
Hunters Evolution

As Ignis slides to a stop, his clawed hands digging into the ground, the molten armor slowly morph's. Extending up his arms and leg's, claws form on both of his feet. Sharp spikes form, arching upwards from his elbows. He kicks off the ground, into another charge.

Striding forward, he jumps' into the air. Spinning around the spike on his elbow slices through a wolf's spine, landing on his foot he kicks the next one in the side of the head out of mid air. A loud yelp echoes through in the tunnel, as the wolf slams into the stones. The wolf, slowly falls still.

Ignis scream's out in agony, heat coursing through his veins. His magma armor, extends around his entire body. His vision goes black as it engulfs his entire body. A massive shell of Magma hovers in the air, with him stuck inside. The last sight that flickers in his vision, is that of the status screen blinking slowly.

*System Alert*

- Evolutionary Threshold Achieved -

Jerald's massive body slams' into the ground in front of the massive shell of Magma. Eric lands next to jerald, his momentum sliding him to the other side of the object. Elaine and Valeria appear, alighting on the ground with soft padding footsteps. Laughing Valeria stares at the large orb of Magma, "To think he'd be evolving so soon." Her ecstatic voice, echoing throughout the chamber.

Elaine nod's lightly, "I wonder what level his evolution required...?"

"It varies between individuals'," Valeria responds instantly. "Clear the path ahead, I will remain by Ignis's side until his evolution completes." She holds her arm forward, urging them forward.

The trio disappears into the dark, the sounds of fighting echoing through the chamber continuously. Meanwhile, Valerias' gaze returns to the orb once again, her voice a soft whisper in the dark. "What will you show me, Child of the Sun." A large smile planted on her face, "I've waited a millenium for your arrival. Now show me how you overturn the hands of destiny."

A low sigh resounds throughout the tunnel, a warmth like none other, radiating from behind her. "I see you're still lurking on this plane, old friend."

Valeria freezes in place, every hair on her body stands on end. Slowly, tears trace their way down her cheek. Her right foot dragging her around to face the voice in the tunnel, "F-Father, How are you here?" Her trembling voice echoes off the stone walls.

"Of course, you would be the one to watch over the fated ones." Solace's ethereal voice flow's into her mind, gently vibrating the space around. "We were always capable of returning, but even now, your world is in a panic. The sun itself has disappeared from its' place in the heavens after all." Slowly stepping forwards, his body seemingly gliding over the earth itself. Withdrawing a short blade from his robes, he grips it with his hand. Pulling the blade free, he places his bloody hand onto the orb of Magma. The orb trembles slightly, as it absorbs his blood.

Withdrawing his hand, the orb pulsates, glimmering with a golden light. Solace turns to Valeria, his hand brushing the tear from her cheek. "It's been so long, but I must return. You understand?" The gentle tone of his voice resounding to the root of her very being.

Valeria's tears flow freely, "Return to your duties to the people of this planet." She huffs in and out a large breath, "I truly hope, they can rewrite the destiny you pressed upon yourselves."

A gentle smile morphs onto Solace's face, "Remain by their side, and we will meet again." A flash of light force's Valeria's eyes close. Blinking the dark spots from her eyes, she opens them to see sunlight filtering through the opening of the Labyrinth once again. Turning her gaze to the vibrant orb of Magma in the room, she lets out a long sigh. "Sounds' like I must keep an eye on you, Ignis," a gentle smile planted on her face as she waits.

The chaotic battlefield outside, winding to its' end with the arrival of the top hunters of the guild. Stella and Amy trail their way through the throng of corpse. Finding a trail of bodies, their bodies marked with cut's. The flesh around the cuts burn to a crisp, "Looks as if Ignis did this...?" Amy stands from examining one of the bodies.

Hefty footsteps approach Amy and Stella, turning they look up at the Giant man. "Are you the caretaker to that Magma Demon?"

"Yes... I assume you mean Ignis?" Amy glances at Stella, "Do you know where he went off to?"

The man bellows a laugh, "Of course I do, that boy carved himself a path straight into the Labyrinth! I'd bet all I own, he's still in there crushing monsters. When I first saw him flying over our defensive line, I'd though he'd gone insane. Then he got the finishing blow on this Behemoth," The commander points to the Ogre, the skin on it's chest still steaming.

Stella looks around with wide eyes, "Ignis did all of this..." her voice trails off as her gaze turns to the gaping entrance of the Labyrinth.

"Yeah, if it's a boy using a magma like armor that is. The guild leader and the top group of hunters area already inside, but I'll accompany you in with a few of my men." he shrugs' turning he hollers into the crowd, "Vice commander Rodric, and Hannah, get over here."

A man in soft blue robe's walks out of the throng of people, Accompanied by the Paladin from the alleyway. "Ah, If it isn't Stella!" Hannah runs over, clasping Stella on the should with a bright smile.

"Ah, you two are acquainted already?" Commander Hawke laughs, "My name is Hawke, these two are looking for that Magma kid."

"Oh, you two are worried about that fiend?" Hannah laugh's, "I'm sure he's inside fighting alongside the other hunters."

"That's what I told 'em," Hawke shrug's nonchalantly, "Anyways, we're gonna escort 'em inside and see if we retrieve 'im."

"Sounds better than cleaning duty," Rodric laugh's.

"Figure's you'd say that," Hawke shakes his head, "Alrighty, Amy and Stella was it? Let's go see if we can find your friend."

Within the flaming orb, Ignis lies sleeping. Magma burning into his bones, and regenerating them again and again. Their strength increasing substantially, the Mana paths in his body burning away and reforming into a more intricate system. He previously scared and rough skin burning away, to be replaced by smooth tanned skin. Decorated with deep black tribal markings. His teeth melt from his mouth, forming four sharp canine's. His stomach lining strengthening, until he can eat anything he wishes. The hair on his head, slowly changes from a dirty blond to a reddish hue. Akin to the rising sun in the sky, as his eyes slowly open, a deep burning red surrounding his deep black pupils. The nails on his hands shaped into sharp points.

