
The spirit summoner

Noah Vine, a flower seller, receives an assignment from a mysterious woman to look for a rare flower called Mist Flower Moon on Mount Mons. In his efforts, Noah experiences a tragic accident that sends him to another world. reincarnated as a Dryad, Noah must survive and find a new purpose in life.

SukaNulis · Fantasi
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6 Chs


Noah opened his eyes, but all he could see was darkness. He felt as if he was in an empty space, his body floating aimlessly. A heavy drowsiness still pressed on him, making his consciousness blurry. Amid the confusion, a mechanical voice echoed around him, different from the previous one.

Voice of the World: "Anomaly detected. An foreign soul has entered the world channel. Reincarnation process activated."

Noah tried to gather his thoughts, but his head felt heavy. "Where am I? Am I dead? It feels like a dream," he mumbled softly, feeling anxious.

Voice of the World: "You are in the transition space. A new body is being prepared. Starting the search for the best race according to your preferences and conditions."

Noah felt slightly perplexed by the statement, but another worry soon emerged. "What about my shop? The flowers and plants there... no one will take care of them," he said anxiously.

Voice of the World: "Best race search completed. Preparing new body for the host."

Voice of the World: "Consciousness and memory preserved. Beginning integration process to adapt to the new body and environment. Starting calibration of inherent abilities and genetic adaptation."

Noah struggled to comprehend what the voice was saying, but the heavy drowsiness continued to weigh on him. He felt his body becoming lighter, as if he was floating higher.

Voice of the World: "High energy detected in the individual's soul. Analyzing potential... Found. Allocating skill, unique skill Wishtalk successfully created."

Noah, still half-conscious, heard all this, but then a strong voice echoed loudly.

Voice of the World: "Warning! External entity detected. System modification attempted. Activating defense protocol."

In panic and confusion, Noah heard another mechanical voice trying to access the system.

Foreign Mechanical Voice: "Accessing data. Modifying host attributes..."

Voice of the World: "Modification detected. Unique skill has been altered. Skill Spirit Dominion successfully created. Transmigration resumed. Preparing host for reincarnation."

Noah felt his body becoming even lighter, and light began to fill the empty space around him. Finally, his consciousness faded away.


Noah woke up slowly, feeling the softness of the grass beneath him and hearing the rustling of leaves above him. He opened his eyes and saw the canopy of tall trees, their dense green leaves blocking most of the sunlight. The rays of sunlight that managed to penetrate the leaves created light patterns on the forest floor covered with moss and dry leaves.

As he slowly rose, his body felt strange yet strong. He looked around, noticing various types of plants and flowers he had never seen before. Some plants had unique colors and shapes, indicating that this was no ordinary forest.

Suddenly, a transparent window appeared in front of his eyes, with clear and neat writing:

[System Active]

Welcome, Master. You have been revived in a new world. I am here to help you adapt and thrive.

Noah was shocked and stood still for a moment, trying to understand what he was seeing.

Noah: "Who are you?" he asked, still confused.

A calm and mechanical voice sounded in his head.

System: "I am the spirit of the Mist Flower Moon. My duty is to guide you, Master."

Noah: "The spirit of the Mist Flower Moon? How is that possible?"

System: "When you picked that flower, my energy connected with your soul. In the reincarnation process, I integrated into this system to help you adapt to this new world."

Noah sighed, feeling a bit calmer, though many questions still swirled in his mind. "What happened to me? Why did I reincarnate here?"

System: "You died in the previous world due to an avalanche. This reincarnation process allows you to start a new life in a different world. I will provide guidance and necessary information as you face various situations."

His mind drifted back to his previous life. Memories of his flower shop filled with flowers and plants flashed through his mind. He remembered the dedication and love he poured into keeping each plant healthy and beautiful.

Even so, Noah couldn't help but think about his mother. He had no family other than his mother, who always demanded more from him. Perhaps now, with him gone, his mother would receive money from his life insurance. He hoped that money would be enough to pay off their debts.

Noah: "Maybe this is my chance to finally escape my mother's shadow," he murmured softly, feeling a mix of relief and sadness.

System: "It should be noted, sir, that you are now in a different world. Although the problems in the old world may have been resolved in an unexpected way, in this world, your primary priority is survival and adaptation."

Noah paused for a moment, surprised to hear the system's voice suddenly reappear.

System: "As a spirit connected to the Mist Flower Moon, I am obligated to help you adapt and survive in this world. You are given the opportunity to start anew, but with different challenges and opportunities."

Noah: "You said you are the spirit of the Mist Flower Moon. How can a flower have a spirit? What does that mean?"

System: "Everything, whether living or non-living, has a spirit or spiritual energy associated with it. I grew in a very remote location under special conditions. Thus, I was able to gather energy from the environment, including moonlight and spiritual elements from the surrounding nature."

System: "Over centuries, I absorbed and stored spiritual energy from the earth. This accumulated energy formed a powerful spiritual entity, known as a spirit. I am the manifestation of that energy, and when you picked that flower, my energy connected with your soul."

System: "Spirits like me exist in various forms. Some are tied to natural objects like flowers, trees, or stones, while others are tied to man-made objects or even specific places. Spirits can interact with living beings and have the ability to influence the physical world through their energy."

Noah: "So, because I picked that flower, the spirit energy connected with me and became the system that helps me here?"

System: "Exactly. When you were near death, I decided to help you by using my ability, which is spirit transmigration, allowing the transfer of a soul from one world to another. In your case, your energy and mine made this transmigration possible."

Trying to understand his situation, Noah slowly stood up, feeling the foreign body different from his human body.

Noah: "I see. System, do you know anything about this world?" he asked, hoping for further clues.

System: "Sorry, Master. I do not have specific knowledge about this world."

Noah sighed, feeling a bit disappointed but not surprised. He then thought for a moment before asking again.

Noah: "What can you do, System?"

System: "I have various abilities that can assist you. My main function is 'Appraisal,' which allows me to examine the status of living and non-living beings around you."

Noah listened attentively. "Appraisal" sounded like a very useful ability in this unfamiliar world.

System: "To start, say 'Status' to open your personal information."

Noah nodded and, with a still uncertain voice, said, "Status."

Suddenly, a transparent window appeared in front of his eyes, displaying his status information.