
the son of zeus

Death huh funny thing I don't remember how I died next thing I know I'm a baby and my name is Zachary Bradley and according to my mother I am the son of Zeus and with my small knowledge of the world i plan to change it. Percy Jackson is property of Rick Riordan and I do not one any references in this

reddragon98 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

chap 33 tring to relax 3/3

We hop back on keraunós and quickly ride back to the house at a gallop and we get back to the house with about a few hours before sunset as we dismount Savanah walks out to greet us " Savanah show silena to the restroom so she can freshen up I'll use another shower." I say as I drop all the gear in the ring as Savanah leads silena in the house while I dig my phone out a make a reservation for dinner before I hop in the shower and after a few minutes of waiting by the car they come out and silena drives us to the city. " I hate the city." I groan as silena rolls her eyes " You say it like the city is a bad place." " I feel confined in the city." She tilts her head side to side before nodding " Understandable."

We drive up to a clothing store and silena and I get out while Savanah waits in the car " Can we help you today?" a man asks in a wried tone " We are trying to get a dress and suit for dinner." I ask cautiously " Oh how sweet now lets see if we have something for the lady first then we can style the gentleman accordingly." He says as he Annunciates each word as he drags silena off who is grinning like he had just told her to take what she wanted. " Now lets see the dress will be somewhat easy." He says as he takes a few measurements before walking away and bringing four bags and hands them to her " Why don't you try this on?" He pushes silena in the changing room before he wheels on me " Now for the young man." he walks forward slowly as if I was a cornerd animal " There a problem?" I ask as the man shakes his head " But we will have one." I slip my hand in my pocket to feel my pen " You see Mr. Bradley Someone isn't to happy with your involvement." He licks his lips with a forked tongue..... Wait a forked tongue.

I jump back as my spear extends causing him to hiss " Such a waste of a well crafted body if you ask me." I shiver and take a step back " What have you done with silena?" he laughs " Honey I gave her clothes for tonight but sadly you won't get to see it." His ear extends as horns grow from his head, his hands change into claws and feet into that of a ass " Disgusting aren't i but I found a way to fix that with the blood of a demigod and the body of another." He snarls and I step back. " What are you?" I ask and he laughs " I am a greater demon nothing like the fakes you see now a day's." I try to start think of a plan with out bringing harm to silena or the mortals outside.

" Oh child of zeus can't really fight now can you?" I shrink my spear and grab the black blade from my ring and it feels balanced but weird like I shouldn't be holding it But the thing hisses in rage as I look at the blade and find a two symbols etched in to it one looks like a yin-yang that had a crack going through both halfs , and the other looks like a hammer and anvil that was being destroyed. " How do you have that a cursed blade?!" it screams as silena peaks out with a smile only to fade in horror " Don't matter!" I yell as I lunge forward with a stab but the demon steps back and slashes with its claws forcing me to step to the side as I slash the sword up at a angle then turning the blade and choping straight down cutting through the demon.

It screams as is bursts into flames before sinking to the ground. " What in hades was that?" silena asks as she walks out in a white southern style gown making her look like a southern bell. " Some kind of demon but I don't think that dress works." I say as she looks at herself in a mirror and turns to the side " Yea maybe but this thing..." " We will worry about it later." I say cutting her off as I store the blade happy to get it out of my hands " Ok then." She say slowly before trying on the others before we dicede to go with a dress that which a majestic red that had a cut going down her left leg to let her walk freely with a pair of red heels. Then we find a smiple suit with the same color vest before we walk out the door and i help her back in the car before I sit down and shut the door as we go driving off.

"Sir I'll go find me some food while you and the miss have dinner." Savanah say to which I nod as we pull up and the moment we come to a stop a custodian comes up and opens the door, I get out as I hear a group of girls nearby sharply inhale but I ignore them and step to the side and offer my hand to silena with my other hand behind my back as she stifles a laugh at my uncomfortable movements while she climbs out and hooking her arm through mine as we walk in the door. " I had a reservation for two." I say bluntly at the man at the podium snapping him out of a trance " Name." I roll my eyes " Bradley." He nods and grabs to menus and walks us to a table and everyone turns to look at us the newcomers .

" Tone down the love magic bab." I whisper just loud enough for her to hear as she places a hand in front of her mouth and chuckles " I'm doing no such thing." I roll my eyes with a smile and pulls a chair out for her and pushes it under for her and the moment I sit down we talk and places our orders as I see out of the corner of my eye a big burly man with sunglasses on wearing a blood red suit and a lady that looks like a model but ten times more beautiful walk in. I suddenly feel a mix of emotions as I look up at silena and sigh " What's wrong?" I jab my thumb over to the couple that was making their way towards us " Kid better watch where your pointing so som respect."

The man threatens while the lady laughs elegantly but I glare up at the man while silena looks up at the woman " Give me a reason Lord Ares." I snarl as the woman sits beside silena and now that I'm looking at them they look almost the same." You got guts kid." He says as he sits down i ignore this and address the lady " Lady Aphrodite its a pleasure." Silena looks at me with concern " Oh my rather straight forward aren't you." she says as I shrug " Its a curse really now if if I may what do we owe the honor we already meet uncle Poseidon today so to day must be a shit day to met three Olympian gods in one day." I growl as both the gods look surprised at my rudeness.

" Got some serious stones kid." Ares says as he glares right at me to which I respond in kind " Maybe want to choke on them." I snarl as the god leans back raising a eyebrow as silena and Aphrodite look at me like I lost my mind. " Being honest to day was supposed to be a relaxing day now that is out the window so the fuck do you want?" I stare Ares down as I can see that this is troubling the god of war " Will we can to try a mortal dinner but I saw my daughter here so we came to sit with you." Aphrodite says as she looks at me with a smile and I turn my cold glare at her startling her " Sure like you would choose to out of good will." " Zach!" I glance at silena who is pouting and I sit back and look up and take a few deep breathes before looking down with a blank expression " Sorry bout that, I'm not to stable today." The gods look at me " Ok then we were curious about what you told Poseidon and we wanted to to explain." Aphrodite says before I can answer i here a voice beside me " Yes in all our years this is the first time a mortal has said as such much less make my idiot brother back down." I look up to see a blonde lady with stormy grey eyes looking down at me " Lady Athena." I say casually as she sits down and folds her hands. " Do tell." she says clamly.

Sighing I look at silena who is pouting even more as a idea comes to mind " Alright I'll take if you all agree to leave us alone for the rest of the day." Athena raise a eyebrow " You don't get something for nothing, You must understand that very well lady Athena." I say calmly as she smiles " Very well." I nod as I see silena smile as well. " What do you want to know first?" " First your indifference to the gods." athena says " Simple now lets use some brains sorry Ares now history has been written by the gods and it has one thing in common no matter the myth. It always comes down to don't cross the gods but lets pick on someone not here at the moment in the story of king midas he was asked to judge been the god pan and apollo am I right?" The gods nod " And being a judge he is to remain neutral to both parties and he found pan the winner but apollo rewarded his neutrality with the ears of a ass."

Athena eyebrow raised again " Now lets look at you lady Athena with lets say Medusa for example From my knowledge she was a priest of yours in the beginning?" she shakes her head " No." I knit my brows together " Huh bad example give i have to re read some my apologies." I say lowering my head as her eyebrow raises yet again as Aphrodite chuckles " You aren't so innocent Lets see commanding a woman to fall in love but she chooses not to and starts following Artemis so you punish her by forcing her to fall in love with a bear." I say quickly as Aphrodite makes a sour expression. " Lady Athena do not take my indifference as disrespect no i respect the gods but I will not fear you all."