
The Sleeping Ruler

In the world of "Tensura," a captivating new tale unfolds, centered around the enigmatic Dino, known as the Sleeping Ruler. Dino, a lazy yet mischievous Angel, unexpectedly takes on the role of the protagonist in a story that delves deep into his untold past, Dino is given a vacation from Veldanava and he travels the Cardinal world. read the story of what kind of dreams the sleeping Ruler See's when sleeping. (Ai Experiment)

Azazel_of_calamity · Komik
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51 Chs

The Slumbering Demon Lord

I awoke from my blissful slumber with all the enthusiasm of a sloth on a Monday morning. Stretching my arms lazily, I let out a yawn that could rival a dragon's roar. As I rubbed the sleep from my dull, grey-blue eyes, I couldn't help but marvel at the magnificent art of doing absolutely nothing.

The soft rays of the morning sun trickled through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. It was a typical adventurer's inn, with faded tapestries adorning the walls and a bed that felt as cozy as a pile of rocks. Ah, the joys of luxurious accommodations. Or lack thereof.

My disheveled purple-silver hair resembled a nest of sleepy birds, each strand fighting for its own sense of direction. I gave up trying to tame the unruly mess and simply embraced the wild chaos. After all, if my hair could enjoy its freedom, who was I to deny it?

With a lethargic shuffle, I dragged myself out of bed, my feet hitting the cold wooden floor with a dull thud. Clothes from the previous night's escapades lay scattered like a colorful minefield, daring me to navigate through the treacherous terrain. But fear not, dear reader, for I possessed the uncanny ability to ignore such trivial obstacles and make my way through life with the grace of a snail.

As I stumbled towards the mirror, my half-awake eyes caught a glimpse of my reflection. A youthful face stared back at me, weariness etched in every line. It was a face that said, "Yes, I could conquer the world, but I'd rather take a nap instead."

I attempted to run a hand through my rebellious strands of hair, trying to coax them into some semblance of order. Alas, it was a futile endeavor, like trying to wrangle kittens during playtime. Defeated but not broken, I left my hair to its mischievous ways.

"Ah, another day beckons," I mumbled to myself, my voice dripping with a laziness that could rival the world's slowest snail. "Time to venture out into the world and see what grandiose adventures await my indolent presence."

With a yawn that could be mistaken for an opera singer's warm-up, I made my way downstairs to the inn's common area. The place buzzed with activity, adventurers exchanging tales of daring feats and tavern maids dashing about with trays of hearty breakfast fare. It was a symphony of chaos and purpose, a stark contrast to the serenade of laziness that played in my heart.

I slouched into a corner booth, my feet finding their rightful place on the table. A waitress, Alva, whose perpetual eye-rolls were rumored to be an Olympic-level sport, approached with a mixture of annoyance and familiarity.

"What'll it be this morning, Dino?" she asked, her tone a delightful blend of resignation and exasperation.

I flashed her a half-hearted grin, reveling in the joy of being a thorn in her side. "Surprise me, Alva. Something that requires the least effort to consume, if you would be so kind. Perhaps a dish that possesses the exquisite taste of pure idleness?"

She shook her head, muttering under her breath as she scribbled down my order. "One day, Dino, your lazy charm will be your undoing. Until then, I'll bring you the usual."

As Alva disappeared into the bustling kitchen, I leaned back in my seat, observing the world around me with an amused glimmer in my eyes. Adventurers scurried about like ants on a mission, fueled by their desire for glory and gold. Meanwhile, I sat back, content to be an observer in this intricate tapestry of ambition and misplaced priorities.

Among the bustling crowd, a group of adventurers caught my eye. They strutted into the inn with all the confidence of peacocks strutting their colorful plumage. They were armed to the teeth, their weapons gleaming with a misplaced sense of importance. Ah, the glories of heroism. Not my cup of tea, but fascinating to witness from a safe distance.

One particularly burly adventurer, his voice as booming as a thunderstorm, caught sight of me and made his way over with an eager smile. "Hey there! You look like you could use a bit of excitement in your life. Why don't you join us on our next grand quest? We could use someone with your... unique skills."

I raised an eyebrow, my voice dripping with an apathetic tone that could make even a snail yawn. "And what makes you think I have any interest in joining your merry band of adventurers? Pray, do enlighten me with your extraordinary reasoning."

The man chuckled, undeterred by my lackluster response. "Well, word around town is that you possess some extraordinary abilities. They say you can put even the wildest beasts to sleep with a mere flick of your wrist. Imagine the power we could wield with you by our side!"

I shrugged, feigning disinterest as I adjusted my position in the booth, trying to find the perfect slouch angle. "Ah, rumors, my friend. They tend to exaggerate, much like the size of a fisherman's catch. Besides, I have no desire for unnecessary conflict or the burdensome responsibilities that come with it. My skills are better suited for peaceful slumbers and contemplation of the cosmic mysteries of napping."

The adventurer frowned, clearly not accustomed to encountering someone who didn't swoon at the prospect of perilous quests. "Well, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find us. The world could use someone like you, even if you prefer to slumber through life."

As he walked away, his armor clinking with each resolute step, I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. The world may crave heroes and saviors, but I had no intention of becoming one. My path lay elsewhere, in the pursuit of slumber, self-discovery, and perhaps finding the comfiest pillow in existence.

Alva returned with a plate of simple fare, placing it before me with a resigned sigh. I glanced at the unremarkable meal before me, devoid of any extravagant flavors or culinary delights. But that was precisely what I craved—a dish that embraced the beauty of simplicity and required no more effort than a gentle nibble.

With a lazy shrug, I picked up my utensils and began to eat, savoring the mundanity of the moment. Each bite was a symphony of flavors, the perfect melody to accompany my lethargic journey through life.

And so, my grand adventure began, not with a thunderous roar or a heroic battle cry, but with the comfortable sigh of a contented dreamer. The world could wait for its heroes; I would forge my own path, one lazy step at a time. For when life handed me lemons, I promptly took a nap and dreamed of lemonade.