
Chapter 52

The next morning, I called in sick to The Bean Dream because I really did feel sick. Plus, I just wasn't ready to face Sylvia who'd wanted me dead last night. That was sure to make things a tad awkward. Plus, I was way behind on schoolwork.

But not so far behind that I forgot to check my score for the biology test I'd taken earlier in the week. I aced it like a badass.

I had almost caught up on the rest of my classes when my three vamps joined me in the kitchen. They came in all at once, slamming my heartbeat faster and with zero weirdness between them about our shared sexcapades in the bathroom. Not that I thought there would be. The four of us honored honesty so much that I knew they'd have spoken up or not participated if they'd felt any weirdness. Still, I was thankful it hadn't resulted in a Cockgate. That would likely be as bad as a Cockygate.