
The Soul Eater Lich

His soul was touched by the dark... He were told that he only has two choices... Choosing the reencarnation, he became a Lich in a undiscovery world. With some gifts from a strange being, he now has to deal to his Lich personality... "I'm starting to like it..." He tought. Disclaimer: I don't own some of the powers used and the novel picture, if you're the own of the picture, please say it to me and i'll remove.

Kitsoune · Komik
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14 Chs

Lich feelings....

Theo had a little mouse in his hand as he stared at him fixedly. The flames of his eyes trembled with the wind around him as he stared at the rat, who stared back at him hard. The mouse's eyes were black as he looked into Theo's black flame eyes.

The two faced each other strongly, as if one did not want to take their eyes off the other. After a few minutes like this, Theo threw the mouse the ground.

"ARGHHHHHHHH WHY DON'T YOU DO ANYTHING????!!!" Theo yelled at the rat, who was now a meat paste by the force with which Theo threw it on the ground.

Theo did what was said at the beginning of the book, while using the dead body of a rat as a container and making a core. He realized that the core seemed to suck the entire mana from the mouse's body, before crystallizing something in his hand, which was soon sent and entered the mouse's body, along with the mana in the shape of the mouse's body.

The mouse wouldn't move if it wasn't given a specific command, and it reminded him of the second part of the book...

- Cores are made of souls, or consciousness. That's why the smarter a way of life is, the greater its potential as a 'golem'. Necromancy is based on creating cores using human souls, which is taboo. Most cores are usually created from a powerful monster, this greatly increases the combat potential, but not as much as a human soul.

Human souls allow mass production of invocation of beings with precarious consciences. Therefore usually necromants use them as zombies or skeletons, because a human soul can be shared and supply a large amount of these creatures, at the cost of intelligence, a common human soul can supply about 10 zombies and skeletons, which act individually and do not need specific commands. If used only a human soul without sharing it, the being would have the intelligence of a child, and could be taught by the summoner, so entire human souls are usually used in invocations made with rare materials, to potentiate even more.-

"So... It is possible for me to summon a zombie without the need for any bodies, with only one soul, but to make more advanced beings I would need materials?..." Theo thought out loud as he remembered what he had just read. Impressively, he had already decorated the symbols in the book.

"Ahhhh, I'll try this after I know more about the magic of this world." Theo said, while holding his head, thinking he would have bad times if he did not accelerate the discovery of where he was. He had a rough idea, but he needed exact things. He could learn more about necromancy when he had more knowledge about where he was and things like that, after all, all the books were engraved in his mind.

Theo reached out, when once again, a black magic circle appeared in front, which soon took the form of a rectangle.

[Name: Theo.

Race: Lich weakened. Souls: 3 / 30

Life: -/- Mana: 349/350.

Strength: 16 Resistance: 16

Magic Power: 30 Magic Resistance: 25]

'Has my strength increased? How?' He thought, seeing that his strength had increased, but what made him curious was that his magical power and magical resistance had not increased... 'Maybe this has to do with me swallowing my soul?... And since he was a zombie, he can't use magic...' Theo thought it made sense because there are no mage zombies.

Theo looked at the place where the mouse was, only to see the handful of flesh and dried blood on the floor. Shrugging, he no longer seemed to care about the scene as he turned to the door and fixed his robe on himself.

'Time to find out exactly where I was thrown...' He thought, as he took the map and wrapped it and kept it inside his robe. Leaving the room, he once again went against the hallway as he walked in the only direction he had not gone.

Walking through some locked rooms, he kept walking, no matter what they were... Well, not that there was a choice, because the first one he looked at, the door were locked. And besides this, the place inside don't seemed anything worth to take a look.

He had come from the end of the hall, so he didn't think he'd see anything that would interest him more than what he'd ever seen there.

"No, no, no, no, no, Please don't!" Theo heard a female voice echoing down the hall, followed by a thud, as if someone had been thrown.

"Be quiet woman, your voice it's annoying!" A man's voice resonated, while the woman grunted in pain and soon her cries came.

Theo hearing this, began to run to where the voice was, and following the sound of crying and the occasional voice of cursing of the male voice, he came to another room. The room had no door, while at the end of it, the woman was gathered in the corner while the man stood in front of her, with his back to Theo.

