
The Sorcerer Epoch

Sorcery: the art of manipulating the elements of the world to produce unnatural effects such as splitting the sea and overturning mountains. After 5000 years of wars against alien races such as Gods, Demons, Cosmic Beasts, and so on, Sorcerers have been able to carve all but a tiny spot in the universe. However, their survival is not all but certain. In the Sorcerer World, August, a 20-year-old man from Earth reincarnates in the body of a rogue Apprentice Sorcerer with a system that grants him the ability to extract 4 different innate affinities. Will he be able to herald the golden age of Sorcerers?

SilveryBird · Fantasi
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229 Chs

Speed Demon's Scheme

The magic airship had arrived at the Phelan Tower. It was time for the Brander Clan Apprentice Sorcerers to disembark. In all the expedition was considered as a massive success for the Apprentices as they were no more than 10 casualties, with most of them being Beginner Apprentice Sorcerers.

The faction within the Phelan Tower that suffered a significant loss of personnel and sustained serious injuries was the Ice Faction with 7 casualties, with the Dark Tiger Faction following in second with 2 and the Lightning Faction third with 1 casualty. The Faction with a 100% record was the rising Storm Faction.