

A father in a certain hut gathered his children, one sunny day.

"Now hear me, my children. Riches and wealth, we may not be able to provide. But words of wisdom, we can gladly share. Do not ever forget your mama's teachings and always remember my instructions. You know that we love you so dearly, and one day, you will realize that these words are worth more than any precious stones and golden fields." the father advised, "Will you promise me that?"

"Yes, papa! I promise! But I'm not sure about my brother," teased his young daughter. She hugged her father and said, "Love yah, papa"...


With tears streaming down her face and her eyes still closed, the girl whispered, "I'm sorry papa, I'm sorry mama," in the midst of her dream.

Suddenly, the sensation of water droplets on her cheek jolted her awake. As she sat up, she realized that the rain had stopped.

She saw the bright light shining through the holes in the cramped cave and remembered the fear she felt the night before.

"BOY! BOY! Where are you?!" she shouted, her voice still cracking.

All that flashback suddenly came swooping, and she relived the fear of running across the Forbidden Pass, away from her comfort zone, the fear of being alone, the sorrow, being chased by something or someone, and being swept away to an unknown setting.

But then, GIRL also remembered that soft, warm, and resting hand that carried her and comforted her. So, she searched for that someone, the father-like stature she called, HAND.

But HAND was nowhere to be found. She realizes that she was yet again all alone in that crease on a hill.

She is lost. Fear in her heart started to consume her again.

But then, she remembered the warm voice that had whispered to her before she fell asleep, "Just ask and the Hand will reach..." She prayed, "Help me once again, oh please. I know that you'll come to my rescue."

These words gave her a spark of hope, so she stood up, summoning her courage, trembling, and took a step outside. It was like performing on a stage where everyone was watching you, every eye is staring at you. The fear of the outcome and shyness were there, even though you were well-practiced. But once the show starts, the fear dissipates, and you'll just feel the joy of your performance as the audience applauds.

The bright light momentarily blinded her, but then, her eyes get accustomed to the light...

What a scene of a small forest that was! (I say small, and I really mean it!) It was like looking at a miniature of a healthy forest.

A wide field filled with bonsai plants! Shades of green and brown at the horizon, with the blue sky perfectly in harmony. She could still hear the faint sounds of the sea waves from afar, an orchestra of the waves, birds tweeting, and winds hustling.

As GIRL ventures deeper into the heart of that small forest, she can't help but be mesmerized by the peculiar, pint-sized trees that surround her. The miniature wonders stand no taller than a foot, their twisted trunks and branches gnarled with age. Each one seems to have its own distinct personality and peculiar cross-breads.

Despite their tiny size, the forest is a burst of color. The leaves of the trees are an explosion of hues, ranging from fiery oranges to deep, velvety purples.

The delicate flowers that bloom on the branches are like tiny, intricate works of art, their vibrant petals radiating a gentle glow that seems to light up the entire forest. From the lacy woody vines, heart-shaped leaves and thorny, pubescent stems of bougainvillea to the spikes of brilliant turquoise blooms of emerald jade vine hanging from its scrambling stems but smaller than its actual size.

If we could just only see and smell the alluring aroma of the tiny sampaguita flowers scattered around, such a delicate blossom with simple, white petals arranged in perfect symmetry. Its unassuming simplistic beauty is surpassed by its sweet, intoxicating fragrance, a blend of jasmine, gardenia, and other floral notes that fills the air and transports the mind. Their therapeutic properties calm the mind and soothe the soul of GIRL.

We can't help but notice also the diverse array of birds and flying creatures that call this forest home. A flock of iridescent birds darts overhead, their wings a blur of iridescent green and purple. Nearby, a family of tiny, jewel-like dragonflies flits about, their coruscating wings shimmering in the dappled sunlight like lights on a performing stage.

The air is alive with the sound of chattering feathered creatures, rustling leaves, and the gentle, musical trill of songbirds. The forest seems to hum with an almost otherworldly energy as if it's alive and pulsing with energy all its own.

Like in a concert, the lights and audio are all set, so let our eyes be the camera and let the curtains open.

GIRL suddenly felt the urge to dance. She closed her eyes, twirled around like a ballerina, and felt the fresh, cool air brush against her face. She opened her eyes to find a flock of small, brightly colored birds circling her as if they were dancing with her.

She felt an immense joy and freedom as she danced and rotated, letting herself become completely immersed at that moment. The birds chirped and sang, creating a beautiful melody that perfectly matched the rhythm of her dance.

As the dance came to an end, GIRL took a deep breath and felt a sense of peace and gratitude. She looked around at that sensational forest, at the tiny trees and the colorful birds that surrounded her, and she felt a deep connection to everything around her.

As GIRL continues on her journey, she can't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty and mystery of this out-of-this-world forest. It's a place where anything seems possible, where even the tiniest of creatures can hold a world of secrets and wonder.

The atmosphere lifted her spirits, and she remembered a song from their lands that made her joy seem complete...

---~~~o~~~--- ---~~~o~~~--- ---~~~o~~~---

THE PSALMIST joined her in singing,


"Himig ng daloy sa dalampasigang walang hinto

Huni ng ibong di nangangamba sa buhay nito

Ningning ng mga bituing sumasayaw sa gitna ng dilim

Nagsasabing Siya'y nandiyan lagi

Umasa ka't araw ay darating


Di ba't kay daling pagmasdan

Pagsikat ng araw at ng kanyang paglubog

Di ba't pag-alis nito'y

Gabi ma'y madilim, buwan ang siyang maningning

Kasama nito'y mga bituing sumasayaw sa gitna ng dilim

Nagsasabing Siya'y nandiyan lagi

Umasa ka't araw ay darating


At kung dumating man ang tagtuyot

Di ba't ang kasunod ay pagbuhos ng ulan

Bulaklak nga ay magaganda sa damit nitong kaaya-aya

At pagkatapos nga ng tag-ulan

Damit ng bahaghari ang siyang lilitaw

Nagsasabing Siya'y nandiyan lagi

Umasa ka't araw ay darating..."



Let me translate that into our common tongue,


"The melody of the never-ending flow of the shore

The singing of birds not worried about their life

The sparkling stars dancing in the darkness

They're all saying that He is always there

Hope and believe that someday it will come


Isn't it easy to watch

The rising and setting of the sun

Isn't it that when it goes away

The night becomes dark, but the moon shines bright

Accompanied by stars dancing in the darkness

They're all saying that He is always there

Hope and believe that someday it will come


And if the dry season comes

Isn't it that the rain will follow

Flowers will look beautiful in their pleasant clothes

And after the rain,

The rainbow's clothes will appear

They're all saying that He is always there

Hope and believe that someday it will come."

---~~~o~~~--- ---~~~o~~~--- ---~~~o~~~---

It's as if you yearn to capture every awe-inspiring sight this World has to offer, eager to share and showcase them to the world, all the while raking in the likes, hearts, stars, and thumbs up.

Just as she was about to bask in the sweet sensation of the gentle breeze, take a deep breath, and stretch out her arms, she was suddenly and rudely interrupted!

Without warning, something or someone came charging towards her, colliding with her and sending both of them sprawling on their backs.