
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasi
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82 Chs

Leaving My Village

*Tyra's POV*

Bickering voices from all around me. I am standing in the middle of the round council room, the council member's all sat in line. From the left to right is Tetenius, Beau, Faigal, Dreg, Zion, Shira, Ama, Arena, Kirrily, Vidorial, Serra, Nevadon, and Hilrami.

Tetenius is more than willing to embark on the journey to find a new location to establish as our home. Beau supports this. Arena, Faigal, Serra, Hilrami, and Kirrily agree that I should be sent out and find a new home. Nevadon, Dreg, and Shira oppose the move. Vidorial and Zion are neutral.

My fate is sealed.. Fine.

"We must find a new land to occupy. The threat from the Underdark has grown significantly." Ama declared, looking ahead, past me.

"I presented multiple valid alternatives to fix the problem rather than abandon our Clan's home of eight generations." I respond, rolling my multi-colored eyes.

"Your 'alternatives' were noted and ultimately rejected. You, as our Arrow, will go and find new land for us to occupy. Even if you must negotiate the aquisition." Ama insisted.

"Fine. Am I to carry funds for such a venture? And am I to act with your authority during the transaction?" I relent. It was a worthless battle to begin with.

"Yes." Ama said. "You must set off in the morning. Everything you need for this will be provided to you at dawn."

With that, I was dismissed from the rest of the council meeting. Not that my being there was for any purpose whatsoever. I tire of this shit. I need to work on a plan to extricate myself from this clan.

It's not gonna be long before they begin to question me, again, and I'm weary of hiding my capabilities. But I will not let them further benefit from me. Not while I've been so ostracized.

I walked through the village, nodding at those who greeted me, until I reached my home. I entered and grabbed my bag, ensuring everything I needed was packed into the bag of holding I had hidden in the bottom of it. Closing the false bottom, I packed some clothes into the bag. After a brief debate, I added a water skin and a fair bit of jerky that was wrapped in a cloth.

Not that I needed it. While focused on Adaptive Body I do not need to eat, drink or sleep. I've used this talent a lot, honestly. Of what I can do, it's the one I rely on the most.

My door opened, without permission, admitting Tetenius. "Are you nervous, Tyra?" He asked. He was looking around my small home with clear distaste for how barren it is.

"No, Tete. I am not nervous. It is my job." I replied, closing my pack and watching him.

"Look..." He began, clearly uncomfortable. He rubbed the back of his reddish brown maned head and continued, "I know you're majorly unpaid for your job.. And I do understand you are being expected to figure out travel and all that on your own... But.."

I stare at him blankly, waiting for him to get to the bottom of what he's wanting. Not understanding the interaction.

He took out a pouch filled with coin and placed it in my hand. "Take it, Sister," He said, "Let's get a comfy seat and I'll tell you about the surface."

Shocked, I said, "Tete... You aren't supposed to treat me like a sister..."

"And yet you are my sister, my baby sister, and I am greatly worried for you." He replied, his feline features tense with concern.

I held the coin purse out to him and said, "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course," He said, pushing my hand away, "Now, sit, and let's begin our lesson."

"Fine." I said, sitting on my bed.

Tetenius joined me, as I had no chairs in my home. It was basically a shack only meant to sleep in. "The desert part of this continent is called the Realm. The grassy and tree covered North is called the Kingdom. The Kingdom is ruled by the King and his nobility, with each of his nobility owning sections of land in the North. Their hierarchy is baron, viscount, count or earl, marquis, duke, archduke, with the King having the alleged highest power. That's the extent I know of the North." Tetenius said.

"Why is it alleged?" I ask.

"Because the King caters to his nobility. He keeps them happy, and they pay taxes based on their territories income." He said.

"So you knew a little more after all." I point out.

He thinks on that a moment and said, "Not much else. The Realm is ruled by the Sultan in Ymir's Town. There are nobility or high borns there, too, but unlike the North, the Sultan has highest say. He rules fairly and runs things well. If need be, I'd say bring our existence to his attention and he can allocate a place for us to settle."

"Why not just do that, then?" I ask.

"If you want to, why not? It's basically the same distance away, give or take a day." Tetenius says, "Anyways, you'll deal more with the desert. There are no places to get water outside of the villages or towns. Ymir's Town and Winter's Halt are the only noteworthy places. Winter's Halt is the one we deal with most. They are governed by two men installed by the Sultan. One's useless, the other a hardass."

