
Chapter 149

Stone eyes stared up at me out of a swan's elegant, though huge, face from on top of a set of descending stairs. The seventh swan. Achievement unlocked.

I focused on my vampires' bites all over me and sent them a message, "Found the swan."

Maybe the kids, too, because she had to be here for a reason.

Lit multi-colored Christmas lights were wrapped around her bird body, which was odd. Her large wings were spread wide, reaching past the width of the inside of the entrance. I crept closer and slithered underneath one of them, worming my way past enough to see, hardening myself to what I might find.

The Christmas lights draped from the statue behind me and showed me everything.

"Belle!" Eddie shouted from up above.

I couldn't find my voice to answer because there, clustered at the bottom of the stairs, were six children in coats and hats, all made out of stone. Alive? Dead? I had no idea. My eyes filled with tears.