Ignis slowly uncurls in the floating space from the fetal position he had been in. Hovering as his gaze traces along the new traits on his body. The shell of magma slowly begins to shrink, seeping into his skin.

Floating softly onto the ground, his naked body fully exposed. Hearing a long inhale behind him, Ignis spins around with a snarl.

"Easy there," Valeria caution's with her hands in the air, "It's me, Valeria?"

Ignis visibly relaxes, looking down at her in confusion. "When did you shrink?" He steps forward putting his hand on her head, "I swear I looked up at your face last I saw you." His deepened voice reverberating off of the walls.

Valeria shrug's, "Last I saw you, you had clothing on. I didn't know 'Exhibitionist,' was on the evolutionary tree." She laughs as Ignis looks down in horror.

"Ahem," Ignis clears his throat. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize," a light fluttering layer of magma covers his lower-half in place of pants.

"It's quite normal to lose all clothing during an evolution," Valeria walks forwards, looking up and down his body. "Why don't you take a look at the effects while we wait for the others?"

"System Interface," Ignis rumbles.

Name: Ignis Empyrion

Age: 15

Level 5 0/300

Height - 5"11'

Awakened: Evolutionary

Current Race: Sun Elf (Beastial Nature)

- Trait's

Sharpened Canines

Protective Nature

Pointed Ears

Health status (Healthy)


Mid Grade (Fire, Earth)

Low grade (Shadow)

Strength: 24

Speed: 22

Stamina: 22

Mana: 145

Elven Heritage, Increase Mana by 20 points, and spell casting speed by 50%.


- Molten Earth: Rank C (Allows the caster to encase themselves in an armor of molten Fire and Earth, or to create weapons based off the caster's imagery. To Evolve consume 75 Rank C Beast Stones, 0/75)

- Aura of the Sun Rank C (The Awaken's attacks have a 20% chance to inflict the burning status. To evolve consume 5 Fire Stone's)

- Flare: Rank D (A status Ailment skill, causes blindness for 20 Seconds to affected enemies. Skill effectiveness reduces against higher ranked creature's by 5 Seconds per rank. Ex. against a Rank D monster the full 20 Second blindness status will be applied, against a Rank C monster the effect will only last 15 seconds. To Evolve consume 75 Rank B Beast Stones 0/75)

Fiery Regeneration Rank C (The caster absorbs the light from the Sun, will be surrounded by a fiery aura. This Effect will heal light injuries, Effect will take longer the more severe or numerous the wounds. Evolve by absorbing Sunlight for 1 hour every day, for 75 Days 1/75)

Shadow Spike Rank D (Caster can creates spikes of darkness to be used as projectile's, or to attack from an opponent's shadow. To Evolve consume 5 Shadow stones.)

Martial Arts Rank D (The effectiveness of unarmed strikes increases by 15%, To evolve perform 110/200 unarmed strikes.)

Ignis and Valeria fall silent as he slowly reads through his status page, "It says my race changed to a Sun Elf?" He scratches the back of his neck, "I also go a new skill seems like an attack buff..." Ignis mumbles to himself. "There's also a new requirement, consume 5 Fire and shadow stones."

Valeria nod's lightly, "Beast and Attribute stones can be bought with guild contribution points. Don't worry about having to find those on your own."

"Alright then, did the others already close the mana gate?" Ignis inquire's looking further into the dark passageway.

A familiar scent fills Ignis head, Lightly sniffing the air, "We have company, Guild Master."

"It's a good thing you put clothes on then," she teases turning as footsteps echo off the walls

"Hey, is that you Valeria?" Hawke inquires as the group of 5 makes their way into the tunnel. "Who's that beside you?"

"I'm Ignis," My voice rumbles through the passage as I stride to greet Stella and Amy.

Amy's eyebrows raise into a frown, "That's IGNIS?!?!"

Stella stand rooted to the spot, staring up at Ignis incredulously.

Ignis stops in front of Stella, his fingers pressing up on her chin. "You shouldn't leave your mouth hanging open like that. Flies might invade," he comments with a wink. "I went through an evolution," he turns his head, meeting Amies eyes.

"You already evolved..." Amy shakes her head, resuming a nonchalant expression. "Well, it appears congratulations are in order. I'll have to make a feast with how much you grew."

Ignis shrugs, then chuckles, "I can't wait to see the look on Minnie's face! I hope it's' just as satisfying as Stella's expression."

Stella glares up at Ignis, her face red, "Are you making fun of me again?"

Ignis smirks, his hand patting the top of her head, "If I didn't tease you, how else would I show I care?"

Stella smack his hand away, hiding behind Amy. Sticking her head around, her tongue hanging out, as she pulls at her eyelid.

Ignis pauses for a moment, a smile playing on his lip. "If you want to go help them close the Gate, they should be starting here soon." Valeria interrupt their little game.

"Wait for me here, I'll be back soon, Amy, Stella." Turning on his heel he waves over his shoulder.

"B-Be careful you big meanie!" Stella says loudly, eliciting a chuckle from Ignis.

"Those would be a tragic last exchange of words," Ignis's voice teases, echoing through the chamber.

"Don't say dumb stuff like last words when you leave," Stella pouts quietly. Valeria places a hand on Stella's shoulder.

"If you don't want him to leave you behind, then become strong enough to remain at his side," her advice slowly fades into the surrounding darkness. "We should exit and wait outside, there's no telling if any monster's will make it past them."