
Chapter 87

When he slicked them down over my pussy, he groaned into my shoulder. "So wet, Belle. Fuck, you feel good."

I opened up for him while he stroked me, my tongue lapping at Eddie's in the same rhythm. My hips bucked while I rode Sawyer's palm, and I groped wildly in the air, seeking two hard cocks I could stroke. As soon as I found them, they both groaned loudly. I needed them inside me because I was about to combust.

With a hungry growl, Eddie tore away from my lips and then twirled me about so my back was to his bare chest. He pushed me gently into Sawyer, who gathered me into his muscular arms and squeezed me to him. Our mouths crushed together as he ground me against his massive cock. The rubbing friction of his jeans on my clit drove me insane with need, and I was sure his jeans were just as wet as I was.

Eddie's lips tickled my ear. "Fuck him, Sunshine, while I get us ready."