The man had a small dagger in his hand as he looked at the woman who appeared to be no more than eighteen. The man lifted the dagger, while Theo looked curiously at it.

Theo's eyes trembled at the scene as he seemed disgusted by it... But his disgust was not directed at man specifically...

'Why?... Why don't I feel anything but disgust looking at it?' He thought to himself. 'Maybe... Its because I am a Lich?' Theo was in internal conflict because he felt disgusted by the scene, but no willingness to help. It was like he was looking at two cockroaches fighting, anyone watching this would be disgusting, but wouldn't bother to help...

'Has my characteristic of a Lich changed the way I see humans?' Theo thought, while taking a step forward, after all, he had lived much longer as a human than as a living dead, so despite the unwillingness to help, he still did so because he sympathized with the woman.

The man with the dagger lifted it up as he prepared to stab the woman.

"Be quiet, it won't hurt too much." The man said, as he looked at the woman with a comforting smile. The woman didn't say anything, just cried low, giving up any chances of leaving the place.

The man quickly lowered the dagger, aiming at the girl's neck, which closed her eyes and shrank. But before the dagger touched the girl's skin, a skeletal hand held her, as she pulled the man's arm hard and threw it against the wall.

The girl opened her eyes when she realized she had not died, but could not see anything, she could only see the man because he was too close, but now that he was thrown away, all in his vision was complete darkness.

All she saw in front of her were two black fires floating above the air.

Theo looked at the girl from top to bottom, noting that she wore a strange white robe with small golden details. He turned the vision to the man, who was lying on his back on a wall, by being thrown by Theo.

The man looked at Theo, he was seeing him, when his eyes widened. "An undead?!!" The man screamed as he stood up and pointed the dagger at Theo. Theo didn't say anything while he walked up to the man. The man took a step back, afraid of Theo, who was a different skeleton, in addition to wearing a tunic, his eyes had a black fire, it was terrifying.

"Are you working for the devils?" The man asked, his voice tremily, as he looked at Theo.

"Demons?" A hoarse voice came out of Theo. 'In this world are there demons?' He thought, while ignoring the man's question and kept moving on. The man took a few steps back as he walked away, but soon his back went against the wall and he had no choice but to face Theo head-on.

The man steadied his tremily hand as he threw himself at Theo with his dagger pointed at Theo's neck. Theo did not have time to move, the man's speed was much higher then his own, but as soon as the attack fell on Theo's neck, the part in which the dagger attacked turned into a current of blue lightinings, which illuminated the entire cave strongly, causing the girl to shrink and close her eyes again.

The light blue color filled the place, while the electric chain passed through the blade of the knife and went straight to the man's hand, causing it to paralysise by the intensity of the lightinings.

The man stopped, while looking at his hand without feeling pain, the lightinings burned the entire internal structure of the man's arm, including the nerves of it. "A wizard?!" The man screamed, with a slight tone of despair, besides a undead, was he a wizard?

The man looked where he attacked, but saw no trace of his attack, and that made him even stranger. Because Theo was a skeleton, and although he was different from the other ones, if the man hit an attack and broke the bones, the skeleton would die, so he attacked with all his strength and speed, to try to end the fight at once, but he was wrong...

Theo walked forward gradually, as the man's eyes trembled at every step, the electric current was still having an effect on his body, leaving him static in place. Theo arrived in front of the man, who was stand still, when his hand went straight to the man's throat.

'Why don't I feel anything? No... Feeling nothing would be anything else... Why do I just feel disgusted and willing to kill him?' Theo thought, when he looked at the man who was being held by the neck by his skeleton hands.

All he felt about this man was disgust and willingness to kill him, as if it were instinctive. He almost felt angry to be in the same room as this man, and he felt the same way about the girl, even though the feeling wasn't as strong as how he felt about the man.

That was his Lich nature manifesting, he didn't know how to feel, but all he knew now was that he wanted this man to die now. Following what he wanted, he used his hand and stuck it in the man's chest.

*Gurgle* The man choked on the sudden rise of blood down his throat when he spat a large amount on Theo's robe. Theo took his hand from inside the man's chest while looking at it.

