Bolting up in his bed, Flynn woke up in a cold sweat.
Lightly sighing, Flynn looked to his bedside table. "Alarm… Right." He sighed at its insistent beeping. Reaching over he hit its top, silencing the alarm.
Ruffling his hair, Flynn started to take deep breaths as he tried to calm down. Flynn's fingers moved down his face as he clutched the necklace he wore around his neck.
Looking down it in his palm. He furrowed his brow. "That dream… That guy… He had the same necklace as me." Still holding his necklace, Flynn lay back down. "I mean, it's just a dream, just a fever dream, it must have been something Brynn gave me--"
"Flynn!" Flynn's sister shouted at him from downstairs. "Come down already, I'm not gonna rush you if your late to school again."
Wiping his brow with the back of his hand, Flynn rolled out of bed. As Flynn moved over to his wardrobe, he caught a glance of his reflection in the mirror that was poised above his desk. Taking a moment to look at himself, Flynn rubbed his eyes with his free hand.
"Why have I been feeling so distressed recently…" Ruffling his hair again he sighed glancing at his necklace, he let go of it letting it bounce against his chest. "It's these damn dreams."
Moving over to his wardrobe he began to get dressed.
Putting his school blazer over his hoodie. Flynn finally fully dressed, descended the staircase.
Reaching the bottom, he rubbed his eyes once more before addressing his sister. "I'm here Brynn, no need to send a search party for me." Walking into the kitchen, he was taken back for a moment as a girl with bright blond hair sat atop the kitchen counter pushing the last bit of toast into her mouth.
Looking over the doorway Oriel smiled. "Morning Flynn. You're up late."
Ruffling his hair, Flynn lightly bite his hand to stop himself from yawning. "I couldn't get to sleep last night and I think I had a dream again."
"Again?" Oriel looked to Brynn who had just taken a pair of toast out of the toaster and had begun to butter it, looking back to Flynn she leant forwards slightly. "Is it the same one?"
"Uhh.." Placing his palm on where his necklace was, he took a moment before lightly shaking his head. "No actually, it was a different dream. It had the same two people in it tho." Touching the place where his necklace was under his shirt, Flynn took for a moment to think. "I think I've found what their names are tho, which is cool I guess."
Oriel cocked her head to the side as he said this. "Oh?" Drumming her fingers against the kitchen counter, Oriel motioned for Flynn to proceed. "Go on."
"Well. From what they said in the dream. I think the guy's called Cade and the woman's name is Samy. I think they might be nicknames, since like. Who in their right mind would name their son Cade." Flynn began to lightly chuckle.
Still smiling Oriel shook her head.
Looking at the two students, Brynn sighed. "Don't you two have places to be? I'm not going to give you a lift if you're late this time. You've got to learn from your mistakes some time Flynn."
Putting his hands up as if to surrender, Flynn repeatedly nod. "Ok ok ok, we were just on our way out." Picking his bag off of the kitchen table that he left there last night.
Hopping off of the countertop, Oriel joined Flynn in walking to the backdoor. Just as Flynn grabbed the handle. He stopped, a small noise groaned from within Flynn's stomach.
Turning back to look over to Brynn, Flynn wore a loose smile as he held his stomach. "Hey uhh, Brynn…"
Leaning against the kitchen counter, Brynn crossed her arms as she looked back at him.
"Yes Flynn."
"Can I have some breakfast? I skipped out on dinner."
Hearing this, Brynn's eyebrow lightly twitched. "I know you did Flynn and I told you you would regret it." Watching Flynn, Brynn rubbed her cheeks as she watched him make puppy dog eyes. "Fine fine." Picking up one of the pieces of toast she had just taken out of the toaster, she threw it over to him. "Take one of mine."
Catching the toast, Flynn jokingly bowed in her direction. "Thank you very much sis."
Smiling Brynn shook her head. "Not again, you hear me?"
"Yes miss." Flynn gave Brynn a small wave before stepping out the door.
Oriel would step out after him. "Thanks for the toast Brynn."
"Anytime Oriel."
Closing the door behind her Oriel walked up to Flynn who was looking over the fields surrounding his home, the city of Seshire could be seen in the distance. The place they were heading to for school. The crumbs of toast generously fell from the toast as he devoured it in an attempt to appease his hungry stomach.
Stretching his arms, Flynn glanced over to Oriel. "Hey Oriel can I ask you something?"