"Noted." I comment. I was planning on heading as far North as I can, but I should stop by Winter's Halt on the way. If I must, I can visit everywhere in the desert and North until I've exhausted myself and then speak to the Sultan. Yes, many will die while I travel.. but I don't care. It's been my job to protect them and do for them. I've been isolated from my family, unable to make friends or be recognized as family. It was meant to keep me fair.. Well, I am fair. I regard no one.

"People shake hands in greeting and when closing a deal. You'll see far more humans, and a bunch of humanoids you've never seen before. There are stray Leonin around, they don't realize there is a Clan of Leonin left on this continent. It doesn't matter if you tell people about us or not. We'll be gaining notice as we move." Tetenius continues.

He gets into finer details about behaviors and such. How to recognize a swindler, how to not get robbed. All kinds of mundane things were covered. I'd half tuned him out to be honest. Why is he acting this way now? For ten years he's acted like I'm a stranger. Why care now? Is it his human wife and their newborn? Have they changed him to care?

When he finished his lecture, he stood and stretched. "That's bout all I can tell you. You're very smart, you'll figure the rest out. I'll head back, now. Safe journey, Sister, and keep that purse secret until you're out of town."

With that said, he left. Why would I reveal I had it anyways? It's a meager amount compared to the riches I've accumulated during my descents into the Underdark. I hid the purse in my pack under my clothes as I pondered his behaviour. At least he was being honest and gave me some useful tidbits.

I laid back on my bed, resting since no one called for me. At nightfall, Bruno came to my door and knocked. I'd answered it, regretting that decision immensely.

"It's insane to send your little sexy ass off all on your own," Bruno said, grinning, "Want me to come along with you? I can comfort you... share your bed, and keep you warm. I can make you very warm."

I stared at him blankly and answered, "No, Bruno. I do not like you, nor do I appreciate your advances. Besides, I am the Arrow and the Arrow does not mate." 'Plus, you're married you scum-sucker' I think.

His grin evaporated, like water poured onto sand, "What's so good about you, eh?" He demanded, barging into my home and attempting to push me onto my bed.

"Disgusting human!" I hissed, baring my teeth. I grabbed my bag off the bed and shoved past him. He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back, reaching around me to cup a breast.

"Be a good kitty," He growled in my ear.

I was seeing red. I twisted in his grasp as he reached his other hand for my pants and shoved him onto my bed. Barely remembering the order that I was to not harm the new Clan members, I had started to hit him. Curse those orders, and damn these people. I whirled and left my home, heading for his.

He was fucking drunk like always when he came near me. Why target me? Because I am alone. He knows it. He's also the only one who dares to fuck with me, because he knows he's protected.

He caught me quickly, snagging my ear and pulling me towards himself again. "Bitch, did I fucking say you can go?!" He shouted.

'Bastard!' I scream in his head. This enraged him further, not that I cared. I yanked myself away, before he could molest me further and continue towards his home. His wife should deal with him.

He ran up behind me as I neared the center bonfires, where men were drinking and women minded their children. He lunged at me, but Tetenius and one of my other brothers, Maroulai, grabbed him.

"Go, peacefully," Maroulai growled, "our Arrow has a long journey ahead of her. Ama has so declared it."

"She's just a fucking-" Bruno's voice was cut off as Tetenius punched him in his gut.

"We'll handle him." Tetenius nodded to me.

"Our apologies, Arrow." Maroulai inclined his head.

"Thank you." I tell them. I turn on my heel and return home. Rather than go inside, I climb onto the roof and wait for dawn. Safer this way than to wait inside incase Bruno came back.

As the hours pass, the fires are put out, and everyone goes to bed. Bruno did not return. Either way, soon enough my favorite sight occurs... The sun coming up in the East. Coloring the desert in it's golden light.

After watching it rise fully, I climb down and head to the council building. There, Ama, Shira and Arena wait.

Shira hands me a ring with our Clan's symbol on it, a sealed letter with my purpose stated on it, and a key magically linked to our clans treasury. The key requires Ama's voice to access the treasury.

Good thing I have a communication decive, though, it's not private. It was given to me when the Descents I took began to lengthen, so they could call me back.

