
The Split Of Reality

What if you had the power to traverse between two parallel worlds, solving mysteries that stumped others and preventing tragedies before they occurred? Meet Kazuki Saito, a Tokyo detective with an uncanny ability to access a doppelganger universe called Kage. In Kage, familiar faces lead unfamiliar lives, and Kazuki uses this mystifying realm to resolve real-world cases. But what happens when someone else discovers this secret world and uses it for darker purposes? Set in the vibrant heart of Tokyo and the enigmatic depths of Kage, "The Split of Realities" takes you on a heart-stopping journey where the line between saviour and saboteur is perilously thin. When your actions echo in two realities, one false move could cause irreparable damage—or worse, endanger lives in both worlds. Delve into this electrifying psychological thriller and join Kazuki as he confronts ethical dilemmas, navigates complex relationships, and races against time to restore balance to two colliding realities.

SimpleRunningFIsh · perkotaan
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14 Chs

Chapter 7: A World Unhinged

Kazuki and Yumi emerged from the Temple of Shadows back into the unsettling landscape of Kage. Their return was accompanied by an oppressive air, as if the realm itself had turned against them.

Holding the Tear-stone tightly, Kazuki felt a knot of anxiety forming in his stomach. "We need to get back to our world and figure out our next steps. The Guardian's warning sounded—"

"Serious," Yumi finished for him, her face tinged with concern. "Too serious. But the question is: How do we restore the balance between Kage and our world?"

"I don't know," Kazuki admitted. "But we have to find out. We've unleashed something we don't fully understand."

They had hardly spoken when a ripple passed through the very fabric of Kage, causing the sky to darken. In an instant, they were enveloped in a disorienting mist, similar to the one that had first led Kazuki into this parallel realm.

"Brace yourself," he called out to Yumi as they felt a pull, a sensation of rapid acceleration that gripped them before ejecting them back into their reality.

Once they landed back in the precinct's isolated room, they immediately noticed that something was off. Officers were rushing through the corridors, a sense of urgency cutting through the atmosphere. It was different from the usual urgency they had become accustomed to; this was sheer panic.

"What's going on?" Yumi asked one of the officers hustling by.

"Multiple reports of unexplained phenomena," the officer responded, barely slowing down. "Electrical grids fluctuating, mass hallucinations, localized earthquakes—it's chaos out there!"

Kazuki felt the color drain from his face. "The realms are bleeding into each other, just like the Guardian warned."

"Then we need to stop it. And fast," Yumi said, her eyes meeting Kazuki's with an unnerving seriousness.

He nodded. "Let's start by examining the Tear-stone. Maybe there's a clue to sealing the rift between the worlds."

They hurried to Kazuki's office and locked the door behind them. Once inside, Kazuki placed the Tear-stone on his desk, its radiant glimmer casting a network of intricate light patterns on the walls.

"We need to understand this thing—its properties, its history, how it influences the balance between the worlds," he said, pulling up various scientific tools from his drawers: a magnifying glass, a Geiger counter, and a set of precision scales.

As they started their examination, the Tear-stone suddenly emitted a low hum, pulsating as if reacting to their intent. Texts and glyphs appeared on its surface, each vanishing to make way for another.

"It's like a lexicon," Yumi said, fascinated yet cautious. "Do you think we can decipher it?"

Kazuki adjusted the focus on his magnifying glass. "We have to try. This could be the instruction manual to preventing a cosmic catastrophe."

They dove into their research, cross-referencing ancient texts, deciphering glyphs, and making complex calculations. Hours passed, but time seemed irrelevant as they sought to unravel the enigma of the Tear-stone.

Finally, a breakthrough came. A set of glyphs consistently reappeared on the Tear-stone's surface, and they matched symbols from an obscure arcane manuscript Kazuki had once studied during a particularly puzzling case.

"I think this is it," he said, his voice tinged with disbelief. "It's a sealing ritual. Designed to lock away powerful energies and stabilize dimensional rifts."

Yumi leaned in to look at his notes. "But it requires components—rare earth elements, specific celestial alignments, and... a blood offering from a willing soul."

Kazuki felt a chill run down his spine. "It's a high price for restoring balance."

"Question is," Yumi added, "are we willing to pay it?"

Kazuki looked at Yumi, her face shadowed by the room's dim light yet clearly reflecting the gravity of their decision. "It's a dangerous ritual, but if we don't perform it, we risk the collapse of not just one, but two worlds."

Yumi nodded, her eyes meeting his. "Then we've got our answer, haven't we?"

Both knew that time was of the essence. With the realms already bleeding into each other, strange occurrences were becoming more frequent, affecting the lives of countless innocent people. They had to act, and they had to act now.

Kazuki started making arrangements to gather the required components for the ritual. Fortunately, the precinct had a collection of rare elements used for various forensic tests. "I'll get the earth elements. Could you look into the celestial alignments?"

Yumi took out her smartphone and began scrolling through astronomical data and charts. "If the manuscript is correct, the next alignment that fits the requirement is tonight."

He paused for a moment, considering the implications. "It's almost like fate, isn't it? We've got one shot at this."

"Then let's make it count," Yumi replied, determination filling her voice.

Gathering the materials took the better part of the day. As for the blood offering, both agreed that they would be the donors, sharing the burden and the risk. All that remained was the actual performance of the ritual.

They chose an isolated spot deep within a nearby forest for the ritual—far away from prying eyes yet close enough to reach within a short time. The darkness of the night was offset by the silvery glow of the moon, which had reached its zenith, signifying the celestial alignment needed for the ritual.

"Are you ready for this?" Yumi asked, her voice betraying a hint of apprehension.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Kazuki responded, taking a deep breath to steady himself.

They set the rare earth elements in a specific pattern as indicated in the manuscript, positioning the Tear-stone at the center. With a ceremonial dagger, each made a small cut on their palm, letting a few drops of blood fall onto the stone, which absorbed it with a resonating hum.

Kazuki began to recite the incantation, his voice echoing in the still night air. The words felt strange on his tongue, as if he was speaking a language that was both ancient and otherworldly.

As he spoke the final words, the Tear-stone erupted in a blinding light, so intense they had to shield their eyes. An ethereal wind swept through the forest, rustling the leaves and bending the trees as if bowing to a greater power.

Then, just as suddenly, it was over. The Tear-stone's glow dimmed, and a profound silence enveloped them. It was a silence not of emptiness, but of balance restored—of two worlds pulled back from the brink of chaos.

Exhausted but relieved, Kazuki turned to Yumi. "We did it."

She let out a breath she seemed to have been holding forever. "Yes, we did. But something tells me this is just the beginning."

He nodded, his thoughts already racing ahead to the challenges they would likely face in the days to come. The Tear-stone may have been stabilized, but the Keeper and the Guardian had both made it clear that their actions had consequences—some of which they might not even yet comprehend.

As they gathered their belongings and prepared to head back, Kazuki couldn't shake off the feeling that their adventure was far from over. They had touched upon forces beyond their understanding, walked paths that few even knew existed.

And as they made their way back to their world, under the light of the same moon that had guided their ritual, both Kazuki and Yumi knew that their quest was far from over.

But whatever lay ahead, they would face it together.