
The Slayer Path

After being swallowed by a dragon in a dungeon, Aldrick Khan awakens. He then becomes an Evil Slayer, a SSS rank class. He is one of the few individuals capable of protecting the world from the threats of dungeons and their supernatural creatures.

The_Creator1 · Fantasi
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12 Chs

The light at the end of the tunnel

I emerged from the dungeon, drenched in a wave of flashes and inquisitive voices. To them, I was just a face without a story, a stranger amidst a crowd hungry for scoops.

"Sir, how did you manage to defeat such a high-caliber dungeon all by yourself?"

"Did you discover a new type of magic or weapon to overcome it?"

"Can you tell us how you managed to defeat such a high-ranked dungeon solo?"

You know, those seemingly different but similar questions.

Among those faces, two figures stood out: agents from the Hunter's Association, their imposing stature leaving little doubt about their intention. My past experience with them was still fresh in my memory, an experience that hadn't left me with good memories. No president in sight, just these two Rank A agents, whose names didn't ring a bell.

"Please stay here, we have a few questions for you," declared one of the agents, their authoritative tone cutting through the surrounding chaos.

Their questions were relentless, seeking details about my feat. Yet, I remained silent, a wordless response to their insistent inquiries.

Faced with my silence, one of the agents, named Marlow, spoke up: "You know, sir, this attitude is not the best way to cooperate. We need information to understand the ins and outs of your feat. And it can also benefit you."

My gaze met his, my tone calm yet distant: "I have my reasons for not sharing certain details. But I am willing to cooperate if it serves my own interests."

I eventually stepped into their imposing official vehicle, remaining silent about the potential benefits that this collaboration might bring me. Indeed, information and skills hold value.

We are headed towards the Association. The journey unfolds in a heavy silence, punctuated by the agents' basic questions, their side glances keeping me under scrutiny. 'What is your name? Where are you from?' Mundane interrogations to which I mechanically reply, revealing very little.

Recalling the time spent inside the dungeon, I asked the one called Marlow, 'What day is it?'

"We are on January 26, 2025," he replied.

I thanked him for the answer.

I had entered the dungeon on December 26, at the end of a Christmas period, in loneliness and despair. Eventually, time inside the dragon had passed quite slowly.

The Association loomed before us, imposing and daunting. Before entering its premises, I was escorted to an examination room where the famous crystal ball lay. It was an adamantium sphere created by scientists to assess the power of the awakened.

A scientist in a white lab coat invites me to approach.

'Please place your hand on the sphere,' he requests in a professional tone.

I comply, feeling intense heat emanating from the object as I draw near. Barely touching the crystal's surface, an incandescent energy surges from it, searing my skin with a gripping burn.

The scientists behind the glass observe the sensors placed on me, as the temperature rises rapidly. 'Incredible!' one of them exclaims, astonished by the reading.

'We've never seen such power emitted,' another exclaims, sparks of surprise in their eyes.

'2400 degrees! This... exceeds all standards,' the first scientist declares, almost incredulous. 'It's twice what we've previously recorded, it's... extraordinary.'

Their comments reveal their astonishment, a mixture of fascination and perplexity. They exchange dumbstruck looks, exchanging assumptions and theories.

"It surpasses all our expectations, it can't be a simple measurement error. We're talking about a colossal power there", comments one of the scientists, adjusting the parameters of the equipment.

"According to the data, it would be at least SSS rank, maybe more, if such ranks exist... This kind of power is unprecedented", murmurs another, examining the graphs with increasing intensity.

Meanwhile, the two agents of rank A, present in the control room, exchange puzzled looks before grabbing their communicator to call the president of the association, a certain William Thompson.

"President Thompson? We have an rather exceptional situation to report to you regarding a new awakener. We think you should come personally to verify his capabilities", announces one of the agents, his voice full of respect.

The president Thompson, at the other end of the line, responds with an authoritative and curious voice. "What is the rank of this new awakener?"

"The numbers seem to indicate a rank SSS, Mr. President, but it is possible that it is much higher. It is an incredible power."

"I'm going to go immediately to the place to evaluate this situation myself. Prepare his welcome and make sure he is informed of my arrival", orders the president Thompson with a firm voice, before hanging up.

"The president Thompson prefers that you succeed in convincing this new awakener to come directly to his office. Prepare him and inform him of the importance of this interview", explains one of the agents of rank A to his colleagues in the control room.

The agents exchange a significant look in front of this exceptional request from the president.