
Chapter 3

Eddie raced toward the gate, his movements only a blur. Jacek turned slowly, his seemingly permanent smile cupping his full lips.

I followed, automatically trailing my gaze to his ass because I...needed to make sure it was still attached to the rest of him. Just doing my civic duty. Shaped to perfection, it flexed as his long strides ate up the distance. He moved so sensually through the fog like he did indeed own the night.

But I wasn't so enthralled with him that I didn't keep my surroundings in mind. The third vamp didn't budge as I drew near, but I still couldn't really make him out through the fog, either.

"And you are?" I asked.

"Sawyer," he said, his deep voice a seductive kiss. "I'll follow you."

I narrowed my eyes but didn't stop and challenge him to walk where I told him to. He seemed broody and mysterious, but I didn't get a vibe rolling off of him that he wanted to hurt me. Quite the opposite really. From all three of them.

As we neared the gate and I kept an eye on Jacek's ass, Sawyer melted off my clothes from behind me. His footsteps were silent, but I could feel the heated power of his gaze, coiling all the way through to my belly button and then sinking lower. Just to mess with him, I put an extra wiggle in my hips while I walked.

Once outside the gate, I locked it for real this time, and then Jacek started toward a large house on the other side of an empty lot. Almost next door, indeed.

Two stories tall, the house had a wraparound porch with a swing near the front door. Dark bricks surrounded warmly lit windows, none of which were covered with heavy drapes to keep out the sun. This house didn't scream vampire nest at all. It looked cozy and kind of perfect.

Jacek held the door open for me, and I slid past, my heartbeat singing at our close proximity for those few seconds. It slowed to a dull roar as I took in the living room. It was tidy with minimal, modern furnishings, just a comfy-looking couch, coffee table, and TV with dark hardwood floors and a slow-turning ceiling fan above. The faint scent of lavender touched the air and mixed with something pleasant that I couldn't name.

I allowed myself to sag into the house's warmth and inviting feel. It was how my old house used to feel when Mom was still alive, but this one seemed to heighten my senses into overdrive somehow.

Eddie, already waiting by a staircase, took steps toward me like a predatory cat, the overhead light searching his messy blond hair. "A drink before you get started?"

"No drinks. But I would like to use your bathroom to clean this blood off me, if that's okay." I was sure I looked like a hot mess with vampire blood splashed all over my face.

"Down the hall and to the right." Jacek smiled. "Help yourself."

One thing about these vampires - they knew what no meant and didn't try to push me. Still, my natural wariness kept me on alert. This was a vampire nest, after all.

They stood there waiting for my next move, and it was then that I realized Sawyer hadn't come into the house with us. Or if he did, he'd already disappeared into another room. I hadn't even seen what he looked like. Not that it mattered. But it kind of did. I was hyper curious about all three of them.

I strode toward the bathroom, which turned out to be twice the size of the one in my apartment. A bathtub with clawed feet and jets inside sat along the far wall, and the sink was one of those with a fancy silver faucet that gushed a waterfall instead of the boring straight-down flow variety. The plush towels smelled like they'd been freshly washed and felt like heaven on my skin. I could live here, even just inside this bathroom, and be completely happy.

Once I came out much cleaner, Eddie stood in the living room alone, waiting. His amber eyes widened behind his adorable glasses, and they dipped lower to the water splotches that clung my white T-shirt to my chest. His tongue poked from between his full lips, the sight coiling an ache deep between my legs. I sucked in a breath, feeling like he was already there, touching and tasting me.

"This way," he said and started upstairs.

Once I blinked out of my horny haze, I followed. We entered a large circular room with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. And by floor-to-ceiling, I mean to the first floor, too. Wooden ladders on wheels leaned against several shelves, and I was suddenly reminded of Belle, my namesake, from Beauty and the Beast. Never mind the bathroom; I would just live with the books.

A hole had been cut into the middle of the circular room, and a golden pole stretched from the ceiling to the ground floor. I supposed it was either for sliding down or pole dancing, depending on the vamps' mood.

Eddie led me around the pole to a section near the far wall and slapped his hand against the shelf. "Demons and devils. There are about five hundred twenty books about them here, but I can pull some out to get us started." He touched his finger to his lips while he perused the titles.

I tried not to stare at him, the soft way his lips caved under the pressure of his finger, the way his messy hair fell around his glasses, how his white button-up shirt had come untucked from his pants on one end. He had the whole wild bookish thing going better than anyone in the history of everyone.

Instead of eye-fucking him anymore, I studied the books. Some were old and brittle, their cracked spines flaking onto the shelves themselves, while other books seemed to be so new they'd never been opened. All of them laced the air with a paper and ink smell I couldn't get enough of. I breathed deep a few times, letting the scent soak into my lungs, before I remembered I should be researching, not hyperventilating.

But there was another smell, too, like coffee and cinnamon. On a nearby wooden table sat a slice of apple pie bursting at the sides and a mug of coffee still spiraling steam.

Eddie caught me salivating. "Help yourself."

"Is it..." I glanced back at him. "Did you roofie it?"

"No. It's just for your sustenance. You're going to need it." The way he said it, with a teasing lilt to his voice, his gaze locked on mine, and a devious twist on his mouth, unfurled a slight shudder from my heart to my stomach.