With these items, and Ama's 'blessings', I set off. I exited the gate I've never before used, ignoring the farewells I recieved.

Once far enough away, I entered a meditative state and settled into my marching pace. I kept my awareness up, but saw no signs of life this day.

I found the heat of the sun nearly unbearable, even in the zombie like state I walked in. It'd be taxing for anyone, but I didn't need a rest. my Adaptive Body simply adjusted to allow me continual movement.

Night came, and as the day was bright and hot, the night was dark and cold. I enjoyed the way the moon looked on my belly fur, though. It made it look bluish white, it mixed with the sand's color. Just like how the rest of my fur blended in with the sand in sunlight.

Day came, the only life I saw today were snakes and hyena. No big deal there. The next day I saw some lions. The animal cousins paid me no mind, nor I them. The third day of travel and I spotted a song dragon. I listened to it's melodic voice for hours as it wove through the sky, playing. It was relaxing.

It was getting to be late afternoon when there was an odd breeze picking up. I left my trance to look around and take in the occurance. Sandstorm. Winter's Halt was still a full seventeen hour walk from where I was.

Just as I was about to take out something to cover myself with, I spotted a sail skiff surfing the dunes. The occupants had spotted me and pulled up beside me to a stop. They asked where I was headed, and since we were heading the same way, they offered me a ride. I gladly accepted, and as the wind kicked up more, we set off.

Within 30 minutes we'd made it to Winter's Halt. The sandstorm was raging by then, but we were safe inside the walls. They accepted no payment, seeing themselves as having saved me. Very well. We bid eachother a good day, and I went and checked into an Inn. I ate a meal, bathed and slept to the next morning.

Once it was bright out, I woke and went for breakfast. It was a fair breakfast. Better than the ones I had back home. I chatted with some locals, asking about what areas there were around that we could potentially move to. Not much was known.

There were specific inhabitable areas, and those places were settled already. That's off putting. Doesn't matter, though. I'll head North soon. I wonder what its like.

This isn't my first time on the surface away from home, not that anyone from my Clan need to know that. I'd much rather they remain ignorant to my travels, this little bit of rebellion of mine.

I also planned to stretch this task out as much as possible. Shouldn't be very difficult. The continent can be walked in three to four weeks. I can make this journey, due to not needing sleep or food, in one and half to two weeks. So, I had about two months to find somewhere for all of us to move to.

There was nothing I needed to buy here in Winters Halt. So I merely looked for entertainment, and different foods. Turns out, there is a wonderfully amazing barbecue place here. It was the best food I'd ever tried.

After milling about in town for a couple of days, and being bored out of my mind, I set off towards the North. Besides, there was something vaguely dead smelling in the air.

After two days of my meditative marching I reached a village. I decided to check it out. The people were as at ease with me as the town had been. The Sultan must take care of his known locations. Or they are strong enough to not fear one small leonin woman.

Many made mention of my eyes. They are most unusal. Heterochromia, is what it is called. It's a genetic mutation that effects the eyes. Of the Clan, I am the only one with it so far and no other relative is noted to have it in our Clan's history. My left eye is amber at the top that fades into yellow, to pale green and light blue, and my right eye is dark green at the top, that lightens slightly then becomes blue at the bottom with a horizonal slash of yellowy gold through the middle of the blue. The outer iris is double ringed, inner red, outer black.

A rogue male leonin approached me, after I'd been there a while. "Hey, there. Would you like to grab a bite to eat together?" He asked.

"No, I would not like to." I replied.

"Then, can I invite you to my home? You've traveled a long way.." He began, trailing off as I turn my eyes on him.

"You may not." I replied. "I am uninterested."

I shot him down mercilessly. I have no interest in him.

"Where are you from?" He asked, persisting.

"A clan of leonin by the mountain." I reply.

"A clan? Those are a dying breed." He said.

"And you thought those words through before you said them? Ew." I walked away from him. If he tries anything, I'll gut him.

"Stuck up," I hear him grumbled. He did not further pursue me.

As there was no further point in hanging around, I continued North towards the wall that divides the Kingdom from the Realm. Maintained by the Kingdom. The next day, with the wall in sight, I spotted an odd design in the sands. A cave? Something buried?

