stand's his molten sword in the air. The armor and weapons on his body seem to melt from his body onto the floor.

"Congratulations," May says in a slightly worried voice, "Your practical exam is finished, please come to the observation room to go over your results."

Ignis's turns to the camera with a large smile, giving a thumb's up. His chest still heaving as he pants for air. Walking to the door at the side of the room he enters the observation room, to be greeted by a new face and Keith. "Who's the new lady?" he inquires between panting breaths.

Keith opens his mouth, but stops seeing Valeria raise a hand in front of him, "My name is Valeria Leviathan, I'm your new guild leader." She extends a hand with a smile on her face.

"Ah," Ignis stares at her, stunned into silence. Shaking his head he stammers over his words, "I-I-It's nice to meet you, I'm Ignis Empyrion," Reaching out he shakes her proffered hand hesitantly.

"You don't need to be so nervous, I tend to come watch promising people in person. That armor of yours is really good, though it seems to consume a lot of Mana." Valeria smile's slyly, "How'd it feel to fight against a Rank B Construct?"

Ignis looks at the floor, pausing before he answers. "It was really hard. If I hadn't already been off balance, I don't think I could've pulled that parry off," he scratches the back of his head sheepishly.

"Even so that was an impressive bout, while it may have been Rank B. These constructs don't have any intelligence, so they simply move how they've been programed to. Keep it in mind when you start combating Gate's and Dungeon's." May say's lightly, "With the performance you put on we can safely say your at least Rank C. However all new hunters are required to work their way up from D Rank."

Valeria nod's, "That's an accurate assumption, however I'd like for you to train with the other hunters and do some Dungeon Dive's to build your level and experience. With each level you will get five attribute points to spend, using one attribute point gives you 10 mana. Into every other stat it give plus 1. Make sure you keep a balance and you'll do fine." Having said her piece, she leaves, the room, Keith following closely behind her.

Turning before he leaves the room, "Keep a cool head, while your at it." Keith says, smiling lightly before disappearing down the hallway."

May sigh's, turning to Ignis. "You speed test show'd you can be fairly quick while utilizing your abilities. There's always room for improvement, the way you were using it seems to require precise control. Any Skills having to do with weaponry tend to increase by repetitive practice, there's an arena in the basement for those activities."

Ignis nod's, "My only skill having to do with weaponry, is Martial arts at the moment. Can practicing with weapons unlock additional Martial skills?"

"Yes, though it takes quite a while. If you'd like to learn anything specific there's a lot of guides that would be willing to teach you for free. Some of the higher ranked Hunter's will ask for a payout though, so keep that in mind." May smile's, "You were excellent out there, I can't believe you defeated the B ranked automaton. Although you losing your balance was an issue throughout, that can be fixed with form and practice though. I wouldn't worry about it too much at this moment."

Amy stands up, stretching out, "It was a riveting display, we thought you'd get ran through with that last attack. Though you turned the tables quite nicely. I'm going to take minnie to get signed up for school. Is there anything you need from me before I leave?"

Ignis ponders for a moment, "Just make sure she's at the closest school she can be, I don't want her too far away. Just in case a gate appears," Ignis walks over giving minnie a hug. "I'll see you later tonight, I've got some things to take care of."

Minnie nod's with a smile, "Good luck, Big brother."

Amy takes minnie by the hand, both of them disappearing into the hallway.

Clapping her hands together, May gives a vibrant smile. "I'll be your tour guide while they take care of their errands. What would you like to see first?"

"I'd like to go to the training hall, and maybe train with a sword. Do you know anyone that'd be willing to show me?" Ignis asks as they walk down the hall.

"Hmm yes, I believe Eric was the one that initially found you? He's normally practicing around this time, maybe he'd be willing to help out."