
The Smartest Prodigy Reincarnates in a Fantasy Magic World

Evan, a young prodigy scientist in his previous life, unexpectedly dies and reincarnates into a fantasy world inhabited by elves, dragons, and other mythical creatures. Enrolled in the prestigious Silvercrest Academy of Magic, Evan finds himself among noble-born classmates who possess magical lineage. Despite being a commoner, Evan's unparalleled intellect allows him to swiftly master arcane arts, unravel ancient mysteries, and forge unexpected alliances. As he navigates class distinctions and societal norms, Evan's quest for knowledge and recognition unfolds against a backdrop of tormented characters with dark tragedies. ----------------------------------------

FantasyCat · Fantasi
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13 Chs

A New Companion

Lucian wandered through the bustling market of Raynoria, a sack of gold coins securely strapped to his belt.

"This place is incredible," Lucian thought, marveling at the variety of goods on display. He stopped at a stall selling colorful fabrics and admired the intricate patterns. "These would make beautiful clothes for my mother," he mused, making a mental note to return later.

Lucian gazed in wonder at the array of exotic fruits and vegetables that adorned the market stall, unlike anything he had ever seen in his village of Pinevale.

"Wow, these look so fresh," Lucian remarked to the elderly shopkeeper, his eyes lingering on a peculiar, shimmering fruit that emitted a faint glow.

The shopkeeper smiled warmly. "Thank you, young man. I grow these in my own house farm."

Intrigued, Lucian picked up one of the unknown fruits, its surface smooth and cool to the touch. He took a tentative bite, marveling at its juicy sweetness. "What do you call this fruit?" he asked.

The shopkeeper chuckled. "Oh, that's a Moonberry. A rare find around these parts."

Lucian's eyes widened with curiosity. "Miss, could you sell me seeds for this Moonberry?" he inquired eagerly.

The lady nodded, her smile widening. "Of course, young man." She carefully packaged a handful of Moonberry seeds for him.

As he continued through the market, Lucian's attention was drawn to a small crowd gathered near a makeshift stage. Curiosity piqued, he approached and saw a man standing on the stage, holding a chain that led to a young girl. She had long, disheveled hair, wolf-like ears, and a bushy tail. Her eyes, filled with fear and desperation, locked onto Lucian's for a brief moment before she looked away.

The man on the stage shouted, "This fine demihuman wolf girl is up for auction! A rare find, perfect for any master willing to pay the right price!"

Lucian's heart sank. "How can they sell her like this?" he thought, clenching his fists. He knew that human slavery was illegal without a royal permit, but demihumans were not afforded the same protection.

"I could buy her and set her free," Lucian considered, but the thought felt wrong. "If I do that, I'm just supporting these slavers."

Determined to help the girl without contributing to the slave trade, Lucian made his way to a nearby shop selling masks and robes. He picked out a black dragon-faced mask and a black robe that fit him perfectly. The shopkeeper raised an eyebrow but said nothing as Lucian handed over a few gold coins.

With his new disguise, Lucian slipped into an alley and changed into the robe and mask. "Time to act," he thought, feeling a surge of determination. Using his magic, he created a small distraction—a burst of light and a gust of wind—causing the crowd to scatter in confusion.

In the chaos, Lucian made his way to the stage and cut the girl's chains with a swift motion. "Come with me," he whispered, pulling her away from the stage and into the shadows.

The girl hesitated for a moment but then nodded, her eyes wide with trust and fear. They darted through the narrow alleys, avoiding the slavers who were frantically searching for them.

Lucian led her to a small clothing shop, where he quickly bought her some new clothes. The shopkeeper, sensing the urgency, wrapped the clothes without question. "Thank you," Lucian said, handing over a few more gold coins.

They found a quiet corner behind the shop where the girl could change. Once she was dressed in clean clothes, they continued to the nearest inn. Lucian chose one close to the adventurer's guild, knowing it would be busy and less likely to attract attention.

The innkeeper, a burly man with a friendly smile, showed them to a room with two beds. "If you need anything, just holler," he said, handing Lucian the key.

"Thank you," Lucian replied, leading the girl into the room. "You can take a bath here," he said gently, pointing to the small bathroom. "I'll wait outside."

The girl nodded, her eyes still wary but filled with gratitude. As she disappeared into the bathroom, Lucian made his way downstairs to the inn's common area. Adventurers of all kinds espicially archers and warriors were gathered, eating, drinking, and sharing stories.

Lucian approached a group of adventurers and listened to their conversation. "Did you hear about the mysterious incidents near the outpost on Baron Raynor's territory?" one of them said, leaning in close.

"Yeah," another replied, "people are disappearing, and strange creatures have been sighted. It's dangerous out there."

Lucian's ears perked up. "Excuse me," he said, stepping closer. "Can you tell me more about these incidents?"

The adventurers looked at him curiously. "You're just a kid," one of them said, raising an eyebrow.

"I may be young, but I need to know," Lucian insisted.

The adventurers exchanged glances before one of them spoke up. "Alright, kid. People have been disappearing near the borders, and there have been sightings of creatures we can't explain. Some say it's the work of dark magic. There's also talk of a group of young prodigies, the Arcane Eight, investigating the area for training purposes. One of them is Althea Ravenshade, the new heir to the hero family of Ravenshade."

Lucian nodded, filing the information away. "Thank you," he said, turning to head back to his room.

He stopped at the inn's kitchen and bought a hearty meal, complete with meat stew and freshly baked bread. Balancing the tray, he made his way back to the room.

The girl was sitting on one of the beds, looking cleaner and more at ease. Her hair, now brushed and free of dirt, framed her delicate face, making her look even younger. "I brought us some food," Lucian said, setting the tray down.

She looked at the food with wide eyes, her stomach growling audibly. "Go ahead," Lucian encouraged, handing her a bowl of stew.

She dug in hungrily, savoring each bite. Lucian watched her with a mix of sadness and relief. "What's your name?" he asked gently.

She hesitated, then whispered, "Lila."

"Lila," Lucian repeated with a smile. "I'm Lucian. You don't have to worry anymore. You're safe with me."

Tears welled up in Lila's eyes as she swallowed a mouthful of stew. "Thank you, Lucian," she said, her voice trembling. "I have no family. They were killed, and I... I escaped. But then adventurers found me and sold me to those slavers."

Lucian's heart ached for her. "I'm so sorry, Lila," he said softly. "No one should have to go through that."

She looked at him with hopeful eyes. "What will happen to me now?"

Lucian reached into his sack and pulled out a handful of gold coins. "You can use this to start a new life, Lila. Find a place where you'll be safe and free."

Lila shook her head, her eyes filling with tears again. "I have nowhere to go. No one to turn to."

Lucian took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her words. "Then come with me. You can live with my family in Pinevale. We'll take care of you."

Lila's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

Lucian smiled and nodded. "Yes, Lila. You deserve a chance at a happy life. And I promise to protect you."

She hesitated for a moment, then threw her arms around Lucian, hugging him tightly. "Thank you, Lucian. Thank you so much."

Lucian hugged her back, feeling a sense of purpose and determination. "We'll be like family, Lila. You're not alone anymore."

As the evening wore on, Lila began to relax, her initial fear and hesitation slowly melting away. They chatted about Pinevale, Lucian's family, and their future together. By the time night fell, Lila was smiling and laughing—a far cry from the scared girl Lucian had found in the market.

They settled into their respective beds, the room filled with a sense of warmth and hope. "Goodnight, Lila," Lucian said softly.

"Goodnight, Lucian," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude and trust.