
Chapter 19 Uncle?

Okay before I continue let me tell you who is the body, The body is Zaila's most trusted bodyguard she calls Uncle because ever since she's a baby when her parent nearly give her time her bodyguard "Uncle" is always there for her that's why she's so shock to find out that the body was Uncle not her dad okay back to the story, so General Hendix, The president and everyone who's part the board meeting talk about the situation but LT. Zaila seems...


LT. Zaila:oh sorry sir, my mind wander off what is it again.

General Hendix:LT. Zaila you have to pull yourself together we still have one problem left, we need to face the truth.

LT. Zaila:Y...y....yes sir!

General Hendix:Good, now you're task is to pretend it's your father's... (Talking about the plan and right after that.)

LT. Zaila:Okay sir copy, (Calling someone, "hello Agent Heras, is this you?"

Agent Heras:Yes speaking, What job is it ma'am?

LT. Zaila:I need you to...