
Chapter 75

A slimy cold sweat broke out over my body from head to toe as I stared at the picture of my mom through someone else's eyes. Detective Appelt. Through his viewpoint, she was both a stranger and heartbreakingly familiar. Why was she there instead of locked up tight in my memories where I could let her out only when I had the mental strength to say goodbye again?

A broken sob forced its way from my mouth. I couldn't deal with this right now, and what it meant, if ever. Not when Mom's death was still so raw and all thoughts of her brought me to a screeching halt. Not when I was dressed in vampire blood. Not when I needed to go.

My hands shaking violently, I sent Sawyer a text: 911 at cemetery. I'm going to Senate.

Then I turned off my phone so he couldn't argue, stashed it in my pocket, and thrust Night's Fall up into the night, just like I'd seen Ronick do.

But nothing happened.