
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Selebritas
Peringkat tidak cukup
794 Chs

Chapter 21 Black! It's so dark!

Chapter 21 Black! It's so dark!

Deegan is going to hold a press conference?

Just now, he made such a fuss at the football Oscar awards ceremony, which made FIFA collectively block, he didn't find a corner, deeply reflected, waited for Mr. Blatter's extrajudicial mercy, and was unwilling to be lonely to hold a press conference?

If you don't die, you won't die. In the eyes of everyone, what Degan is doing now is no different from dying.

However, no matter who makes him a news figure, his gimmicks are enough to support several newspapers. His deadly press conference quickly attracted hundreds of media and gathered in a local hotel in Zurich.

What the hell is Degan going to do?

People are waiting!

There were no hosts at the press conference. Digan sat alone on a chair with a large table in front of him, which seemed to fit his style very well.

"I think you must be very curious now!"

As soon as Digan opened his mouth, the scene immediately fell silent. Seeing him smiling triumphantly, most of the reporters in the audience wanted to go up and slap him twice, it was so hateful. ?? Stadium Maniac 21

"I won't repeat everything that happened at the award ceremony that shared the cake. What you are curious about is why I did it! I can tell you now that I just want to vent. The judging rules are also very curious, on what grounds did they give the World Footballer to Ronaldinho!"

The Spanish "Marca" reporter jumped up: "Ronaldinho led Barcelona to defend the La Liga title last season!"

Digan sneered: "Is the La Liga title more important than the Champions League and World Cup titles? When did this happen? Why don't I know!?"

The "Marca" reporter immediately countered: "Your dissatisfaction is only because FIFA did not award you this award, right?"

Digan wasn't angry either, he still had a smile on his face:

"You can understand it this way, because my performance last year was indeed better than Ronaldinho. Do you have any doubts? If Cannavaro wins the award in the end, I will congratulate him After all, he is the captain of the World Cup winner, he has the qualifications, but Ronaldinho, why should he?"

Degan has no prejudice against Ronaldinho. Although the two have no friendship, Degan also admits that Ronaldinho is indeed one of the best stars in football today.

However, with Ronaldinho's performance in 2006, he is indeed not qualified to win the title of World Footballer of the Year.

"We have all worked hard on the field for a year in order to get people's recognition for our efforts. Since there is such a selection as the World Footballer, I think only the most "best" people can get that trophy. But in fact, I was deceived by FIFA. They are just a crazy bureaucracy, and they take it for granted to hand out trophies at will. If this is the case, what is the meaning of the existence of this World Footballer? Just to bring everyone together, dress like an idiot, act like a gentleman, and then 'show' a bitter smile!?"

"Are you questioning the credibility of FIFA by saying that?"

Degan knew that these reporters wanted this hot spot, but he didn't care at all, and he didn't want to say those ambiguous words, otherwise, he wouldn't have held this press conference today: "That's right! I think FIFA There is no credibility at all!"

When the reporters at the scene heard the words, there was an uproar!

Someone had questioned it before, but at most it was just a complaint, but now Digan actually called the name openly, he was not questioning, he was simply questioning.

Degan really doesn't take FIFA seriously. Even if he is given small shoes, Degan doesn't care. He doesn't care at all. A disgusting bureaucracy doesn't make him feel intimidated.

"If Blatter thinks I've said something wrong, then please take out all the votes and ask the coaches and captains of the national teams who added some votes to see if they really voted. Those few people! I think the result will definitely surprise you!"?? Stadium Maniac 21

When the reporters at the scene heard the words, they suddenly realized!


Why not ask for proof!

This doesn't seem to be a problem!

Degan had a smug smile on his face. Since FIFA gave him a face, he certainly didn't mind slapping Blatter on the cheek.

Degan remembered that in his previous life, a reporter interviewed Zhu, the head coach of the Chinese national team at that time, and the answer he got was: "I have never received a vote, and I don't know what's going on!"

There is no doubt that in the final selection statistics, there will definitely be Zhu's votes, but it is unknown who added some of the above choices.

And Digan, who came from later generations, has always known that FIFA's ass is not clean at all, but it hasn't been ignited yet.

After the British BBC TV station disclosed the FIFA scandal on the eve of the vote on the right to bid for the 2018 World Cup, Blatter's crotch yellow mud was truly made public.

According to the BBC documentary "Panorama", from 1989 to 1999, the bankrupt ISL company continued to bribe people, including senior FIFA officials, with a total amount of up to 100 million US dollars. The BBC named three senior FIFA officials suspected of accepting bribes, FIFA Vice President Hayatou, Brazilian Football Federation President Teixeira, and South American Football Confederation President Leoz.

