
Chapter 61

After patrolling the cemetery and dispatching two vamps, all the while keeping an eye on the mausoleum, I trudged back home. My second home which was increasingly becoming my first home. Instead of heading toward the front door, I took the narrow sidewalk along the side of the house toward the back gate.

I found Eddie sitting all alone on the blue-tarped log pile along the side of the fence. His shoulders were stooped, his blond hair curtaining almost half his face as he flicked a lighter again and again. If he had been anyone else, I probably would've whipped out a smartass comment about fires and wood, but I sealed my lips shut. His whole family had died in a fire, and I couldn't imagine what he must be seeing in the lighter's flame.

"Jacek and Sawyer are inside the house," he said, glancing up. The fire danced in his orange-yellow eyes, a breathtaking display.

"How's Jacek?" I asked, looking to the woodshed. It was now dark and padlocked shut.