
The Smartest Prodigy Reincarnates in a Fantasy Magic World

Evan, a young prodigy scientist in his previous life, unexpectedly dies and reincarnates into a fantasy world inhabited by elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures. Enrolled in the prestigious Silvercrest Academy of Magic, Evan finds himself among noble-born classmates who possess magical lineage. Despite being a commoner, Evan's unparalleled intellect allows him to swiftly master arcane arts, unravel ancient mysteries, and forge unexpected alliances. As he navigates class distinctions and societal norms, Evan's quest for knowledge and recognition unfolds against a backdrop of tormented characters with dark tragedies. ----------------------------------------

FantasyCat · Fantasi
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13 Chs

The Encounter with Shade

Shade's voice carried an ethereal weight as he addressed Lucian. "Young one, you are quite talented. Already on the threshold of your second mana circle at such a young age."

Lucian's eyes widened. "How do you know that?"

Shade ignored his question, his gaze piercing. "What do you think is the most important thing in this world?"

Lucian hesitated before replying, "Maybe noble status, but even one's own family can backstab them for the throne. So, maybe knowledge, but it is useless against absolute power. So, I think it's power."

Shade shook his head slowly, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Power alone is not the most important thing. It is but a tool, a means to an end. The most important thing is a heart that knows its own path. In a world where darkness and light are intertwined, it is the heart's resilience and determination that truly matter."

As he spoke, Shade raised his hand forward, and nine yellow mana rings appeared around his hand, glowing with an intense light. Lucian stared in awe, realizing he was in the presence of a Grand Archmage. Shade cast a dark spell, the air around him crackling with energy. The spell enveloped Lucian, infusing him with the dark element's affinity. Lucian felt a surge of power, a strange but exhilarating sensation. He had created his third mana circle.

Shade's expression softened as he spoke of his past. "I once walked a path similar to yours, young one. I sought knowledge and power, believing they would bring me peace and purpose. But I learned that in this world, there is no bright path free of shadows. It is not wrong to walk the dark path, for sometimes, it is the only way to find the light within."

With those words, Shade began to dissolve into the darkness of the forest. "Remember, young one, your journey is just beginning. The choices you make will define your destiny. Embrace the darkness if you must, but never lose sight of the light within you."

And with that, Shade vanished, leaving Lucian alone in the heart of Shadevale Forest.

As Lucian returned from Shadevale Forest, his thoughts were preoccupied with the weight of Shade's parting words. Despite the weight of his thoughts, he knew he needed to check on Nora to ensure she was doing well. He made his way to her home, his concern evident in his footsteps.

Upon reaching Nora's home, Lucian gently knocked on the door. After a moment, Nora opened it, looking visibly tired but relieved to see him.

"Lucian," she greeted him softly, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "Thank you for coming."

Lucian offered a sympathetic smile. "I heard about what happened with the soldiers. Are you okay?"

Nora nodded, though her eyes betrayed lingering worry. "I'll be fine. It was... frightening, but I'm managing."

Lucian's concern deepened, but he pressed on with resolve. "I've been thinking, Nora. After what happened, I've decided to teach my family magic so we can protect ourselves. I want to teach you too, if you're willing. It's important that everyone can defend themselves."

Nora blinked in surprise, her weariness momentarily overshadowed by curiosity. "Me? Learn magic?"

Lucian nodded earnestly. "Yes. You're strong, Nora. You've shown that many times over. I believe you can do this."

A faint smile touched Nora's lips as she considered his words. "Alright, Lucian," she finally replied, determination shining in her eyes. "I'll learn. Teach me."

Relief flooded through Lucian. "We'll start tomorrow," he promised. "Together, we'll make sure we're ready for anything."

Nora nodded, a sense of purpose settling over her. "Thank you, Lucian. I won't let you down."

With that, Lucian bid Nora goodnight and left her to rest. As he walked back through the quiet village, the weight of responsibility settled on his shoulders once more.

When he returned home, his family greeted him. Alden and Elara embraced him tightly, after they got to know about the soldiers incident. Kael stood by, his eyes wide with concern.

"I've learned something important," Lucian began, his voice steady with conviction. "Magic is not just about power or status. It's about knowledge and understanding. I want to teach you both, so that we can protect ourselves and our village."

Alden exchanged a glance with Elara, pride and concern mingling in his eyes. "Lucian, magic is a responsibility as much as it is a gift. Are you sure about this?"

Lucian nodded firmly. "I am. We have seen what happens when we are defenseless. I want us to be prepared."

Elara placed a hand on Lucian's shoulder, her eyes shimmering with maternal pride. "We trust you, dear. Whatever you decide, we will always support you."

Kael stepped forward eagerly, his youthful enthusiasm palpable. "I want to learn magic too, like you, Little brother! Teach me!"

Lucian smiled, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. "We'll start tomorrow," he said, looking at each of them with determination. "Together, we'll learn and grow stronger."

And so, under the canopy of stars that night, Lucian Nightshade made a silent promise to his family and himself—