After the bbc broadcast this documentary, it aroused great repercussions in the international community. FIFA, which has been suppressed by others, shamelessly expressed dissatisfaction with the bbc, publicly criticizing it for grandstanding and exaggerating the facts.

In addition to the BBC, two media outlets in Switzerland and Germany also reported on the same content. Subsequently, several British TV media, including Sky TV, BBC and ITV, made follow-up reports on the matter that night. After that, Switzerland's independent anti-corruption agency asked FIFA to postpone the vote on the right to host the World Cup and accept an independent anti-corruption agency investigation.

Since the three executive committee members accused by the BBC have been in FIFA for many years, they have high positions and great influence, so other British media are worried that the BBC's report will have a greater impact on the UK's bid. Facts have proved that when the results of the World Cup bid were announced, Britain really lost to its rival Russia.

Corruption, this word will become the controller of the world's number one sport in the future, and the lingering haze of FIFA. After the Swiss Supreme Court released a document related to the FIFA bribery case in later generations, a new round of storms in the center of world football power broke out. Although FIFA "President" Blatter continued to emphasize his innocence, he was exuded all over his body. The smell of feces, everyone knows that this guy's butt has been dirty to a certain extent.

FIFA has always been a big cesspit. In the "isl corruption case" that broke out in 2001, the former FIFA "President" Havelange, and his son-in-law, the former FIFA Executive Committee and the former Brazilian Football Association " Chairman Sietra received a total of 22 million Swiss francs in bribes from 1992 to 2000.

The briber isl is a swiss sports brokerage company that used to own the market development right and television broadcasting right of the world cup as fifa's official market development company.

The report also disclosed that FIFA was aware of Havelange and Teixeira's bribery, but did not stop it. FIFA knew that insiders took bribes because many of FIFA's executive committee members They were all charged, and one of the payments to Havelange was mistakenly transferred to another FIFA account. Not only the executive committee knew about this, but Blatter also knew about it, and he tried to stop it. The scandal came to light.

Blatter, who was FIFA secretary general at the time, had signed a market development agreement with ISL with Havelange in 1997. But Blatter denied that he was also involved in the case, he insisted that he did not know the inside story until the isl company collapsed in 2001.

The report released by the Swiss Supreme Court also shows that FIFA is willing to pay 2.5 million francs in compensation after the incident is revealed, but on the condition that the judicial proceedings against Havelange and Teixeira be cancelled.

Among them, Shetra has voluntarily resigned from the position of "President" of the Brazilian Football Association, and his father-in-law, the 96-year-old Havelange, who has been in charge of FIFA for 24 years, is still the honorary "President" of FIFA. Until recently, he had just resigned as a member of the International Olympic Committee for 48 years.

FIFA "President" Blatter said in an interview with FIFA's official website that the behavior of his predecessor Havelange and others who enriched their own pockets more than ten years ago was not illegal at the time, and he had no power to punish Ah Villange.

Regarding the continued criticism from the outside world, especially the denunciation from the German Football Association, Blatter was obviously irritated. In an interview before, he unexpectedly publicly claimed that the right to host the 2006 World Cup was completely bought by the Germans.

In an interview with the Swiss "Viewpoint", Blatter specifically mentioned the unsolved case in which Germany narrowly beat South Africa in the voting for the right to host the World Cup in 2006. "Their World Cup was bought. When the voting went to the last moment, Suddenly someone left the venue, so what should have been a 10:10 tie became 10:9, and the Germans benefited from it. Fortunately, I didn't need to vote at the time, but I still ate a bit when someone suddenly stood up and left the venue Surprised. Looking back now, I believed them too easily at that time. I say this now not to imply anything. I am just telling everyone what happened at that time. The Germans actually called me and asked me to resign. Don't forget , I was elected as the "President" of FIFA by representatives of football all over the world, not the media."

Of course, the German Football Association also responded immediately. The Secretary-General of the German Football Association Sandrok said: "Blatt's words are completely groundless. The unraveled scandal about fifa."

The football emperor Beckenbauer, who was the German World Cup promotion ambassador at the time, responded to Blatter with a mocking tone: "He was too ridiculously wrong, and even got the voting results wrong. We won 12:11 at the time. Not 10:9."

In order to prove his innocence, Blatter also took the initiative to break the news that he had been offered a bribe of US$50,000 for the 1986 World Cup but he refused.

In the end, he also made it clear that he was ready to participate in the FIFA "President" election again in 2015 to seek a new re-election.