Upon closer inspection, I found yet another entrance into the Underdark. I follow it for a while, and come across few enemies. Pulling my red great axe from my back, I hacked them in half before they could even register my presence. These small fry are the same I've killed since I was eight, after all.

Finding nothing in particular, and having wasted a couple of days descending into the Underdark, I returned to the surface. It was much the same as always. Very dark, very cavernous, with pathways expanding endlessly in every direction.

After one more day of travel I arrive at the first town I'd reached of the Kingdom. Scraver's Coast, they call it. I bought some Northern style clothes so I wouldn't be picked out as a Southerner. I saw no leonin in this town, but people were polite to me, overly so. Others, treated me as an equal, answering all of my questions. The North is exceptionally easy to settle in, apparently. But I should seek permission from the lord's of the area, they say. Interesting.

I relaxed with some delightful tea and 'cookies'. They are sugary and shaped as different things. Delightful. I'd never tried something like this 'cookie' before. What was better, I found out later that day, was cake. they make a flour based one and a cheese based one. I never thought cheese could be so creamy and good as a cake. It'd been recommended to me to try. I certainly appreciated it.

All in all, I was enjoying my time in Scraver's Coast. Scraver, I'd heard, had been a pirate. Allegedly, the pirate had crashed his ship on the coast and lost his treasure. Some hunt for it, but none have found it.

Oddly, I started to hear mention of gold and silver leonin in distant whispers. Gold, I suppose, is a fine way to describe a regular coat for us. The other must be fairly old to be considered silver. From what I gathered, they run a business of some sort. Maybe I should talk to them to make sure I am not stepping on their toes by trying to move the Clan around.

Finally, with my curiousity peaked, I tried discussing these leonin. People silenced pretty quickly. Irritating and intriguing. So I'd had to corner someone. Who turned out to be an employee.

It took quite a bit of doing to get anything out of this individual. The only thing solid I got from him, was that he would be informing his employer of my inquiries, and that if I am curious I should go to them myself. No one here would risk the repercussions of discussing them.

Fine. He told me where their business is located in the Capital, what everyone calls Valor's Crest. So, I'd see about seeing them tomorrow, maybe. Or perhaps, I'd make a few more hard inquiries in Valor's Crest, then, head further North. Cat and mouse can be fun. But that's only if they took the bait. I'm not sure they would. I would, but it's my job to.

I debate this for a while before checking in at an Inn for the night. I slept pretty soundly this night. When I awoke, I had a different mindset. There was no mention of a clan of leonin in this area, simply the gold and silver ones. In that case there would be no territory disputes to be worried about. I'd be on their radar already and there is no sense in provoking something that would merely be annoying.

I'll deal with it if it becomes an annoyance later. For now, I went to the port side of town and watched the waves, listening to the gossip and the light melody someone plays on an instrument. After some hours, I head in the direction of the city. I'd learned already, through chatting, that the easiest way for me to travel through the North is to join the guild, the Sleeping Ox, they called it.

So that's precisely what I aimed to do. This was my 15th day away from my clan. Whereas I didn't have any need to work, it could be a good way to look inconspicuous to humans and the lawmakers of this town. As is, I seemed like a spy. The Realm and the Kingdom did not currently have a very good relationship. A shame.

I ended up having to plant a delusion in the guards minds that stopped me from entering the city. I do not have any form of ID, which is how you travel. Hence why it's necessary to join that guild. I got directions from the guard on where to go and went.

The paths were well paved and clear. From the East gate I followed the path North. the left of the path had fancy houses lining it, all the way to the castle. To the right were many shops. Once I'd reached the square, I saw a massive fountain in the middle. Lovely and ornate. Performers were playing and putting on performances all over the square with a couple of stalls and food vendors on the outside of it. Continuing forward, I reached the Guild building. Behind the guild building was middle class citizens, apparently, and to the right was the slums. I'd never heard of a slum before, so I decided I may check it out.

Entering the Guildhall I approached the desk at the middle person. Explained my intent and recieved paperwork to fill out. It asked for my name, class, race. I filled in Tyra Silverstep, Fighter, Leonin. They do not need to know anything aside from this. Even still, Tyra is merely the name I gave myself. Maybe I will one day use my original name again. Once I'd left my clan.

