

   sits at the conference table, Mark beside her as they flip through their packet of things to discuss at the first board meeting.

"Jackson Avery really has a bigger say than any of us in running this hospital?" Arizona asks the group, handing Cristina one of the copies.

"That can't be true." Cristina states before eyeing Derek, a hint of worry in her voice. "Can it?"

"Well, he's a voting member of the management team and he also represents the Harper Avery Foundation." Derek tells them, looking up from his reading.

"And their 175 million bucks." Callie says tiredly. Eleanora makes a face, leaning back in her seat.

"As opposed to our $15 million a piece, plus Callie and Eleanora's shares." Arizona continues.

"As a reminder, we all all accepted the $175 million." Eleanora pipes up, Mark nodding along. It seemed as though they were the only ones who weren't upset about the Jackson Thing.

"According to Stan, not only does he have the deciding vote," Derek continues, not really taking sides on the matter, "he can veto ours."

Everyone gives their looks of shock, even Eleanora and Mark. The small woman shrugged finally, flipping the page of her packet.

"That is ridiculous." Cristina huffs. "He is a Fellow."

"So are you and Ella." Meredith pointed out. Eleanora looked up, a confused look on her face. Cristina sends a glare towards Meredith, trying to come up with another reason.

"But he's a Plastic's Fellow. And I'm....me. And Sunshine is Sunshine."

Mark lets out an offended noise, sending Yang an unamused look. "Head of Plastics is sitting right here, Yang."

"Well, let's not overreact." Meredith says, trying not to make the situation worse. "I mean, it's Jackson. He's not some corporate stranger. He's one of us."

"I trained the kid." Mark spoke up, taking a sip of his coffee. "He's smart. He'll know what to do when it comes down to it."

"No, no. made this plan!" Callie argues, shaking her head. " pulled it together. Look, I'm grateful to Harper Avery for an infusion of cash, but I'm—I'm not gonna let some—some...."

"Plastics Fellow." Cristina mumbles, Mark throwing her a glare.

"Plastics Fellow tell me how to run my service 'cause his mommy said he could!" Callie continues. Mark lets out a grumble, Eleanora patting his arm.

"Preach." Arizona spoke up, flipping a page.

Eleanora sighs, sharing a look with Derek. The two look completely tired of the others, which is normal for that group.


so we're agreed that the Peds and Adult ER's will be combined to save on personnel?" Arizona spoke up, everyone voicing their agreement.

Eleanora shifted in her seat, clicking her pen a few times as she read through her notes. "We also need to decide if we want to combine the personnel for the Neuro ICU and Cardiac ICU. Those are the two most demanding ICU's in the hospital, so having more nurses, lab techs, and doctors on call or on the floor is the smartest decision."

"I agree with Eleanora." Derek spoke up, nodding his head. "The personnel on both ICU's will already have the understanding of how demanding each is, so it won't take too much to train them."

"I agree with that." Cristina spoke up. Everyone else nodded, Meredith speaking up.

"It's decided, then. We'll focus on that after we get other things in order since they are both running relatively smoothly at the moment."

The door to the conference room opens, a very late Jackson walking in. His hands are full of binders and folders, and he also has a bakery box.

Eleanora perks up at that, her eyes brightening a bit. Mark grins to himself, eyeing his wife happily before focusing on Jackson again.

"I'm sorry, guys. I was running on time, and then my last rounds' patient turned into a crier." He shoves the box to the middle of the table and opens it.

It's quiet and nobody moves to grab one, Jackson's face falling. Eleanora finally reached out and takes a donut, sending Jackson a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Jackson. Sloan Spawn and I are thankful."

It's quiet again, Jackson slowly getting his area situated. Meredith eyes everyone and speaks up, getting Jackson caught up.

"Uh, we were discussing the reopening of the ER, the Trauma Department, and merging the CCU and NCU. We decided that can come at a later date, but the ER needs handled now."

"Oh, yes!" Jackson nods, grabbing a folder. "Um, I'm not ready for that just yet."

"If you need more time with the material, we can go ahead-" Derek starts, but Jackson is quick in interrupting.

"No, no, I've—I've read it. Uh, it's just that the Foundation feels like the ER is not a forgone conclusion. They need a site visit, a chance to look over the numbers. It could be a month before a decision."

Eleanora furrows her brows and freezes mid-bite of her donut, Mark slow blinking before speaking up.


"Okay." Arizona chuckles nervously, looking at Jackson. "The Foundation knows we plan on getting our Level One Trauma Designation back, right?"

"They know that's the idea, yeah." Jackson agrees. Eleanora sets her donut down on a napkin, clearing her throat.

"The idea? We...we're a hospital, Jackson. Hospitals pretty much run on ER's."