
Chapter 3: A Lost Friend

-Zaria’s Pov-

“Kate! Oh my gosh!” I gasped upon seeing her friendly face.

It was my roommate back from college. Oh, I loved this girl. She was so nice to me and so friendly.

“Baby girl!” She welcomed me in an embrace that had me smiling like a child.

At least I was not alone anymore.

“Girl, how are you?.” I asked her in excitement.

“I am fine, Zaira," she noted. “Girl, you did not change one bit!.”

We laughed. I knew I did not change, but I could not say the same for her.

She looked so elegant and rich. Yeah, she was beautifully rich.

“Come! Let me take you to my place so we talk all about you! What have I missed since graduation!?” she said in excitement.

I turned to pay the cashier, but she insisted on paying...and so I let her, after so much back and forth.

She grabbed some of my items, and as we walked towards the door, I saw a big black Jeep sitting outside.

The door was held open by a black man, who smiled warmly upon seeing me. I guess it was because of my skin color or something.

I thanked him as I followed Kate into the car.

I guess she noticed my uncomfortable behavior as she proceeded to convince me it was her father’s doing.

“I have told him not to do this, but he insisted.” she frowned with so much sadness seem in her eyes, I could tell she did not want this life.

“Well, look at you! Look at you... You look good, babe! I would swear I would not recognize you from across the store.”

Her mood lit up upon hearing my voice.

“Well yeah, true! So what are you doing in San Francisco?” she asked with a smile on her face.

“I came here to look for a job to help my mom and sisters,” I replied, which earned her a smile.

Kate beamed. “You are always the helpful type she stopped to assess me then grinned, “You seriously do need to style your hair.

I knew she was going to comment on my hair, she was always the girl to drag me to go style my hair along with hers.

We were sisters from another mother.

“Gal! Please, I planned on getting it done on Sunday,” I told her adjusting myself on the seat.

“Well, lucky for you, I have already organized some hairstylists to get my hair and nails done.”

I laughed.

Kate’s Mom was Latino, so, she took after her mother’s hair and looks while I on the other hand was black so it was obvious she braided her hair such as I did mine.

We arrived at a gate, and for some reason, I could swear Kate tried so hard to appear normal back in college because who would have thought she was born into wealth?

“Welcome to my house.” She started, smiling weirdly, as the gate opened to us.

I stared at the marvellous building before me. It was so huge and beautiful from the outside. The wall was painted white, and I was a fan of the white background.

We got down from the car and preceded toward what I thought was the entrance of the house.

“Welcome, Miss Kate.” greeted a lady who opened the door for us.

The lady sent me a weird smile to me that made me uncomfortable, but I shook it off.

“Julian, send words to my father that I cannot be associated with the mess he created,” Kate spoke with so much power. It made me wonder if it was the same girl I knew at the college or heck, at the local store.

She was so bold

“Okay, Madam.” Julian nodded.

Madam? That is strange. Kate looked at me with a smile and sent me a look to follow her, so I did.

Upon getting to her room, I was awestruck. The room was five times bigger than my initial apartment. The bed lay in the center of the room as it pushed towards the wall. Beside it, had a nightstand.

At the far end was a glass in which I could see my reflection. I could help but steal a glance at myself.

Kate headed straight towards the glass not before drooping her handbag onto the ground as well as taking off her high heel shoes, which by the way, were quite high for a lady.

Maybe I did not know Kate well enough because what is all this?

Suddenly, she disappeared behind the glass, and it was then that it registered that it was a door leading to a sort of room...maybe the bathroom.

“Gal! Get yourself comfy while I take a quick shower I am so sticky,” she yelled from behind the glass door.

Oh, it was the bathroom.

“Okay, when is the hair stylist coming?” I asked her while I looked right in front of the mirror. She was right; my hair was a mess.

“She is waiting for us downstairs, close to the pool,” she yelled again.

“Gal, I can hair you from across the room no need to yell,” I told her, and I could hear her laughing.

“Did you know Lucas is married?” Kate asked as she stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a white towel.

“Lucas? Which Lucas?” I asked, trying to recollect my memories.

“Lucas, the bully?” she confirmed my thoughts.

Because I know Lucas, I know it is not wise for anyone to get married to him.

“To who!?” I screamed. I was so baffled by the news

Knowing Lucas, I do pity the girl he is married to...


-Noah's Pov-

I glanced through my Samsung tablets to check the list of people I am to have an interview with on Monday.

None of them struck my mind. However, one girl did catch my interest.

Zaira Mustafa.

Well. she was a beauty, I must say. I am looking forward to seeing her.

I decided to call my Head of Human Resources Recruiter to cancel all other candidates for the position of my Personal Assistant and take only her.

I was anticipating Monday when I got a call from my brother again. Seeing that today was a Sunday, he clearly had decided to taunt my life again.

I picked up the call before on the speaker

“Hello, brother!” He spoke out in all excitement.

“Yes, why did you call me Benjamin?” I asked, frowning, but I decided to act along with him.

“Well, brother, Dad had decided to invite you’re a** over for dinner with Maria's parents.” I raised a brow to that, trying to understand what was going on.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, still trying to understand this sudden information.

My Father will forever want to taunt me all because I decided not to join the business, I mean, I have my company to worry about.

Benjamin sighed over the phone, “I do not know Noah; you know the old man; what he says goes.”

I took a deep breath that was followed by a sigh before hanging up the call.


I knew wherever there was Jayden Oliver, there would be drama and conflict, I knew not to expect so much from my father, and he knew we could not get along, not after what I had discovered five years ago, and now with this alliance, to which I was obliged to answer only because of my mother made it a non-negotiable ordeal when it comes to my father and me..

Otherwise, to h*ll with his wants and demands.