
A Stark Threat, A Significant Gamble!

At the highest room of the Sorcerer Tower, Great Sorcerer Phelan stood before an expansive window, his gaze fixated on the horizon where the sky kissed the earth. The golden rays of the setting sun cast an ethereal glow, but his attention was abruptly drawn to the sight of a four-winged eagle soaring toward him. This majestic bird, a messenger widely recognized across the Sorcerer World, was a common means of communication, albeit a slower and more traditional one compared to the myriad of other magical methods at sorcerers' disposal. It was, however, the most economical choice and thus favored by many, even in times of urgency.

However, among official sorcerers, that is Sorcerers from the first rank and above, the use of the messenger bird was deemed to be archaic and embarrassing to their status and power. Yet here was a messenger bird flying towards him...

He could not resist the urge to burn it into ash. However he paused for a moment and stared at it closely.