
The Slime Sovereign

Alaric was born a peasant, but he still stood out from the crowd. In the past, he had a different name and lived in a different world. But, 18 years ago, he died and was born anew. In this new world, everyone has the opportunity to awaken a talent at 18 years old! And now, it was Alaric's turn. This should be the start of his story, as a man who had reincarnated! So, what is with this "Authority Among Slimes" talent?! “Slimes?” “The weakest of all magical beasts, those slimes?” “And it’s authority! Not control! The slimes might eat him up if he displeases them!” 'I'll show them all,' Alaric thought. - https://discord.gg/FnwhbmfzFr

Reawakening · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
145 Chs

Last Moment

Alaric heard Sonic's cry, and it seemed to break the usual distance limit from the past, because he could tell that it came from the forest!

"Didn't I tell him to hunt around the perimeter of the forest?!"

Knowing that the slip slime was unique, Alaric valued Sonic even more, 'If that beast with the rocky-looking tail attacked... he may die!'

Although Alaric trusted Sonic's speed, he knew Sonic was only fast among rank-2s and ordinary rank-3s. Any rank-3 magical beast with the ability to cast long distance spells or attack from a long distance in any other way, would kill it.

'How can I get there fast?! There are no horses... fast modes of transportation, do I have any?'

Slimes were quite slow, and especially acidic. Unless it was a rank-2 slime, its speed would certainly be extremely slow. In fact, slimes weren't even large enough to use as a mount in the first place.

"Wait, large enough? Gunnar!"

Gunnar was large enough to use as a mount, and definitely had a much stronger speed limit than other slimes, his method of stretching in arcs from one place to another was about as fast as a strong horse.

"But how could I possibly ride Gunnar? His body is much too acidic." Alaric said aloud.

This prompted the change slime, Pamela, to respond. Her form changed from a ring and into the words "Me," stuck to Alaric's hand.

Alaric stared at Pamela, and quickly understood what she meant.

Pamela had the ability to decide whenever she became acidic, as opposed to other slimes whose insides were constantly so. She could stick to Gunnar, and ride him.

'But, I can't exactly do such a thing myself... Pamela is just as slow as other slimes, her combat capability is too low, I can't trust her and Gunnar to save Sonic.'

Suddenly, Alaric had an idea, "Pamela, armor around my legs."

Quickly, Pamela had become a film of slime sticking to and covering Alaric's lower legs. Alaric planned to protect himself from Gunnar's acid this way.

Knowing that Gunnar was a bit far, Alaric activated his ability, and said, "Gunnar, come!"

A wave of mana emitted itself from Alaric's mouth as he gave his command, and the house in which Gunnar was staying began to shake.

Soon, Gunnar crashed through the walls of the house, 'Kra!'

"I didn't think about that... I've broken one of the only 8 houses around."

The giant slime wriggled into place, awaiting Alaric's command, 'Kra.'

"Our comrade, Sonic, called for help. He is in the forest just past the village, I will be using you as my mount, and we will be aiding Sonic together. Lower your body so I may climb on top."

'Kra!' Gunnar expressed with more enthusiasm, lowering his body and allowing Alaric to get on.

Alaric found the sensation of walking while covered in slime to be a bit disgusting, but soon began to put his legs onto Gunnar. With Pamela's stickiness, he found it rather easy to climb on top with just his legs.

"Alright, I want you to immediately rush to the forest, Gunnar!'

Gunnar's body stretched upwards, causing Alaric to think, 'This is damn high... but this won't work if I'm not at the front of his body.'

Gunnar then slammed the top of his body into the ground in front of him, using the momentum to fling the back of his body forward as well, the first beautiful arc of slime had been created. The rough ride had just begun, but Alaric already felt a bit nauseous.

Continuing forward, Gunnar rushed out of the village. Alaric soon realized that Gunnar was not, in fact, as fast as a strong horse. He was faster, and it was terrifying.

'What the hell have I gotten myself into?!'

Still, the originally 20-minute walk became a 30 second ride with Gunnar, and they arrived at the forest clearing.

"Okay! Let me down!" Alaric shouted.

With Pamela's assistance, Gunnar safely allowed for Alaric to descend.

'I think I vomited, and I think Gunnar ate it...'

Alaric shook his head, and unsheathed his sword, while saying "Ring."

This, obviously, was the command that Alaric taught Pamela in order to have her become a ring. And so, she did.

"Gunnar, follow me through the forest... but hide by burrowing into the ground if I order you to."


Alaric began walking forward, his pace quick but cautious. The giant slime, in order to slow itself down, stuck to trees to swing its body at Alaric's pace.

"Your movement method is a bit ingenious, buddy." Alaric said, to which Gunnar responded with a happy 'Kra!'

As they walked through the forest, Gunnar devouring bushed and snakes as he did, Alaric began to noticed that storm wolf corpses were scattered about.

'Their brains have been eaten up, the same way as the one Sonic killed before.'

As they appeared, Alaric would throw them at Gunnar and ask him to eat. He collected a good number of soul shards during this walk.

"The place where I felt Sonic's cry for help should be just up ahead."

Pushed aside some bushes, which Gunnar ate directly after, Alaric arrived in a part of the forest he didn't even know existed. There was a giant cave, with vines and tree roots growing to cover its entrance.

Within, Alaric was able to feel Sonic's mana signature.

'He went here?'

Alaric assumed the giant cave would contain a giant foe, and thus ordered Gunnar to stay, while he began to enter.

As he neared the cave, he began to hear voices.

"You damn slime! Do you believe that I'll destroy you right this moment? You've hunted an entire legion of storm wolves, and evaded the chase of my nightmare bats! You have even forced me, Grander, to act! I'll spare you, if you tell me the location of the human you follow!"


"You won't tell me...? Then die!"

Grander's rocky-looking tail began to move, and on instinct, Alaric jumped into the giant cave and shouted, "Wait!"

Giant slime rides could be an amusement park attraction!

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