After the former FIFA "President" Havelange was exposed for accepting bribes, the current FIFA "President" Blatter kept clear of his relationship with his predecessor in order to establish a positive and clean image. But in fact, there are too many intertwined interests between Blatter and Havelange, the "godfather" of FIFA.

After Havelange became the "chairman" of FIFA, he vigorously promoted the commercialization of football, but the transaction between Havelange and his business partners still needs the approval of the Secretary-General at the FIFA level. At the time, FIFA Secretary-General Kaiser happened to be a member who opposed the commercialization of football, so in order to arrange an obedient person in such an important position, Havelange chose Blatter. In 1981, Blatter rocketed to the position, from a sesame official in charge of referee training to become the new secretary general of FIFA.

Havelange retired in 1998, and Johansson, the "President" of UEFA, was the most likely to become his successor. Johansson's campaign slogan when he ran for the "President" of FIFA was "transparency", and he said that after taking office, he would hire an independent financial company to manage FIFA's accounts. Obviously this touched Havelange, who had collected a lot of "black money" and messed up FIFA's financial situation, so he thought of Blatter again. In this way, with the help of Havelange, Blatter reached the pinnacle of FIFA rights.

Before the World Cup in Germany, Johansson, who was defeated by Blatter at the beginning, publicly stated that he was probably defeated by Blatter by bribery.

"I guess I'm qualified to talk about this because I was another candidate in the 1998 election, I lost, and I heard they bought votes," Johansson said.

Blatter, the "President" of FIFA, has a bad background. Coupled with some recent scandals, he is also a bad debt. He originally wanted to take advantage of this FIFA awards ceremony to save some impression points. Who knew that he met Digan, a dazed young man again.

Degan is now very much looking forward to it. The British bbs TV station can be more powerful and expose Blatter's old background sooner.

The reporter is indeed very powerful. After being reminded by Digan, they quickly started a relationship and found some head coaches and captains of national teams who are members of FIFA, such as football powers and well-known coaches. There will be no ignorance of votes, but it is inevitable for those small countries.

"What ballot! No! I never received it, and I didn't even know I was eligible for the selection! Did you just say the ballot for the World Footballer? I haven't heard of that thing! Maybe they sent it wrong I got the address!"

"What did you just say? I don't know, I didn't receive anything, there was my vote!? So can I vote for myself?"

"Don't ask me about this shit, and who is Bratt?"

"I did receive votes before, but I haven't received votes in the past two years. Maybe they have forgotten that I am still the head coach of the Chinese national team!"

"Who knows, I don't care, it won't be me anyway, even if it was sent to me, I'm not interested in filling it in!"

The thing is already obvious. Eighty percent of the more than 100 head coaches and captains of various countries interviewed claimed that they had never received a vote, so this should have been selected by the head coaches and captains of each country. How was the World Footballer born?

"Isn't this obvious?" Digan held a piece of paper in his hand, "This is a copy of the ballot I received, and I chose Kaka, Pirlo and Cannavaro! But I I bet, if you go to find my ballot, the results above will definitely be different!"

When he received the votes, Degan just wanted to stay for a few years. After all, he did not have the qualifications in his previous life, but now it is very likely to become evidence for him to question FIFA.

"Those who criticize me for being ungentlemanly can now ask Mr Blatter to release all the votes and see if I've discredited him, but I bet he wouldn't dare to do that."

That's right! Blatter dare not!


Because FIFA itself is a big dye vat, and there is only one color, black! It's so dark!

The media that criticized Degan for his ungentlemanlike behavior at the awards ceremony before has suddenly changed the direction of the wind. Compared with Degan's intermittent convulsions, it is obvious "Lu" FIFA's internal darkness is even more gimmick.

And Digan, who was criticized by people before, has now suddenly become a paladin of light who resists the darkness and challenges the dark wizard Bratt.

"I'm curious. No one noticed this before. Now it's obvious that this selection has nothing to do with fairness. It's just a secret operation! They want to give the trophy to Whoever, whoever, we have been fooled! Don't ask me why I reacted so violently, you can ask Cannavaro, how bitter is his heart!"

Degan acted as the vanguard, but Cannavaro, who was repeatedly hinted and warned by the club, chose to remain silent. Although he was very unwilling to miss the most important honor in his life, Cannavaro still faced Tyranny bowed.

But Digan won't, this guy is a lunatic: "Such a trophy is meaningless at all, and I don't care about it, and I have to tell Mr. Blatter, don't bother me with this kind of shit from now on , I will never go to that shit award ceremony again! Do it!"