He didn't feel anything when he killed the man... Or rather, he felt disgusted by the viscosity of blood, as any human would feel when stepping cleanly on a cockroach or slug. Followed by disgust, on his hands, small blue lightinings began to snap, when once again the room was filled with the blue light.

The blood on his hand evaporated instantly, not even the smell left, as he looked back at the dying man in front of him. The man had already recovered his movements while using his hand that still worked to try to prevent blood from leaking from the hole in his chest.

The man's eyes trembled, he didn't want to die there, but he knew he had no choice... But something still made him fight, he knew that death was not the end... Not for him. He struggled with everything he could, while using his hand to hit Theo's arm, which was holding him by the neck.

The man's hand went through Theo's arm, while he was burned again by the emitted lightinings. Even his desperate attempt at survival did not work...

Theo looked at this, while not even the urge to vomit felt, he felt a little strange... Somehow, the first time he killed was satisfactory... It's not that he didn't like the feeling, it's just that he was a normal person before he die, and the least that was expected of a normal person when killing for the first time would be to at least feel remorse and be extremely dejected, but all he can feel was satisfaction, as he looked at the man's eyes losing their color.

Theo reached out, while taking the man's soul and molding into a ball, he was already accustomed to it. So he sent it to his mouth.

[Souls: 4/30

Mana: 350/350]

Theo swallowed with satisfaction, while savoring the taste of the soul he had just eaten. It was even better than the other three, he could call it a delicacy! Nodding in satisfaction, he turned to face the girl, who in the meantime had already become used to the darkness of the place and was staring at Theo, wide-eyed and frightened.

Theo walked forward, when the girl shrank further back and some tears came out of her eyes, she looked at the corpse of the man, who had a hole in his chest and then looked at Theo, she did not want to die like that.

"Hey... I won't hurt you..." Theo said, trying to hide the contempt in the tone of voice, but this only served to make it scarier. What kind of person would say something like that in this situation? The girl could only think he was a lunatic.

The girl didn't say anything, she just shrank even more.

"Come on... I saved you..." Theo once again said, as he walked forward.

"Don't come any closer!" The girl screamed, afraid of the skeleton in front of her.

"I told you I have no bad intentions with you!" Theo said it back, as he took another step forward.

The girl reached out when a large blue magic circle, but with few simple symbols, appeared in front of her. The circle quickly turned, when from the front of it, a large amount of concentrated air quickly came out, at the speed of a bullet. The air attack was big when it hit Theo and threw him to the wall behind.

Theo did not see the attack happen, when he was already on the wall, which cracked with the force of the impact, but impressively he felt no pain...

Rising from the place and cleaning his big robe, he looked at the girl, who looked very panting, almost as if she had run a marathon. The girl looked back at him getting up, and saw that her attack had no effect.

"Hey... You know that was rude..." Theo spoke, looking at the girl as he tried once again to approach, but again, his poor choice of words made him seem even more suspicious.

The girl held both hands forward when the same circle appeared, but this time larger, when a strong air attack came out of there, but this time Theo reacted instantly, extending his hand forward, when a

big complex black magic circle appeared in front of him. The wind attack crashed into Theo's circle, only to disappear as if it had never existed. The circle in front of Theo just disappear after protecting him from the attack.

Theo looked at the girl, who now besides being very panting, was pale. He walked to her, and this time she tried nothing while crying silently.

'I've barely been saved and I'm already going to die...' She thought as she cried, ignoring the fact that whoever saved her was right in front of her, because of fear.

Theo arrived in front of her while looking at her pathetic state. The girl had shaggy and strange hair due to sweat, while her chest stuffed vigorously, due to shortness of breath.

Theo reached out his skeletal hand to the girl, who turned her face in fear and closed her eyes, awaiting her death.




'What?' The girl thought, seeing that she had not died, as she opened her eyes and looked at Theo, who had her hand outstretched to her, in the intention of helping her to get up.


A/N: Sorry for being late.... I was busy... Anyways, thank you for reading, and if you have any ideas, comment, maybe i can put it on my history!!!!

Also, leave some power stones!!

Am I using well the akuma no mi powers?


Thank you for reading this!!

Leave some power stones, thats what motivates me!!!

Kitsounecreators' thoughts