
The Split Of Reality

What if you had the power to traverse between two parallel worlds, solving mysteries that stumped others and preventing tragedies before they occurred? Meet Kazuki Saito, a Tokyo detective with an uncanny ability to access a doppelganger universe called Kage. In Kage, familiar faces lead unfamiliar lives, and Kazuki uses this mystifying realm to resolve real-world cases. But what happens when someone else discovers this secret world and uses it for darker purposes? Set in the vibrant heart of Tokyo and the enigmatic depths of Kage, "The Split of Realities" takes you on a heart-stopping journey where the line between saviour and saboteur is perilously thin. When your actions echo in two realities, one false move could cause irreparable damage—or worse, endanger lives in both worlds. Delve into this electrifying psychological thriller and join Kazuki as he confronts ethical dilemmas, navigates complex relationships, and races against time to restore balance to two colliding realities.

SimpleRunningFIsh · perkotaan
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Breaking the Seal

As the door to their makeshift interrogation room swung shut, Kazuki couldn't shake off the sensation that they had entered a new, darker phase in their investigation. Across the table sat Hiroshi Tanaka, his eyes a turbulent mix of defiance and curiosity.

"Mr. Tanaka," Kazuki began, laying down a folder containing evidence they had gathered, "your interest in ancient artifacts and ritualistic symbols has made you a person of interest in a series of murders."

Hiroshi chuckled. "A person of interest? Or a suspect?"

"Depends on how you choose to cooperate," Yumi chimed in, leaning against the wall, her eyes locked onto Hiroshi's.

Kazuki slid a photo across the table—a high-resolution image of the cloak they had found in Tanaka's apartment, its fabric matching the sample found at the last crime scene. "Care to explain this?"

Tanaka glanced at the photo, then back at Kazuki. "It's part of my collection. Is that a crime?"

"Owning a cloak isn't," Kazuki retorted. "Using it to conduct dark rituals that result in people's deaths, however, is."

For the first time, a flicker of concern passed through Tanaka's eyes. "Do you have proof?"

"We have the Reversal Seal," Yumi finally spoke, her words weighted with gravity. "We know you were looking for it."

Tanaka's eyes widened. "So you've been to Kage."

Kazuki looked at Yumi. They had debated whether to reveal their journey into Kage but ultimately decided that the shock factor might give them an edge. It did.

"It's over, Tanaka," Kazuki said, leaning forward. "We're ending this, one way or another."

Tanaka leaned back, a slow smile forming on his face. "You have no idea what you're dealing with."

"And that's why we're going to keep you where you can't do any harm," Kazuki replied, signaling for the guards to take Tanaka back to his holding cell.

After Hiroshi was led away, Kazuki and Yumi convened in their makeshift office space—really, a room cluttered with papers, artifacts, and now, the safely stored Reversal Seal.

"Getting him off the streets is a win," Yumi said, grabbing a cup of long-overdue coffee. "But we still don't know how to use the seal to undo the damage he's caused."

"True," Kazuki agreed, staring at the Reversal Seal's case. "But we have the upper hand, and that's a start."

As they planned their next move, Kazuki's phone buzzed. A message from Officer Tanaka popped up: "Urgent. Chief Hirano wants to see you. Now."

Both detectives looked at each other, sensing that their short-lived respite had come to an abrupt end. Little did they know that their journey into the labyrinth of murder, ritual, and parallel worlds was about to take an even darker turn.

Chief Hirano's office seemed colder than usual when they walked in, the tension palpable.

"Sit down," the Chief gestured toward the chairs in front of her desk. "What do you have to report?"

"We've arrested Hiroshi Tanaka, a suspect linked to the ritualistic murders," Kazuki began.

"Good. Do you have enough evidence to convict him?" she pressed.

"We're working on it," Yumi answered cautiously. "The case is complicated, to say the least."

Chief Hirano leaned back in her chair, peering at them both with skepticism. "We don't have time for complications. The mayor is under immense public pressure; he wants results. Either Tanaka is our man, or you find the one who is."

Before Kazuki could respond, his phone buzzed—an incoming message from Officer Tanaka: "Emergency. The holding cells have been compromised."

