
Chapter 0 < Prolog >

The new beginning for the already shit world that we live in.

A creature with holes painting over its face, as blood drips out from every crevice it has.

The groaning sound it makes while it lunges at anything it hears, causing bright red blood to tarnish the grey bus seats.

Screams filled the entire world as people were ripped from limb to limb while the monsters feasted on them.

The shit world just became shittier.


A bright blue panel flashed over a watch that had long been broken.

< Jea Han >

< Dead. >

The hologram glitched as it faded on and off.

< Dead >




< Dead >




< Dead >




< Dead >




< Dead >




< ■■ ■■ activated >







Is it truly possible to cheat death?

< Jea Han >

< Reincarnation >

'Can I save the world from the future?'

'After receiving another chance at life.'

'I will keep everyone safe.'
