
The Story of Alan

Today I wake up and goes to downstairs and my parents is on the dining room and my mom call my name Alan. In my head("Alan? Is that my real name? I really don't remember my real name, I think I must be him then"). Then I said : "yes mom, what is it?" She said : "come here and eat with us." "Oh ok mom he said", We eat bread and its very delicious after we're done my dad said we need to hurry to go to the kingdom and perform something. We arrive at the kingdom and we sang a song and the princess is crying because of the song that we sang, Idk why she cries but I hope it's a good cry. The king is mad and angry he said : "Guards take them to jail and watch them so they can't break from the jail!!!!." Oh no why he must do this to us, I know we made princess cry but please don't do this to us. Then the guards take us forcefully to the jail, I tried to break trough and run away but they grip is very strong. Finally we her in the jail and there is a skeleton body in there, my dad said : "why you sang that song son?!!!" "Well why you sing along with me too?" I said. Then he answered : "well now I just hope he won't kill us with execution of hanging" "what execution of hanging? Are you serious dad? And why won't you warn me first before we go to the kingdom?" I said and he said : "well we are in hurry and you woke up late" 5 hours later. The Princess visit us to the jail and she said she wanted to talk to me and the guards : "Ok princess." "She said : why won't you die!!!!! wake up Alan! wake up Alaaan!!!!!" then I wake up my dad wakes me up he said I fell asleep.I ask my dad : "So I was asleep and that's not real?" "Yes it's a dream and what is you dreaming about son?" "well my dream is really weird, I dream the Princess visit us an-" The king visit us and he heard me saying that I dream about his daughter. "What did you just said? You dream about my daughter?!!!!" in king's mind "(Uh I need to calm down and besides I need to said what my daughter said)" "Ok I have something to say" The king says : "will you be my daughter private guard? I said this because She said she want to explore the world outside of the castle, she also said she cries because your song is really beautiful and I know I have so much guards but she said you are handsome and I see that you are quite strong but you need more train to become guards because you don't have the skills yet. So what do you think?" Then I said : "Yes your highness, when will I train?" "well if you want to train now you can, and your dad will be free too. But you need to stay in the castle." "Can I see my mom before I stay in her?" "Ok you can but don't take to long" "Thank you, your highness" End of the conversation. One month later, Alan has finish his training now he is a private guard for Princess. The Princess name is Anna and her father name is Johnson. In the morning Alan train and guard Anna until she sleep, he only ate vegetable and fruit. His favorite fruit is banana, sometimes he think about Anna that can he joke with her and he think back he can't because he will be dead if he do that. He always train in the morning even through his training to be her guard is done and it makes Anna setup. After one week Anna ask her dad can she go outside the castle and explore the world, her dad said : "yes you can go tomorrow but remember don't go away from Alan ok" she said : "thank you father, you're the best" At the evening Anna pack her bag and bring some food from the castle, Alan is training and he already packed his stuff, but he come to the Princess room and he knock the door. The Princess said : "yes who is it?" "its me Alan your highness, can I come in?" "wait a moment" "ok you can come in now" Alan goes inside Anna room and she ask "so what do you want?" "I want to ask you something" in Anna mind("Oh uh will he ask me to be his wife?") "Yes what is it?" "Can we go to my parents house first because I want to say goodbye before our journey pls" "oh…. Ok we can go there but don't tell my father ok" "Thank you so much Princess" "I want to tell you, after we go to your parents house I want you not to be formal to me and just call me Anna ok?" "But…. Why?" "Because I just want it to be not formal and besides we are exploring and I don't want anyone know that I'm a Princess" "You understood?" "Yes I understand" "ok now go, I still have something to packed" Alan went outside and go to his room.