
Chapter 35

"I don't know, Jacek," I said. "What if becoming a vampire was part of what pushed Roseff over the edge?"

"He was long over the edge before that. But the offer of immortality stands indefinitely." A heart-stopping grin lit up his ochre eyes. "No need to make any decisions today beyond pie or more pie if you don't want to."

"No more pie." I pushed my empty plate away with a shake of my head. "Have you seen where I've been putting it all lately?"

"As a matter of fact...I have." He winked. "You wear pie like nobody's business."

I laughed, wrapping my other hand over our already entwined ones. "I like this. Just sitting with you and listening and watching you wink at me." I snorted softly at how strange that sounded, but it was true.