Turning in the paperwork, I ask them for their ranking system. Porcelain, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Mithril, Orichalcum, and Adamantite. New adventurers start at the lowest rank. I press for if there's a way to advance the rank. There is. You get tested by the Guildmaster, themself and are ranked accordingly by them.

After considering it, I said "I would like to be tested by the Guild Master, then."

The secretary looked at me incredulously for a moment, then glanced at my paperwork, then frowned at me and said, "I can't recommend this. But I also can't stop you. I'll bring your stuff to him and he will be with you shortly. Take a seat over there."

I nodded as the secretary walked away. I stood off to the side, near where the secretary had indicated. After around 10 minutes passed, a lightly armored human man approached me, with the secretary. He introduced himself as the Guild Master, and told me to come with him.

I acknowledged him and did as he bid. "If you don't do well, you'll be denied a guild liscence. Are you fine with that?"

"Yes. That's fine." I replied. "I'll tell you, I am unfamiliar with the Kingdom, I've mainly been in the upper Underdark."

"Huh. Didn't know there were leonin in the Underdark." He'd commented.

I shrugged. "We're everywhere randomly, it seems."

"There's only one family of leonin in the Kingdom that I know of. You aren't part of it?" He said.

"No. Never met them." I answered. Then I realized it was more of a statement than a question.

"Very well." He said as we entered a larger room.

The first parts took a fair bit of time. The questions were consistent, asking for details about situations, how to handle them, how to avoid certain outcomes, and so on. It was honestly more conversational in feel. The thought experiments were fun as well. Thats how I saw it anyways.

He'd state scenarios and let me explain how I'd respond to them, tweaking it as he chose to as I answered. Then, he bagan in on the magic knowledge. I explained I don't know magic, but I do well combating it. He'd gone through several magic items, and even delayed magic effects that I had to explain to the best of my extent. I was definitely better with the thought experiments than the magic knowledge, but I had a fair bit of knowledge of magic due to Shira's careful documentations. Shira is our clan's sorceress. Which makes her our history keeper. She is also the one who marked my original name as deceased at eight years old.

The next part was going to be physical fighting. He didn't give any particular rules, but I used my Iron Durability to give myself damage resistances. I could make myself immune to most damages, but I didn't feel like going that far. The effect would last an hour. I took out my great axe for the fight. We faced eachother, him with his rapier.

Every hit he inflicted upon me, I was able to cut in half. It still hurt like a bitch, though. I majorally missed him. He also did an annoying hit and run tactic. So I started using Ethereal Weapon. Even then, my every hit impacted him very little. Noticing this, I ask him, "How good are you at keeping your mouth shut?"

"Exceptionally. I'd give you names of the people who I keep secrets of, but that'd defeat the purpose." He said.

Even so, I couldn't use my abilities. I decided to heal the damage inflicted upon me to prolong the fight. Frustrated with how well he was doing, I wished to lash out. To just blow him up. But I didn't. Instead, I used access foe. Learned his weaknesses, and strengths, and how healthy he is. Then, I fought this losing battle because as much as I could hurt him, he hurt me as much. Once I ran out of energy to apply to the fight, I knew the results.

"I yield." I told him. "You hit hard, and are shifty enough to evade most of my attacks. You've given me things to consider."

"And you can take a lot of punishment." He nodded.

"I've had to." I admitted. "Incidentally, since I am feeling kind, I'll tell you. You don't have any particular weaknesses, for a rogue class."

"Thanks for the compliment." he said.

"It's no compliment. I accessed you. You do favor your left shoulder, but I wouldn't say it hinder's you." I shrugged.

"Old minotaur injury. It's why I had to retire." He said.

"How badly did I fail your exam?" I ask.

"I wouldn't say you failed. But I wouldn't say you inspire. Which is fine. You're young. You have time to improve." He said.

I shrugged. "Young isn't something I hear. What rank?"

"Iron." He says definitively.

"Very well." I nod. He leads me out and hands me a paper to take to the secretary.

Following his directive, I returned to the secretary, who gave me a blank card that I had to put my finger on to the square as told and it filled in my information as I'd indicated it was.

Neat. I couldn't help but think, 'That's what I look like?' when my picture filled in. With this accomplishment complete, I ask the secretary where a place I can stay over night is. They gave three locations. The closest was in the noble's quarters. So, I went there. I checked in, bathed, and relaxed in the room for several hours, before sleeping for the night.