Taking a comb out of her bag, Oriel started brushing her hair. "Yeah Flynn?"
Rubbing his chin, Flynn asked. "Why do you keep coming up here? You live on the edge of the city, this adds like an extra thirty minutes to your commute. Wouldn't it make more sense just to go directly to school. Am I wrong?"
Hearing this Oriel shrugged as she started walking down the path, Flynn followed close behind.
"I don't like walking into school alone. I just get this feeling, everyone has their eyes pointed at me as they all quietly judge me between themselves. You know? Almost everyone goes to school with someone, and well." Looking away, Oriel scratched the back of her neck. "After coming to the school so late in the year. I don't really have any friends outside of you sooooo." Smiling she lightly chuckled as she turned back to Flynn. "If it's ok with you I think I'll just stick with coming to your house for now." A faint smile crossed her lips as she looked away from Flynn again.
Putting his bag around his left shoulder, Flynn shook his head. "But it just doesn't make sense. You could just wait for me at the edge of the city instead of walking so far-"
"Hey!" Oriel said, cutting Flynn off as she snapped her fingers in front of his face whilst she pouted. "It's my decision to come and get you and that is all there is to it. You need someone to watch over you. Besides... Brynn can't watch over you forever, can she?"
Looking down at the dirt path, Flynn kicked a stone out of the way. "Yeahh. I suppose you're right. Sorry."
"Oh don't apologise." Putting the comb back into her bag, Oriel lightly smiled. "It's fine as long as I'm spending time with you."
Hearing this, Flynn couldn't help but feel his cheeks run flush for a moment. Seeing this Oriel snickered at the boys reaction.
"Aww, is little Flynny blushing after a cute girl paid him a compliment."
Flynn quickly hid his face by looking away. "Not a chance, you old weasel."
"Hey, just because I got held back a year when I moved here doesn't make me old. I'm only six months older than you, you weasel."
Smiling, Flynn jogged ahead a few paces of Oriel. Turning back to her Flynn wink. "Let's settle it with a race. First one to the city's edge is the odd one out."
Hearing his challenge, Oriel couldn't say no. "Game on youngin."
Racing off down the beaten path, it was a close race until Oriel gained a burst of speed to beat Flynn in the last moments as they reached the tarmacked roads of Seshire city.
Leaning against a lamp post, Flynn began to catch his breath. "Let's call it a tie."
Resting her hands on the top of her head, Oriel in comparison to her friend was taking gentle breaths. "Ha. I had you dead to rights on that one."
Looking at Oriel, Flynn exhaled. "What's with you, you barely ever break a sweat when we run."
Oriel shrugged. "Guess I'm just built different." Pulling out her phone to check the time, she smiled. "Oh, would you look at that. With our race we cut the time walking by like, what 20 minutes."
Resting his hands on the straps of his bag. Flynn started to walk in the direction of the school.
"Well then, I guess we shouldn't lose out on this head start." He winked.
Nearing the school, walking down the lane. The two students passed by an alley where a single boy was leant against one of the walls. He looked to be slightly older than them.
Glancing at him, Oriel abruptly stopped.
Looking back at her, Flynn looked at the delinquent before looking back to Oriel.
"Hey Oriel? You good." He asked, confused at this sudden change in attitude.
Not taking her eyes off of the man. The two locked gazes. "Hey Flynn… You head onto school alright. I'll be right behind you."
Feeling slightly concerned at who this man was, Flynn took a step towards Oriel. "Hey, if this guy's bothering you somehow, we can just go. Besides. I thought you said you hated going into school alone."
Hearing the concern in his voice, Oriel broke her gaze with the man before making a loose smile to Flynn. "Oh don't worry about me. Just get going before you're late. You know Mr Hay won't be happy if you make it late again. Ok?"
Glancing at the man. Flynn could feel that something felt off about him, Flynn instincts told him he should run. Shaking his head, he nodded.
"Ok ok, you win again. Just make sure you're not late either. We both know Mr H wouldn't be happy."
Gently punching his shoulder she winked back at him as Flynn turned back to the school.
As Flynn moved a few paces away, he looked over his shoulder watching Oriel disappear into the alley.
Before he got too far away, he would be able to hear Oriel as she began to speak.
"What are you doing here d-"
But Flynn wouldn't be able to hear the rest as the school bell rang signifying that homeroom had begun.
Turning back around, Flynn broke into a sprint.
"Oh no! Mr H is gonna kill me for sure."