Kazuki showed the message to Yumi and Chief Hirano, his gut twisting in dread. "I have to go," he said abruptly, rushing out of the room.

When they reached the holding area, what they found defied logic. The guards were unconscious, and Tanaka's cell was empty. But it was how the cell was empty that confounded them— the metal bars had been bent outward, as though subjected to an incredible force.

"He's gone," Yumi said, stunned. "But how? No human could do this."

"Not any human from our world," Kazuki replied, his eyes narrowing. "This has the marks of Kage all over it."

A chilling thought occurred to them both. With Tanaka free and the Reversal Seal in their possession, they had just escalated from investigators to targets.

They returned to their makeshift office, a thick air of urgency surrounding them.

"We need to understand the Reversal Seal," Kazuki said, examining the object intently. "We're blind in this fight without it."

Just then, Yumi's computer pinged—a new email had arrived. She opened it to find a message from an anonymous sender. Attached were several scanned pages from an ancient text, detailing the use of the Reversal Seal.

"Look at this," she said, her voice tinged with disbelief. "It explains how to activate the seal, to reverse the effects of the rituals."

Kazuki read through the text, his eyes widening. "This is it, Yumi. This is how we stop Tanaka."

Armed with newfound knowledge and a growing sense of urgency, they prepared to make their final move. But even as they planned their next steps, they couldn't shake off the realization that their foe was no ordinary criminal.

Tanaka was a man who had transcended the boundaries of their world, armed with dark arts that could reshape reality itself. And in their quest to stop him, they had crossed those boundaries too.

With the Reversal Seal in their possession and the stakes higher than ever, they understood that they were no longer just enforcers of the law. They were guardians of two worlds—entrusted with a power and responsibility that neither had ever imagined.

As they stood on the precipice of a confrontation that would define their lives and legacies, they made a pact—to end this dark chapter, no matter the cost.

And so, with resolve fortified and uncertainties cast aside, they took the first step toward the showdown that would either save two worlds—or unravel them.

After a long, contemplative pause, Kazuki turned to Yumi. "We need to consult an expert about these rituals, someone who can tell us how to properly utilize the Reversal Seal. We can't afford to make any mistakes."

"Agreed," Yumi nodded. "I think Professor Saito from the University's Anthropology Department could be of help. He's a leading expert on ancient Japanese rituals."

"Let's do it. But we have to be cautious; we don't know who else might be involved in this," Kazuki warned.

They arrived at the university's Anthropology building, a sprawling, old-fashioned structure filled with the scent of aged paper and wooden artifacts. Professor Saito greeted them warmly but became visibly serious when they explained why they had come.

"The Reversal Seal," he repeated softly, his eyes widening as he examined the object. "This is powerful. Very powerful. The rituals associated with it are dangerous and require meticulous precision."

"We understand, Professor. That's why we're here," Kazuki said, taking copious notes as the Professor delved into the intricacies of the Reversal Seal and the rituals associated with it.

"For the Seal to work, it needs to be activated in a place resonating with energies from both worlds," Professor Saito explained. "And there are only a few such places left."

"Can you guide us to one?" Yumi asked.

The Professor hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, but you must be prepared for what you'll face. When you activate the seal, it will act like a magnet for dark energies. You will likely draw Tanaka right to you."

"We have no choice," Kazuki said firmly. "He has to be stopped."

"Very well. There is an ancient temple not far from here, the last in the city. It's a place where the veil between worlds is thin," Professor Saito informed them.

"Then that's where we'll make our stand," Yumi declared, determination setting in her eyes.

They took their leave, each lost in thought as they made their way back to the precinct. Tanaka had managed to elude them, but now, with the knowledge and tools they had, they would set a trap he couldn't resist.

Kazuki's phone buzzed—it was a message from Chief Hirano: "There's been another murder. The Mayor is calling for an emergency meeting tonight."

The situation had escalated to a boiling point, and they could feel the eyes of their city, their world, and even that of Kage, upon them. They would gather their resources, rally their courage, and plunge into a battle against a foe that defied all rational understanding. And in doing so, they would come to define not just who they were as detectives, but as guardians of realms unseen.